Chapter 31 Haggling

"Heavenly King's Treasure House. This place yours Wang Tian?" Su Wu chuckled as they stood before the grand structure. It had four floors and the entire building seemed to be covered in gold from top to bottom. By merely existing it exuded a sense of immense wealth.

Entering the building they soon found themselves in a large hall filled with various items. From weapons to pills, they had almost everything. 'Is the difference between a Small City and a Medium City that large?' Wang Tian was in awe at the scale.

"Hello what can I do for you today?" A woman soon walked up to them, she was dressed very neatly and was clearly quite experienced in regards to business matters. "Hmm, we're looking for Yellow Grade weapons." Mu Feng lied.

"...Yellow Grade? That's not something our establishment has in great quantities.... I'll go check for you." She replied, once she was out of ear shot Su Wu grabbed Mu Feng's shoulder before asking. "Why did you lie to her, we can't afford a Yellow Grade weapon." Su Wu murmured.

"Well do you know how much a Yellow Grade weapon costs? We need to see their price point so we don't get scammed." Mu Feng explained, like he'd trust merchants to give them a fair deal. "Mhm, that makes sense." Wang Tian muttered.

"Cough, my bad." Su Wu muttered as he let go of Mu Feng's shoulder, he didn't like to lie and that lady had seemed quite nice so he felt bad about it. But it was true that merchants were known for being quite unscrupulous.

A few minutes later the lady came back with a catalogue in hand. "Here you go this should have all the information on Yellow Grade weapons within our establishment." She smiled while handing them the catalogue.

Sifting through it, Mu Feng quickly calculated the average price of Yellow Grade weapons. 'Since its the Mountain Shaking Sect's treasure it should also be quite decent among Yellow Grade weapons. Also sabers are one of the 3 most popular weapon types.' Mu Feng thought before closing the catalogue.

"Okay I am done reading. I have a business proposition for you, we have a Yellow Grade Saber here, it should be worth 2100 but I'll sell it to you at a nice 2000 gold coins because I am feeling generous." Mu Feng explained as he gestured for Wang Tian to show his saber.

'I thought they wanted to buy a weapon, when did it become a sales pitch?' The lady was completely flabbergasted. "Sorry could you repeat that?" The lady replied. Mu Feng's brow creased in response. He didn't like to talk much, but he decided to repeat what he said, after all business is business.

"....So you want to sell that saber right?" She asked in confirmation. "Yes." Mu Feng nodded. The lady then looked towards Wang Tian and Su Wu to make sure. Seeing her gaze they simply nodded. Sometimes they forgot Mu Feng was only 14 years old.

"Okay, let me just check with the manager." She sighed before leaving once again. First they wanted to see the Yellow Weapons catalogue, now they wanted to sell a Yellow weapon. The only thing that kept this lady going was that she'd get a commission once they sold the saber, assuming they bought it of course.

This time the response was much swifter. Less than a minute later a chubby man appeared with a large smile on his face. 'No wonder he's so fat, he can fit an entire cow in his mouth.' Wang Tian thought as he looked at the man's wide grin.

"Greetings, I am Luo Cai. I heard you wanted to sell a Yellow Grade Saber?" He greeted them with a slight bow. "Indeed, here you can take a look." Mu Feng said as Wang Tian passed him the saber. "This is Yellow Grade, I can give you 1900 gold coins for it." Luo Cai replied.

"2000." Mu Feng replied, he knew how these people worked, if he said 1900 they'd suddenly say 1800, and then 1700, he wouldn't budge from 2000. "Lets meet in the middle, what about 1950?" Luo Cai attempted to haggle. "2000." Mu Feng was stone cold.

Seeing this Luo Cai could only look towards Su Wu and Wang Tian, who he assumed were his seniors. "I agree with the brat, 2000." Wang Tian concurred, while Su Wu also nodded. "Haiz, fine 2000." Luo Cai said before taking out two large pouches.

"Here, the transaction can now be considered complete." Luo Cai sighed while taking the saber. 'Although this isn't a loss it isn't exactly a profit either.' Luo Cai thought before turning around and heading back to his quarters.

Normally he'd attempt to make a business connection but after interacting with them Luo Cai felt that there'd be more pain than gain within such a connection.

The trio then found an inn in the city, it was quite cheap being only about 1 gold coin a week for a large spacious room. "Seems we're rich now." Wang Tian laughed as he looked at the pile of gold coins.

"Not rich enough sadly." Su Wu sighed before unfurling the map to the Skyward Sword Saint's inheritance. "Now that we're here I can begin explaining our next steps." Su Wu began as he pointed to a small point on the map.

"Here is our Azure Tree Kingdom, and this is the whole Violet Flower Domain. As I've explained there are 100 such Kingdoms in the Violet Flower Domain. Now we're around here, just east of the Hissing Forest." Su Wu explained as he drew an imaginary line with his finger show casing the entire domain.

"Now we have to travel south east, cutting through the White Tiger Domain and then enter the Cloudless Sky Domain. From there we can get to the inheritance site." He then took a large breath.

"But that wouldn't be very efficient. If we leave right now, it will take us possibly 2 years to get there, not to mention all the dangers along the way due to our lacking cultivation. So I have a different idea.

In 2 months a selection will be held in the capital, during this selection the Violet Sword Sect and Myriad Flower Sect will be present to recruit disciples. The Myriad Flower Sect is located at the southernmost end of the Violet Flower Domain and frequently interact with the Cloudless Sky Domain. Meaning once there we can take the opportunity to head to the Cloudless Sky Domain with little danger and a much faster travel speed." Su Wu explained.

"So the 2nd option is faster, but it will depend on how well we can perform in the selection." Mu Feng muttered. "Precisely. To be honest though, it wouldn't be all that hard but we're on a time crunch. If we want to qualify then we'd all have to at least be in the Essence Condensing Realm." Su Wu explained shocking Mu Feng and Wang Tian.

"I see why we need more money now."