Chapter 14 Techniques

" truly beyond my expectations." Wang Tian muttered in awe as he stood before the Technique Hall, unlike what its name implied the building was actually a 4 floored pagoda, and in Wang Tian's opinion, was the most majestic building in the entire Sect. Walking towards the entrance, countless disciples began to mutter as they saw him walk past.

"That's Wang Tian."

"I know I can see that."

"He's at least as strong as a 7th Layer he's too strong!"

"I always knew this guy'd be strong someday."

They conversed amongst themselves quietly, but Wang Tian could hear it all not like he cared anyway. 'This is simply the first step, once I become a Core Disciple then you all will truly be in awe!' He thought before stepping into the 4 Floored Pagoda.

Immediately his eyes settled onto a small desk where an old man was sat. His presence was unfathomable to Wang Tian and his power seemed almost limitless to Wang Tian. This man was naturally one of the Skyward Sword Sect's 4 Elders.

"Hm?" The Elder looked towards Wang Tian his eyes flashing in interest. "I've been waiting for you, you're quite the talent." He chuckled locking eyes with the boy. "Thank you for your praise." Wang Tian replied bowing lightly.

"Heh, no need for such formalities. Due to your accomplishments in the Ranking Battle, you'll be allowed to pick 2 techniques from the 2nd floor, you'll have exactly 2 hours to do so, good luck." With that the Elder tossed a token towards Wang Tian, it functioned as a clock of sorts and would indicate when he'd have to leave the floor.

If a disciple delayed and took too long to leave a floor then they wouldn't be allowed to keep the techniques they selected, so time was of the essence.

Nodding towards the Elder, Wang Tian then headed up to the 2nd floor. According to Wang Tian's knowledge, the 1st floor was reserved for Outer Disciples, the 2nd floor Inner Disciples, the 3rd floor Core Disciples, but in regards to the 4th floor Wang Tian had no clue what lay within it.

Reaching the 2nd floor Wang Tian began looking around, while he didn't take much notice of the 1st floor due to it being useless to him, the 2nd floor on the other hand had caught his interest. From the looks of it there were about 4 long book shelves filled with various manuals, neatly divided into, "Movement", "Fist", "Sword," and "Other".

This increased efficiency and the likelihood that a disciple would find the technique they required, after all the stronger the disciples were, the stronger the Sect would become so where possible the Sect always made things easier for the disciples.

After a few seconds of deliberation Wang Tian headed to the "Fist" section and began to browse through the techniques. Some caught his eye, others seemed unsuitable to him, and other techniques although cool seemed impractical.

Some times later Wang Tian settled on 5 different fist techniques.

"Vermillion Fist"

"9 Lion Fist"

"Mountain Crushing Fist"

"Splitting Ocean Fist"

"Unstoppable Tiger's Dominating Fist"

Each technique was classified as a Mortal Middle Grade technique, which was the requirement for them to be placed in the 2nd Floor. Techniques were classified from Mortal, Yellow, Black, Earth, and Sky with grades of Low, Middle, and High in between them.

This meant that all 5 of these techniques were relative in strength, although they had their own strengths and weaknesses. Firstly Vermillion Fist could ignite the fist so that every attack would be laced with fire to burn the opponent, but Wang Tian soon threw this technique out.

He didn't exactly train in anything fire attributed and while the premise sounded cool, he didn't want to accidentally burn his clothes. The 2nd technique 9 Lion Fist, was more to his liking, a ferocious technique designed to make all those who oppose it feel like they're being attacked by 9 lions, but Wang Tian was also dissatisfied with this technique.

While the technique harbored a strong ferocious nature, it was just that, the technique itself seemed to focus more on intimidation then actual power. Now there was the Mountain Crushing Fist, an all around strong technique in Wang Tian's opinion, but the issue was it only had one move, as did Splitting Ocean Fist, meaning Wang Tian was left with the final option, Unstoppable Tiger's Dominating Fist.

Reading this technique Wang Tian couldn't help but go red with embarrassment, he had been reluctant to pick this technique due to its absurd name, but it truly had everything he needed. Versatility, power, and a sense of dominance, so it ended up being Wang Tian's final choice.

'Now what else can I pick? I have a movement technique, a fist technique, all I am really missing is a sword technique I guess.' Wang Tian pondered before heading to the sword technique section. He had trained in the sword for a number of years but lately he hadn't been feeling much passion for it, but regardless he still decided to pick a sword technique.

After browsing through the techniques for about 10 minutes, Wang Tian finally settled on the "North Wind Sword" an overall swift technique with a good amount of versatility in Wang Tian's opinion. It was more of a silent killing type of technique rather than a flashy dominating kind of move.

Happy with his decision Wang Tian then went down to the front desk and handed the 2 techniques to the Elder. "Hmmm, interesting decisions but they make sense, good judgement." The Elder commended, writing some things down before handing Wang Tian the techniques.

"Train hard, if you can make any more progress in this time, then you'll surely be unstoppable." Hearing this Wang Tian bowed before exiting the Technique Hall, he'd have to train these techniques as best as he could if he wanted to truly shine in the Hidden Space.