Chapter 15 Departure

"Haaa!" Wang Tian exhaled as he threw out a punch, he had been training his new techniques relentlessly but had little success over all, only managing to learn the 1st move of each technique.

While his cultivation speed and overall strength had indeed increased, Wang Tian realised he lacked greatly when it came to comprehension. Not to say that he was necessarily bad in that aspect, but rather it couldn't keep up with Wang Tian's current rate of growth. After all even within the entire Azure Tree Kingdom Wang Tian's cultivation talent was now unmatched, on the other hand his comprehension ability left a lot to be desired.

Nonetheless Wang Tian wasn't disheartened, after all he was already much stronger than he could've ever dreamed of being a few months ago. 'Hmmm, it should be time around now.' The boy pondered before heading into his shack.

A few minutes later Wang Tian exited his shack outfitted in his white robes, with a sword attached to his waist. After obtaining his techniques Wang Tian had acquired a new sword so that he could practice the North Wind Sword, after all his practice sword had shattered some time ago.

Arriving at the Sect Gate, Wang Tian passed by many Outer Disciples who were there to send off their fellow Sect Members. Reaching the crowd of Inner Disciples, Wang Tian stood amongst them waiting for their departure.

As soon as he arrived murmurs began to erupt amongst the crowd but that was of no concern to Wang Tian, right now his only concern was the Hidden Space.

Some time later 10 people arrived, immediately the crowd erupted as they all pointed at the 10 new comers, these were the Skyward Sword Sect's 10 Core Disciples, the future of their Sect and the people who'd be leading them in the future.

Alas, even amongst the 10 of them there was 1 who shined brighter than the rest. Standing at the forefront of the Core Disciples, he was donned in light blue robes, and had a majestic aura around him.

As he approached the crowd, he smiled, his azure eyes shining brightly as they scanned the crowd, eventually landing upon Wang Tian. "I've heard of your exploits Junior Brother Wang, I am looking forward to see your performance within the Hidden Space." The Core Disciple said as he approached Wang Tian.

Hearing this he was shocked. This was the strongest disciple within the Skyward Sword Sect, at the age of 18 he was unmatched by his peers so much so that the other 2 Sects quaked in their boots whenever he was mentioned.

"I am Su Wu, I am not sure if you've heard of me before." He introduced himself as he locked eyes with Wang Tian. "Of course I've heard of you! Senior Brother Su, there is no disciple in the entire Skyward Sword Sect who doesn't look up to you." Wang Tian immediately replied, he had never met Su Wu before but he was much nicer than he had imagined him to be.

In Wang Tian's mind he had thought Su Wu would be an arrogant and cold man. Being the son of the Sect Leader Su Jian and a great talent, he had the right to be arrogant after all, but instead he seemed quite amicable.

"I am unworthy of such praise. I hope you'll look out for me within the Hidden Space." Su Wu bowed slightly. "Haha, if anything I should be the one saying that." Wang Tian chuckled awkwardly before bowing in response.

After this small interlude, the Sect Leader and the 4 Elders appeared. "We shall be heading to the Hissing Forest now, our journey should take about a day, I hope you have all adequately prepared." Su Jian declared with a stern look. "Yes!" The disciples replied.

With that, the group began to make their way to the Hidden Space. The party was headed by Su Jian, while the 4 Elders stayed behind to take care of the Sect while they were gone, because while this wouldn't be a long trip, it was not necessarily a short one either.

Entering the Hissing Forest, there was no way the group of 100+ cultivators would go undetected. Beasts began to growl and circle around the group, but before anything could begin a strong presence spread out scaring the beasts away.

"Hmph!" Su Jian grunted, a look of disdain flashing in his eyes. Naturally Su Jian had scared away all of the surrounding beasts so that their trip could continue without a hitch. 'This man, no, the Essence Condensing Realm is simply too strong!' Wang Tian was in awe once again with the power of their Sect Leader.

As the trip continued Wang Tian began to grow bored. While the other disciples chatted amongst themselves, he knew absolutely none of them, while Su Wu had greeted him earlier he was now at the very front of the party acting as a sort of vanguard.

".....Seems you've improved once again." A voice sounded behind Wang Tian as if answering his prayers. Turning around Wang Tian immediately locked eyes with the figure, it was Mu Feng and it seemed his nose had finally healed allowing his pretty boy face to shine once again.

"Mhm, as have you it seems." Wang Tian replied, slowing his pace down so that he'd be in line with Mu Feng. Since they were the only 2 Outer Disciples attending it seemed only appropriate that they'd stick together.

"Of course, while you may have defeated me before there won't be a next time, after all I am only 14 years old, at best you've just been a small obstacle in my path." Mu Feng declared with a blank face. "Ah really? You're a funny guy, but seeing as you're my Junior Brother, I'll humor you." Wang Tian smiled.

Hearing this Mu Feng seemed ticked off, shaking his head slightly. "Seeing as you don't believe me, lets make a bet. Whoever does the best between the 2 of us within the Hidden Space owes the other a favor. Deal?" The little boy said gazing at Wang Tian.

"Sure fine by me, I hope you're good with a broom, I'll need you to clean up my shack a bit." Wang Tian laughed, after that Wang Tian continued making conversation with Mu Feng although he didn't seem too receptive.

As the sun began to set over the horizon, the party finally made it to the designated location and began to set up camp, they had finally arrived at the Hidden Space.