Chapter 30 Red Ridge City

"We've finally made it." Su Wu sighed as they exited the Hissing Forest. They had finally arrived in front of Red Ridge City. It got its name due to its peculiar placement, that being Red Ridge. Wang Tian had no clue how they had managed to build a city on such terrain.

Now all they had was a few hundred meters left until they entered and the Sect was disbanded. "Brothers, this will be our last journey together it seems." A disciple said as they continued their march towards the city. "Mhm its been a good run, its just sad the others couldn't make it." Another replied.

"Well, lets not spend our last moments together in sadness, we fucked up those bastards quite well after all." One of them laughed. "All thanks to Brother Wang Tian." A disciple added on. "We all played our part that day." Wang Tian dismissed the praise with a smile.

Like this they continued to chat amongst each other as they walked down the grassy path. A few minutes later they made it in front of the gate of Red Ridge City. Seeing the large group of young cultivators the guards were alarmed, especially when they looked at the young man at the forefront.

"What brings you all to Red Ridge City?" The guard asked warily, after all he was only a mere 7th Layer Qi Refinement cultivator what was he going to do if all these people ganged up on him. "We simply want to move in here, I hope that won't be an issue." Su Wu replied before taking out a bag.

"This should be more than enough for everyone here to enter the city. I hope you won't make things difficult for us." Su Wu added on as he handed the guard the bag. It was full of gold coins, to enter Red Ridge City one must pay 1 gold coin per person entering.

"Mhm more than enough, you may all pass through." The guard felt the bag and knew that it was more than enough. The disciples then entered the city and were quite amazed. It was big, very big and due to the city's geographical location all building were built at an angle making it look quite picturesque.

Not to mention the hustle and bustle of the citizens within the city. After entering the group quickly arrived in a secluded area, here they would disband the Sect.

"From now on, I am no longer your Senior Brother and the Skyward Sword Sect is no more. Be careful within this city people here are quite strong in comparison to those in Skyward City. I suggest teaming up amongst yourselves and making a living before travelling to some cities further east of here. If you can arrive in a Large City your cultivation has a much higher chance of reaching greater heights. Good luck everyone, and good bye." Su Wu dismissed them all.


They all replied in unison. Along the way Su Wu had already informed them all as much as possible so they weren't ignorant of what to do next. Not to mention that they had already formed groups amongst themselves to make the transition more smooth.

A few minutes later the disciples divided themselves and went their own separate ways, if they'd ever see each other again was up to fate, although was probably highly likely unless they left Red Ridge City.

Almost an hour later only Wang Tian, Mu Feng and Su Wu stood there waiting. "Hm, why are you two still here?" Su Wu asked slightly dazed. "Like we're gonna let you run off with all the inheritance, why do you think we're still here?" Wang Tian chuckled. Mu Feng also nodded in agreement.

"I see, well I am glad you two are still interested." Su Wu smiled, he didn't want to go search for the inheritance on his own. "Why do you seem happy that we're coming with you. Shouldn't you be annoyed that you have to divide the treasures?" Mu Feng asked curiously.

"Hm? While dividing treasures may be an issue to some, I am not too bothered. My Ancestor had said his greatest regret was that he hadn't made more friends when he died. I don't want to make the same mistake." Su Wu replied, which caused Mu Feng to raise a brow in surprise.

Even Wang Tian was quite skeptical, then again as long as he had known Su Wu, which wasn't all that long in fairness, he had been quite congenial. After this the 3 stood there in silence for some time, they still weren't all that close.

"Ahem, well first what are we going to do?" Wang Tian questioned. Since they'd have to travel as a group for now, it seemed like asking for everyone's opinion was for the best. "Well I suggest we go to an inn first, we shouldn't exactly be talking about this out in the open." Mu Feng replied, and he was completely right.

Wang Tian and Su Wu while not exactly dumb did forget to think first sometimes, especially Wang Tian. But he was beginning to correct that flaw somewhat, at least partially. "Alright then, do any of you have any money?" Su Wu asked, he had used all his money to buy their entry.

Hearing this Mu Feng shook his and Wang Tian was about to likewise do the same, when he remembered the saber he had stolen from Gong You. "How much do you think this is worth?" Wang Tian asked as he pulled out the Mountain Shaking Saber.

At first the two were shocked but then they remembered the final battle a few days ago. 'Why did I forget he had this.' Su Wu facepalmed, before taking the saber from Wang Tian's hands. "We should get quite a bit, it is a Yellow Grade weapon after all." Su Wu noted as he felt its sharpness.

"Seems I am rich then." Wang Tian smiled as he took the saber back. The three then headed towards the nearest merchant shop, there journey was just beginning.