Chapter 13 Rapid Progress

"That was quite impressive." Mu Feng muttered, taking a brief glance at Wang Tian, he was quite happy that Wang Tian had won. After all it was one thing losing to Wang Tian, and it was another losing to Wang Tian who had beat the 21st disciple on the Inner Ranking.

"You're not so bad yourself." He chuckled in response before taking a seat. The Ranking Battle had now basically concluded, all that was left was for the closing remarks and the rewards to be handed out, which needless to say, the latter of which Wang Tian was quite excited for.

Standing up, Su Jian's robes fluttered as he gazed down at the countless disciples. "Now that the Ranking Battle has ended, we will begin distributing the rewards, and finally the special reward will be announced!" Su Jian's voice echoed throughout the arena.

Hearing this the crowd was abuzz but they soon quieted down as they didn't want to miss a word. "The special reward will be attended by the top 100 Inner Disciples including Mu Feng, and Wang Tian since they're up to the standard." Su Jian explained before taking a brief pause.

"Within the Hissing Forest a Hidden Space, has been discovered within which there's an inheritance site, because of this our Skyward Sword Sect, the Mountain Shaking Sect, and the Falling Rain Sect have decided to call a temporary truce and send 100 disciples each, along with our respective Core Disciples."

An uproar immediately erupted amongst the crowd. Hidden Spaces were exceedingly rare so much so that maybe 20 of them opened per year within the Azure Tree Kingdom, not only that but those containing an inheritance site could be counted on one's fingers.

Hearing this even Wang Tian was excited, his fists clenched tightly as he took in the news. 'Hahaha, right now my growth is only limited due to my resources, how fast would I be able to advance if I pick up a treasure or two inside the Hidden Space?!' Wang Tian couldn't help but grow excited as he thought about it. Not only that but he'd be getting his Greater Qi Pills soon which would expedite his growth even further.

After this the disciples were then given their rewards as the Ranking Battle came to a close. The disciples had a week to prepare for the Hidden Space but this was enough for Wang Tian, after all he had now acquired 3 Greater Qi Pills along with 10 Qi Refining Pills, he was truly flying high. Not only that, but he now had the option to grab 2 techniques from the Technique Hall which was quite the reward.

Arriving at his shack once again, Wang Tian sat on his bed, a wide smile gracing his face. Now that he'd taken out Xiao Yang, it was as if a knot had been untied in Wang Tian's heart. Sitting down to begin his cultivation, Wang Tian found it was much smoother than before, although nothing like the increase he had attained on consuming the Marrow Cleansing Pill, it was still quite substantial.

It seemed as if the constant suppression of Xiao Yang had caused a mental blockage within Wang Tian that even he hadn't been aware of.

Popping a Greater Qi pill into his mouth Wang Tian began refining qi at a never before seen speed. If before he was a horse, his speed now would be equivalent to that of a cheetah as he rushed towards the 6th Layer.

Three days later, a small explosion echoed out from Wang Tian's shack as the roof flew into the sky before landing some distance away. Wang Tian had managed to enter the 6th Layer, officially being on the level of an Inner Disciple cultivation wise.

"That was much easier than I expected, but it still took me all my pills to achieve." He muttered before enveloping his hand in qi. This process was quite foreign to him, but Wang Tian knew better than to test this out within his shack.

If anyone else heard of Wang Tian's progress they'd cough blood in jealousy. After all the 6th Layer was considered a great bottleneck but Wang Tian had managed to cross it in 3 days! This speed was simply unheard of. Naturally though, if one took into account all of the factors it made sense. With the increased cultivation speed of his Dracodevil's Heavenly Body, in conjunction with the benefits of the Marrow Cleansing Pill, and the fact that he had finally untied a mental knot and had 3 Greater Qi pills, Wang Tian's progress made complete sense.

Exiting his shack Wang Tian began to perform "Encompassing the Heavens" after all it had come in quite handy in his previous battle and had been the catalyst for all his current achievements. Unlike his previous sessions, Wang Tian enveloped his feet in qi as he performed the movements, and the result was shocking.

Wang Tian flitted across the ground at extreme speed, so much so, that Wang Tian believed he'd be able to dodge Xiao Yang's final attack in only 2 movements now. Naturally though, this didn't last long as Wang Tian soon fell on the floor exhausted.

Encompassing the Heavens was already quite tiresome, combining that with qi usage, Wang Tian could barely last for 10 minutes before falling down half dead.

A few minutes later Wang Tian rose from the ground, having recovered from his exhaustion after a brief rest. 'Now what to do, I have 4 days left until we venture to the Hidden Space....' He was lost in thought as he planned out his next few days.

"Ah yes, the Technique Hall!" Finally Wang Tian found his answer and began making his way to the Technique Hall, the place which many disciples dreamed of. Just as he was about to leave, something caught Wang Tian's eye.

"....Wait, is that my... no, it can't be my roof right?!" And thus Wang Tian decided he needed a new place of residence, not before fixing the roof of course, after all what would he do if a flock of birds flew over and decided to shit above his shack?