Chapter 19 Fruit of Might

"So, this has definitely been a fruitful journey." Wang Tian chuckled to himself as he gazed at the red fruit. Currently he had stopped within a small stone shack he had found at the end of the path. He didn't think much of it and was simply using it as a place to rest and recuperate.

Now that some time had passed, Wang Tian had to make a move. From what he knew the Hidden Space wouldn't close for at least a few days meaning he theoretically had enough time to refine the fruit and increase his strength.

Right now Wang Tian was confident in taking down anyone up until the 8th Layer of Qi Refinement, past that stage Wang Tian believed he'd still stand a chance and could potentially win but it'd require him to use his trump card which was the Dracodevil's Heavenly Body life saving technique. Wang Tian liked to call this technique Heavenly Burst, but he still hadn't tried it yet.

Finally after some time Wang Tian finally decided to consume the Fruit of Might. In one swift motion he consumed the fruit, and the strong energy immediately began gushing into his body. Almost instantly his skin turned bright red as he diffused the energy within his blood.

The experience was extremely similar to when he had consumed the Marrow Cleansing Pill but also different in a sense. This was because while the aptly named pill specifically targeted the marrow the Fruit of Might would instinctively target the place in the body which would yield most results.

Naturally Wang Tian didn't know this but nonetheless he continued to refine the energy within his body, his blood boiled as it turned and transformed while the impure blood was released from his body through his various orifices.

This process continued for about half a day until finally Wang Tian's body cooled at a dramatic rate. "Haaa, Haaa, that was the most terrible experience I've ever been through." He almost cried as he breathed out lying face up on the floor of the cold stone shack.

After some time Wang Tian's body had recovered so he moved around to test his prowess. 'My body feels much heavier than before.' He thought to himself as he rose to his feet.

Letting out a light punch the air trembled before it shot out under the pressure of Wang Tian's fist. Seeing this he was shocked to say the least. 'That was at least twice as strong as it was before.' With this thought Wang Tian let out another punch and yet again he was amazed at the phenomenon produced.

Finally Wang Tian decided to let out a full force punch, immediately the air within the stone shack raged as it blew around forcefully. From the outside it would look like a tornado had formed within the room but in reality this was merely the force Wang Tian's punch had produced.

'With this much power, I could have ended Xiao Yang with one punch.' This thought shocked Wang Tian, and he was sure he was right after all he himself had fought Xiao Yang and defeated him, so he knew what it took to pummel the bastard.

Escaping the brief trance he found himself in, Wang Tian then smiled as he was about to leave the shack. He was now confident in fighting any foes he might find, besides Wang Tian was Wang Tian he wouldn't simply hide and wait for his enemies to arrive, that is, assuming he had the upper hand.

Just as he was about to exit the shack, a loud rumble echoed throughout the Hidden Space, before a blinding light pierced through the mountains, even Wang Tian had to squint as the light entered from the stone shack's windows.

"The fuck?" He muttered in shock, but before he could even register what was going on, he suddenly felt as if he lost his footing. "Wai-AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Wang Tian's voice echoed but no one could hear him. The ground beneath his feet had disappeared as he began following into an abyss.

What made things worse was that Wang Tian couldn't see at all, not only that but he was literally following to his death. 'Fuck, what can I do!?' He frantically thought, until finally he grabbed his sword at his waist before desperately attempting to plunge it into the wall.


Unfortunately his sword bounced off without even scraping the wall. All hope was lost, that was Wang Tian's only method he had possibly come up with for his survival, resigning to his fate he continued his fall protecting his body with qi as much as possible until finally he landed.


Dropping straight into a deep body of water Wang Tian rejoiced before immediately swimming up, and dragging his body out of the water. "Whew, I somehow survived." The boy sighed in relief blinking without end.

There was a dim blue light around the lake emitting from an odd crystal embedded in the stone walls. As his eyes adjusted Wang Tian looked around, specifically at the hole he just fell down from. "It seems this pool of sorts was placed specifically as a landing point." He muttered as he continued inspecting his surroundings.

From where he stood there was only one path, naturally he had no chance of climbing his way out, so the only way was to go down the path in front of him. 'Could it be related to that rumble?' He pondered before beginning his trek down the dim eerie path. While the crystals provided some light, it wasn't anything special simultaneously, at best comparable to a soft candle light.

Some time later Wang Tian finally arrived at what he assumed to be the next segment of this cave. It was a round stone room with 3 path ways connecting to it. One that Wang Tian had just walked down and the other two leading from who knows where.

Opposite the 3 paths was a large door made out of a material Wang Tian didn't recognise which had 3 distinct spaces on it, as if requiring 3 keys to access it. 'What is this place?' Just as this thought crossed his mind Wang Tian suddenly heard footsteps come from one of the paths.