Chapter 12 Wang Tian VS Xiao Yang

Silence. Mu Feng's display atop the stage was simply shocking, they had never seen anything like it before but this also caused the crowd to have another though. If Mu Feng was this strong, how strong was Wang Tian, the person who defeated Mu Feng?

As this thought ran through their minds the crowd couldn't help but grow excited, it seemed that Wang Tian versus Xiao Yang wasn't going to be as one sided as they thought, who knows maybe Wang Tian would defeat Xiao Yang?

After Mu Feng left the arena he locked eyes with Wang Tian for a brief moment. "Don't bring me shame." The boy muttered before taking a seat. Hearing this Wang Tian was quite amused. 'Hahah, don't worry I was going to destroy Xiao Yang anyway.'

"Who would you like to challenge?" The Announcer asked him, but it was all too obvious who he was going to challenge. "Xiao Yang if you're still functional down there get onto this stage, otherwise the whole Sect will think you're impotent!" Wang Tian roared landing atop the arena.

"No one would think you're mute because you don't speak!" Xiao Yang's voice echoed throughout the arena, he was truly enraged. Who was Wang Tian? How dare he not only challenge him but call him impotent, Xiao Yang was furious to say the least.

Soon his stout figure descended, sword in hand. He was glaring furiously at Wang Tian, he truly wanted to cut him into mince meat. "Xiao Yang if you scowl so much you'll get all wrinkled, you're already ugly enough so its best if you don't look like a raisin as well!" Wang Tian laughed getting ready to fight.

Xiao Yang was already past his breaking point, and with that last sentence he shot towards Wang Tian at immense speed, his sword slicing through the air as it cut toward Wang Tian's neck. Seeing this attack Wang Tian merely chuckled.

Crouching slightly Wang Tian completely dodged the attack before punching Xiao Yang's knee. Alas Xiao Yang was no scrub, realising his attack had failed Xiao Yang used his momentum to send a low kick Wang Tian's way.


In an instant Wang Tian flew across the arena, but Xiao Yang wasn't any better with his left knee badly damaged. "Heh... I must admit, I might've underestimated you, underestimated your stupidity that is! You think you can beat me!?! Look at your current state!" Xiao Yang mocked as Wang Tian rose from the rubble.

Unfortunately for Xiao Yang, unlike what he and most others thought, Wang Tian was mostly unscathed. Dusting himself off the boy smirked before rushing towards Xiao Yang, his right fist tightly clenched.

Seeing this Xiao Yang was astounded. 'He's already battle ready!?' He was shocked to say the least. He knew Wang Tian was strong for his Layer but it was still a 2 Layer gap after all.

Closing in on Xiao Yang, Wang Tian's right fist abruptly opened about 2 meters away from his opponent. With a fluid throwing motion dust flew out of Wang Tian's hand towards Xiao Yang's face.


Xiao Yang was immediately blinded, as he didn't have enough time to protect his eyes with Qi. The crowd was stunned.

".....He's so shameless."

"Who would ever do that in a fight!?"

"...But you have to admit that was quite a smart move."

Opinions were split amongst the crowd as they watched the battle between the two. Some thought Wang Tian was shameless, others thought that it was the best course of action, while some simply wanted to see how the battle would progress.

Without his sight, Xiao Yang was a sitting duck, but Wang Tian knew this would only be temporary, at best he could get off another attack or so. Using all the strength he could muster, Wang Tian's fist shot towards Xiao Yang's chest.

On impact he was immediately sent flying, blood leaking from his lips. "Is this all the 7th layer is worth? How shameful." Wang Tian mocked but less than a second later, a sharp blade of shot out slicing Wang Tian's cheek.

A thin line of blood leaked as Wang Tian looked towards Xiao Yang in bewilderment. "....I HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF YOU! DIE TRASH!!!" Xiao Yang roared his sword waving through the air. To the untrained eye it would look like a clown dancing on stage, but in reality this was Xiao Yang's strongest move, the attack that had taken down Li Yan in an instant.


Lost in his rage Xiao Yang's attack covered the arena as he exhausted his qi heavily. 'What the actual fuck!?' Wang Tian was scared out of his wits, any of these attacks could damage him but there were almost 100 hurtling towards him at this moment.



As the attacks closed in on him, Wang Tian's body began to become filled with cuts as he retreated, to the point where his robes were completely tattered revealing his well trained body. 'Fuck now they can all see my physique, that's just great.... wait a second... my physique.....' A sudden epiphany dawned on Wang Tian.

Raising his hands above his head, Wang Tian's eyes flashed. "Encompassing the Heavens." With that Wang Tian's body began to move oddly as if he was doing an odd aerobic exercise, but somehow this allowed him to dodge the countless blades of qi that were closing in on him.




The arena beneath them began to turn to rubble as piece after piece of it was sliced off, but this didn't matter to Wang Tian. As if in a trance he rushed through the blades of qi, he felt like an Immortal who was traversing the sky, he felt as if, he was truly encompassing the heavens.


As the blades of qi all finally dissipated Wang Tian stood before Xiao Yang. At this point the outcome was already set in stone. "H-How....." Xiao Yang's spirits were completely crushed as he looked at Wang Tian in shock.

"You're simply untalented garbage, what else am I meant to tell you?" Wang Tian chuckled before placing his hand a bit below Xiao Yang's abdomen. Immediately a chill was sent down Xiao Yang's spine. "D-Don't! Please don't waste my cultivation!!!" Xiao Yang pleaded in fear.

"Oh? I was simply going to give you a nice belly rub, but your idea is much better, next time think twice before bullying I, Wang Tian." He mocked before slamming his palm hard into Xiao Yang's abdomen crippling his dantian. An explosion of qi immediately erupted into the surroundings as Xiao Yang lay there, wasted.

The crowd was shocked, but at the same time this outcome was expected. They were surprised Wang Tian didn't kill Xiao Yang on the spot considering their past enmity, but this was still a heavy punishment.

On the other hand the Sect's upper brass had not intention of sticking up for Xiao Yang, after all he had been a scourge within the Sect for a while, his only merit being his talent, and now that he'd lost he wasn't worth anything anymore.

"The results?" Wang Tian looked towards the Announcer. "Y-Yes, Winner No.1 of the Outer Ranking Wang Tian!"