Chapter 33 Rob or be Robbed

"Winner, is the winner!" The announcer announced once again. "How! Just how!?" The crowd still couldn't under how this mysterious figure continued to win match after match. 'Its already the 4th match and they haven't figure it out?' Wang Tian couldn't help but mock their stupidity.

Wang Tian then left the arena, and then quickly disappeared into an alleyway. He didn't want to risk being seen as he took his mask off, so he always went into an alleyway first before taking it off. After a few minutes he appeared on the roof of a building.

It was now the 5th day since they had arrived in Red Ridge City, and Wang Tian had grown somewhat accustomed to his surroundings. 'Its quite impressive that there are a total of 10 Essence Condensing Realm experts in just this one city. Apparently the City Lord is at the 4th Layer.' Wang Tian pondered while looking out into the distance.

These days Wang Tian was either cultivating, in the arena, or with Mu Feng and Su Wu so he needed some time to relax. After sitting atop the building for a few minutes Wang Tian then jumped off and walked amongst the regular citizens through the city.

He then made his way to the inn, Mu Feng had arrived within their room before him, while Su Wu was out once again hunting beasts. "How much did we make this time?" Wang Tian asked out of curiosity.

Due to his matches he himself had made about 200 Gold, which was actually quite a decent sum, but in comparison to the resources they required it was truly too little. "We made about 2000, the rates aren't as good as they were." Mu Feng sighed, he himself knew best that they couldn't abuse this strategy too much.

"So in total we have about 9000 Gold Coins?" Wang Tian asked. "Give or take, Su Wu has been making quite a bit, after all Essence Condensing cultivators are pinnacle existences here." Mu Feng replied, he then seemed to be in thought for a moment.

"In fact I think we should buy a spatial ring." Mu Feng suggested. Hearing this Wang Tian's face turned pale. "Aren't those like 5000 gold coins minimum?" Wang Tian could already feel the pain of buying a spatial ring.

"Yes, but think about it, carrying all these gold coins are inconvenient, and also Su Wu's efficiency would be much higher if he had a spatial ring. I think its a worthy investment." Mu Feng explained his thoughts.

After a short back and forth Wang Tian eventually agreed with the idea. 'If even this money grubber wants to spend such a large sum he must have thought it through.' He pondered, before beginning his daily cultivation.

Truth be told cultivation had gotten quite inconvenient for the 3, while this wasn't much of an issue for Su Wu, Mu Feng and Wang Tian on the other hand were in a rush to reach Essence Condensing. 'We should probably rent out more rooms while we're at it.'

The next day Wang Tian trained his Encompassing the Heavens while Mu Feng went to buy the spatial ring. Since he wasn't needed for the purchase, he felt it more appropriate to simply train. 'I've been neglecting this lately but its the foundation of my strength.'


"Hmmm?" As Mu Feng walked along the street he noticed 3 suspicious men tailing him from behind. 'So you've finally taken the bait.' Mu Feng sneered inwardly. He had been waiting for these gangsters, after all why else would he stay flaunting his wealth.

Mu Feng knew two things. Firstly they'd underestimate him due to his age, if Mu Feng didn't want to show it how would they know he was in the 7th Layer of Qi Refinement? And secondly, in the world of cultivation the quickest way to get rich was by committing robbery.

'I'll just go down this alley. Hopefully if they're not stupid they'll take this chance.' Mu Feng thought before walking down a dark alley.

"Hehe, this kid looks like a big pay day." One of the suspicious men muttered. "Mhm, we can have quite a few fun nights if we rob him." An another agreed. "Shut up you two, we might be thugs but that doesn't mean you should be shouting out our plans for everyone in the city to hear." The leader of the three scolded.

After that the three followed Mu Feng down the dark alleyway eventually reaching a place where no one else could be seen but them and Mu Feng. "Kid give us the money and we'll let you go! Otherwise don't blame us for doing things the hard way." The leader of the thugs demanded.

"I have a counter offer. You leave all your money and I'll let you go right now, otherwise I'll have to do things the hard way." Mu Feng countered while slowly drawing his sword. "Hmph! Brat you don't know the immensity of heaven and earth!" The thugs declared before brandishing their blades.

They then rushed towards Mu Feng swinging their blades towards non-vital areas of his body. All they wanted was his money, not to kill him, if they committed murder the backlash would be too strong for them to handle.

As the blades slashed towards him Mu Feng merely sighed in disappointment. 'Only at the 5th and 6th Layers, how weak.' Mu Feng then used the 3rd Stance of the Humming Sword Art, Afterimage allowing him to knock the blades out of the thugs' hands.

"What in th-" One of the thugs said but before he could finish his sentence, Mu Feng slapped the flat of the blade in his face throwing him to the side. "H-How are you so strong!?" The leader of the thugs simply couldn't believe it.

"Tsk, tsk, this isn't a question and answer. Hand over all your money and all your treasures and then I'll consider letting you three off the hook." Mu Feng sneered as he held out his hand. Seeing this the thugs knew they were completely outmatched. Whether it be in strength or in robbing.

After a few moments of deliberation the leader of the thugs gave in. "Fine, fine, we've lost here you go." And with that Mu Feng had earned an extra 2000 gold coins. 'There's nothing like robbing.'