Chapter 16 Hidden Space


A humming noise permeated the air, seemingly from the small crack in space that floated in the air. This was naturally the Hidden Space. Upon seeing it the disciples of the Skyward Sword Sect were excited, so much so that they could barely stop themselves from rushing towards the Hidden Space.

"Sect Master!" A disciple saluted as he came out of the woods. "Anything of note?" Su Jian replied concernedly. "Nothing of importance, the other Sects have yet to arrive but apart from that they have made no attempts to enter." He reported before the two went off to the side.

Hearing this the disciples sighed in relief before settling down. Naturally this was the scout the Sect had left, if the other sects tried any suspicious movements he'd immediately alert the Sect Master and Elders, and then a war would ensue. Luckily the other two Sects had no intention of violating the previous agreement or so it seemed.

Setting up a small makeshift bed Wang Tian sighed it had been a long day and he finally wanted to get some rest. On the other hand Mu Feng seemed to be having some trouble, as he fumbled around with a frustrated expression on his face.

"....Do you need some help?" Wang Tian asked barely holding back his laughter. "...Help? What help? I was just looking... for this rock, right here." The boy replied awkwardly before walking away hurriedly. After giving the matter some thought, Wang Tian decided to head to bed, in his opinion Mu Feng was old enough to take care of himself.

The next day the Skyward Sword Sect stood in front of the crack in space, but this time there were two other forces to their left and right. They were naturally the Mountain Shaking Sect, and the Falling Rain Sect.

The disciples from the Mountain Shaking Sect, were large and burly donned in brown robes, while their Core Disciples wore deep red robes. On the other hand the Falling Rain Sect's disciples seemed much smaller in comparison, but that didn't mean they lacked strength, their Inner Disciples wore white robes lined with blue, while their Core Disciples wore similar robes with a rain drop embroidered on the front.

Now everyone had finally been gathered, and tensions were high. Naturally the 3 Sects didn't like each other much, having competed for decades over dominance within this region of the Azure Tree Kingdom, but this appearance of the Hidden Space could change everything.

Depending on what was found the balance between the 3 could easily crumble, meaning that this matter was of utmost importance. "According to our agreement, we should let them in now." The Falling Rain Sect's Sect Master said, glancing at his fellow Sect Masters.

"I am fine with letting them in now." Su Jian nodded, after all there was no point in delaying further. "Hmph! I'll allow it." The Mountain Shaking Sect's Sect Master also agreed.

A few seconds later the disciples began to head in, this would be the most dangerous moment in some of their lives, but it could also be the most fruitful journey as well. "Remember once inside stick together, and where possible listen to your Seniors." Su Jian's voice echoed out.

"Good luck." Mu Feng murmured before entering the crack in space, although he was clam on the surface he was more eager than even Wang Tian to enter the Hidden Space. "You're gonna regret saying that." Wang Tian smiled before also stepping forth.

Once inside, space immediately began to warp for Wang Tian as his vision changed. Soon he found himself upon a plain much like the one he was on previously, but in front of him stood 3 separate mountains.

Above each of the peaks a bright projection shone, above the leftmost peak a projection of an eye gazed down at all those below, above the centermost peak a gigantic sword stood upright with an imposing aura, and on the rightmost peak a large tree bearing an ethereal fruit took root.

Seeing this all the disciples were in awe. It was not every day you'd see massive projections of astral light just floating in the air. Just as they were about to begin their hunt, a voice resounded throughout the area.

"The Mountain of Insight, atop its peak one may find the Bead of Wonder. The Mountain of Vitality, atop its peak one may find the Fruit of Might. Lastly the Mountain of Solitude, one may find my true legacy." A majestic voice reverberated through the air.

Hearing this the disciples all looked at one another with excitement. It was easy to infer which treasure was atop which mountain. The mountain with the eye was obviously the Mountain of Insight, the mountain with the tree was naturally the Mountain of Vitality, and so on so forth.

Now the question was, which mountain would they try and explore. Right now there was a sort of silent truce due to the circumstances, but it was ready to explode at any second. Unlike the rest of the disciples Wang Tian had already made up his mind.

Dashing out of the crowd Wang Tian rushed towards the Mountain of Vitality, simultaneously 2 other figures also rushed out. One was Mu Feng who was rushing towards the Mountain of Insight, while the other was Su Wu who was rushing towards the Mountain Solitude.

Noticing each other, the 3 nodded before rushing at full speed. "HOW DARE YOU!" A core disciple of the Mountain Shaking Sect screamed before rushing forward. Without a care in the world the 3 disciples of the Skyward Sword Sect had already begun the hunt without giving the other 2 Sects a chance to make a move.

This wouldn't last for long though, as 2 more figures charged out of the crowd, with that the rest of the disciples took it as a signal, and the 300 disciples charged out roaring vigorously, this was going to be a blood bath.