Chapter 21 The Sword

"Huff, huff, huff." Wang Tian exhaled heavily, falling backwards. "That was quite the fight, at least none of us died." Su Wu remarked sheathing his sword. The trio then glanced around the room once again.

Now that the figure had been taken care of they could finally harvest the treasures in the room. Naturally those treasures were the box upon the pillar, and the sword which was inserted into the altar. Looking at it again, Wang Tian actually quite liked the design of the sword. It had a pure white blade with a golden circular guard. The guard of the sword was engraved with clouds while the hilt of the sword was an azure blue in colour.

Getting up from the ground, Wang Tian began to approach the sword, but before he could get too close Su Wu hurried in front of him. "Before we decide on the sword, could I please open the box first. Then we can decide on who gets the sword afterward." Su Wu said while continuously glancing at the sword.

Wang Tian nodded in response, he could sense something odd in Su Wu's gaze but he wasn't sure what it was. Nonetheless so far Su Wu had been nothing but nice to him, so he decided to accept his terms and wait for him to open the box.

Seeing this Su Wu sighed in relief before walking towards the box key in hand. "Do you guys want to see what's inside or no?" Su Wu asked as he inserted the key. Wang Tian and Mu Feng then walked over in curiosity, they had stayed back before out of respect but now that he was inviting them over who were they to decline?

Turning the key, the box clicked open revealing a book inside. Its title read "My Legacy" and immediately the trio began reading the book. Su Wu especially seemed breathless as he opened up the cover.

"My name will probably have been forgotten by the time you are reading this, I was once known as the strongest but now I am nothing more then another footnote in history. Having been born with little I rose above my peers and always held true to my sword, day in and day out I trained like no other harder than anyone else, for a time, I was unrivalled.

That was at least until, I met that "mad man". He was my worst enemy and yet my strongest rival, we had fought over a hundred battles, but now that man has grown too unbridled, too untamed. After our final confrontation we had both been left seriously injured, I am not sure if he has or will succumbed to his injuries but for your sake I hope that is the case.

I myself am unable to overcome my injuries so I must leave this here. Hopefully the one who reads this is one of my descendants if not I entrust you with this map and that sword, it will be strongest in the hands of one of my kin and they know what to do with the map, if you deliver the sword to them I guarantee they'll help you with the map. If they are still alive they will probably be using my moniker in one way or another, in fact I should tell you my name.

I am, the Skyward Sword Saint."

Reading this Mu Feng and Wang Tian were stunned, while Su Wu had a bitter smile on his face, a tear falling from his eye. Turning the page revealed a map which had a big red X on it at a location known as the "Screeching Winds".

Closing the book Su Wu kept it safely in his robes before turning to the two. "I wasn't sure that this would be in the box but it seems I was right. Do you two understand now?" Su Wu questioned with a bitter smile on his face.

Naturally they did, after all they'd be stupid not to. 'So it seems Su Wu is that man's descendent, otherwise his sadness wouldn't make sense, also the correlation between Skyward Sword Sect, and Skyward Sword Saint is just too obvious.' Wang Tian mused before glancing at the sword.

Honestly he'd be lying if he said he didn't want the sword, but simultaneously it just didn't make sense to fight with Su Wu over the sword. Firstly it would be a hassle and after they left the Hidden Space he'd be in deep shit, secondly he had already profited and lastly although he had some attainments in the sword he wasn't all that good with swords anyway. That's not even taking into account the fact that if the book is to be believed he wouldn't be able to utilise the sword's true power.

"So where does the map lead?" Mu Feng inquired. After all he had the same thoughts as Wang Tian, but that didn't mean they couldn't reap some other benefits. Hearing this Su Wu had a thoughtful expression on his face before something dawned on him.

"I am not exactly sure of the details, but this shouldn't be all of his inheritance. While the Skyward Sword, the Fruit of Might and the Bead of Wonder are definitely precious treasures, especially the sword they're only 3 items, it would be weird if that was everything. The map probably leads to the rest of his wealth." Su Wu replied before fixing his gaze on the sword.

"And how do we have a guarantee that you won't turn on us once we're out of this place?" Mu Feng continued his questioning. After all it would be more beneficial to Su Wu and his father if they killed Wang Tian and Mu Feng and kept all the inheritance for themselves.

"Well, there's no real guarantee, I guess you'll just have to trust me. According to what my father told me it was mandated that the 3 who obtain the map are to be allies of the Clan unless already considered enemies and since you two are already part of the Sect that holds true even more." He responded.

While this hadn't settled all of their worries, it was useless to continue arguing over this. 'Worst comes to worst I'll just flee, if the Sect Master comes after me hopefully the other 2 Sects will be mad enough that they didn't obtain anything that they'll start a fight. But hopefully Su Wu is telling the truth.'

As Su Wu approached the sword, his pace increased until finally he almost running towards the sword. Once he was in front of it, he reached out his hand and grasped the hilt before pulling it out of the altar in one smooth motion.

He then grasped the sword before pointing it towards his forehead. "Every sword needs a sheathe." Su Wu then stabbed himself in the head with the sword. Wang Tian and Mu Feng were shocked to say the least, but before the blade could pierce his forehead it exploded lighting up the entire room in an azure colour.

Turning around Su Wu smiled at the two. "Sorry if I scared you guys, this has to do with what was mentioned in the book." He explained before approaching them. But they didn't hear anything he said, rather the two were staring at the sword shaped mark between Su Wu's eyebrows.

This whole scene was truly bizarre to say the least but they soon recollected themselves. Just as Su Wu was about to speak once again, Wang Tian's vision blurred as space seemed to shift, he could vaguely hear something as suddenly the scene in front of him shifted.