Chapter 20 Another Room?

As the footsteps drew closer Wang Tian got ready to fight as he took a battle stance. Eventually a figure appeared within his view. It was a much shorter figure than Wang Tian imagined, the boy only reached around his chin height wise.

"Damn it, how are you here?" The boy groaned as he locked eyes with Wang Tian. A smirk immediately graced his face as they locked eyes. "Seems you haven't done too badly Mu Feng, how did you end up here?" Wang Tian questioned curiously.

In his view while Mu Feng was talented there was no way he had obtained the Bead of Wonder so he must have gotten lucky, or maybe the Mountain of Insight was designed differently, he could only make a guess.

"Hmph! You think that trash can compare to me? I obtained the Bead of Wonder and was led here after completing a maze. Let me guess, you obtained the Fruit of Might?" Mu Feng replied with a smirk. Hearing this Wang Tian was impressed, 'He actually managed to beat all the other geniuses?' he thought before nodding.

"Not surprised your presence is..... much stronger, besides I doubt anyone within the 3 Sects can compare to your physique so it was only natural." Mu Feng muttered before scanning the room. "It seems we'll require the victor from the Mountain of Solitude." He continued, and almost instantly after another set of footsteps echoed out.

Hearing them the 2 were immediately on guard, gazing towards the path ready to strike at a moment's notice. "Ah Junior Brother Wang, Junior Brother Mu I am surprised you 2 have made it here." The man said as he entered the room.

Seeing the figure the two immediately sighed in relief, after all the man who had just appeared was their Senior Brother, Su Wu. The man had a certain elegance about him, his bright blue eyes shining as they locked eyes with Wang Tian and then Mu Feng.

"Hmm, I am glad you two made it here, you were the victors of your respective mountains?" He questioned scanning the room. In response they both nodded before also turning their attentions towards the door.

"From what I understand, you guys must have obtained similar tokens right?" Mu Feng asked as he showcased a golden token. Its form was almost identical to Wang Tian's token apart from a small change in the bottom part of the token.

"Mhm its as Junior Brother said, I've also obtained such a token, I assume Junior Brother Wang possesses one also?" Su Wu replied as he too showcased his token. Seeing as it was his turn to reveal his Wang Tian simply smiled before showing them the token.

"Great, then it seems we can proceed. Logically we'll probably have to place them in accordance to our path. As in I'd place it in the leftmost position, Senior Brother Su places it in the centermost, while Senior Brother Wang can place it in the rightmost position." Mu Feng deduced before moving towards the door.

As they begun placing their tokens a thought suddenly occurred to Wang Tian. "By the way what was the reward for the Mountain of Solitude?" He asked, inserting the token into the door. Hearing this Su Wu glanced at Wang Tian briefly before sighing. "I am not so sure myself, I only obtained a key." Su Wu sighed as he too inserted his token.

Now that all 3 tokens were inserted, the door finally showed a reaction. Almost instantly the cave began to rumble as the door seemed to move, gradually opening up revealing yet another stone room, except this time the room wasn't empty.

In the center stood a figure, while behind him a sword was inserted into an altar. To the left of the room a small box stood upon a pillar. Immediately Wang Tian was confused. 'I understand the box that should be what Su Wu's key is for but this figure?' He pondered as he scanned the surroundings.

Mu Feng was also baffled as he took in the surroundings. As the weakest of the 3 he was naturally the most cautious, not to mention that he was naturally just a cautious individual to begin with.

Only Su Wu seemed unperturbed, no, he could barely contain himself. A wide smile graced his face while his eyes glowed in delight. His expression soon settled though, as he locked onto the figure before them.

"What the hell is this place." Mu Feng muttered drawing his sword, he was taking no chances. On the other hand Wang Tian wasn't exactly sure what to do. 'That's either a puppet or a dead man, I don't know which one I want to see least.' Wang Tian thought as he stared intently at the figure.

Before the 2 could even make a decision Su Wu stepped forward sword in hand as he locked onto the figure in the middle. After 5 steps Su Wu flicked his sword lightly sending a vast amount of power slamming onto the figure. On impact the figure shot backward collapsing into itself, seemingly destroyed.

Seeing this Wang Tian felt a bit relieved. 'Seems its not as str-' But before he could even finish this train of thought the figure rose up its red eyes shining while its scraggily black hair covered half of its crinkly pale white face. Its red robes swayed ominously as it smiled devilishly at Su Wu. Almost instantly the figure shot forward its hand clawing towards Su Wu's face.

"Dividing Sky."

Su Wu muttered before swinging his sword vertically down, an azure aura wrapping around his blade. The two attacks clashed creating a small shockwave as both the figure and Su Wu were pushed back a step.

The figure then dashed around Su Wu aiming for Mu Feng this time. 'Wind Slice.' He thought, his sword humming as it slashed towards the figure. From his estimates he had no chance when clashing against this figure, after all he was no where near Su Wu currently so he'd definitely suffer a loss.


Instantly the pressure pushed Mu Feng back, as Wang Tian stood before him. His fist had clashed with the figure's claw sending it flying backwards and saving Mu Feng in the process. "You owe me one." Wang Tian chuckled, flashing Mu Feng a smile.

"Before that you should probably deal with it first." Mu Feng hurriedly replied as the figure dashed at them once again, this time with an even greater fervor. "HMPH! Was the one fist not enough?" Wang Tian roared slamming his fist into the figure once again.

This time the clash went much differently. While the figure was indeed pushed back, it barely took a step back, the red glow in its eyes brightening as a vast killing intent began emanating from it. 'What the fuck? Is it getting stronger!?' Wang Tian thought in shock, this time he'd use his full force.

"Tiger's Ferocious Charge!" He yelled as an outline of a tiger appeared around Wang Tian's fist. In response the figure's claws turned blood red slashing towards Wang Tian with even more ferocity than all of its previous attacks combined.


The collision was even greater than before, the figure was shot away at extreme speed while Wang Tian had suffered a few cuts on his fist. "This thing is a monster, it keeps powering up." Wang Tian groaned.

"Yes, we can't keep going on like this. Wang Tian during the next attack restrain it as much as possible so I can deal the finishing blow." Su Wu suggested as his eyes flickered between Wang Tian the figure. "Got it." He replied as he got ready for the next bout.

Once again the figure rose up this time even stronger than before, its eyes immediately locked onto Wang Tian. Its killing intent was palpable as the ground beneath began to crack from its mere existence.

Immediately began dashing towards Wang Tian leaving him shocked. At that speed Wang Tian would be seriously injured if he didn't deal with this as seriously as possible. 'Fuck it, I'll bring out Encompassing the Heavens.'

Wang Tian rose his hands above his head before he began moving oddly. The technique was much more effective than when he had used it against Xiao Yang, as now it was further amplified with his qi allowing him to move much faster and much more effectively than before.

Engaging with the figure, Wang Tian once again used Tiger's Ferocious Charge, using his increased speed along with his fist technique to amplify his strength to much greater levels than before. Simultaneously Su Wu dashed in from another angle following closely behind the figure which seemed completely enraptured with Wang Tian.

Then they clashed, Wang Tian's fist with the figure's claws, immediately Wang Tian felt his arm creak as an expression of pain graced his face. The figure wasn't that much better off either as it took a step back, its claws showing visible signs of cracking.

Wang Tian then immediately charged towards the figure in a grabbing motion. "NOW!" He screamed as he locked the creature down. Immediately Su Wu's sword flitted through the air. "Sky Cutter." He murmured before his sword sliced off the figure's head.