Chapter 34 Chaos Mode


Wang Tian's fist slammed against his opponent's chest sending him flying out of the stage, knocked out. "The Winner is Winner!" The announcer announced. This had become quite a common occurrence within the arena. Unfortunately the crowd had caught on to Wang Tian's power and now the betting rates were terrible.

Because of this their income had dropped sharply, but fortunately Su Wu was selling much more demonic beast parts and at better quality due to the spatial ring. So the loss was mitigated somewhat.

But alas, they needed more money and quick, it was all they could think about these past few days. Exiting the arena Wang Tian went down an alleyway before meeting up with Mu Feng. "I think we need a new plan. What if you begin challenging those at the 9th Layer?" Mu Feng suggested.

"That's probably what I'll have to do, but I think there's something much better we can do. These fights are getting pointless I want to simply get as much money before we depart to the Capital." Wang Tian replied before explaining his plan to Mu Feng. "Are you sure about this?" Mu Feng asked wearily. "When have I ever not been serious?" Wang Tian said with a stone cold face.

The next day Su Wu tagged along with Mu Feng to watch Wang Tian fight. "So what's he going to do?" Su Wu asked out curiosity. "You'll see." Mu Feng simply replied as he watched Wang Tian step upon the stage.

Normally an opponent would exit at the same time, but the situation was special this time. "Today we have a special event that has been requested by Winner. He has asked to activate the legendary, Chaos Mode." The announcer declared somewhat nervously.

"Chaos Mode?" The crowd asked in confusion. "For those who don't know, Chaos Mode is a Mode that hasn't been activated within the Red Ridge arena for over a decade. Once activated the challenger of Chaos Mode has to bet 2000 Gold Coins, but if they win a Grand Prize of 10,000 Gold Coins awaits them." The announcer explained.

Naturally this stunned the crowd. 'Then who is he fighting?' They were curious as to what victory would be worth 10,000 Gold Coins. And answering their question, 10 figures appeared opposite Wang Tian.

Each figure emitted an aura at the 9th Layer of Qi Refinement, but they weren't ordinary people at that Layer, rather they were the top 10 strongest fighters of the arena. They all glared viciously at Wang Tian, greed apparent in their eyes.

'So this is the free pay day?' They thought as they looked Wang Tian up and down. In their view he only wore a mask because he was a coward. "Oi, I don't fight nameless fools, take off your mask." One of the opponents demanded as he pointed towards Wang Tian.

But Wang Tian didn't engage. "Hey! Are you ignoring me!?" He was furious that Wang Tian wasn't taking him seriously. Then again if one thought about it for a moment, the fact that Wang Tian chose to activate Chaos Mode showed that he held all of those present in contempt.

"Place your bets, the battle will begin in 10 minutes."

With that the crowd began to shuffle madly as they all placed their bets. Mu Feng himself placed a bet going all in on Wang Tian. "Is this what he plans to do?" Su Wu asked in shock. "Are you surprised? Back then he could already fight those at the 9th Layer, in reality he hasn't gone all out since fighting Gong You." Mu Feng replied in a hushed whisper.

They didn't want the crowd to know they were with Wang Tian. While one could make that inference since Mu Feng always placed a bet on him since the beginning, one could also attribute it to dumb luck so his relationship with the mysterious Winner was ambiguous in their eyes.


Thus the fight began. Immediately the 10 figures surrounded Wang Tian while mocking him. "Hey I have first dibs." One of them laughed before charging forward, piercing their spear forward towards Wang Tian's heart.

As the spear approached, Wang Tian merely gazed at it in derision. "Is this your level?" He sighed before grabbing the shaft of the spear. Immediately the spear's came to a halt while the spearman looked on in shock.

"Huh?" He questioned before Wang Tian lifted the spear up, and him along with it. "What in the...." The other opponents were shocked at his brute strength. Wang Tian then pulled his arm back, before throwing the blunt end of the spear and the spearman towards one of the opponents.


Immediately the spearman collided with his ally before crashing into the wall of the arena. Seeing this the other 8 had sweat dripping down their face. 'Is he really only in the 8th Layer?' They had been briefed about his capabilities beforehand but it hadn't said anything about his abilities being so ridiculous.

"Pathetic." Wang Tian mocked, his voice resounding throughout the arena. Hearing this the crowd was stunned, was Winner truly undefeatable?

Wang Tian then disappeared from his original position, his body was moving so fast a vast wind would explode behind wherever he moved. His fist then slammed into the back of the opponent closest to him.


His body was shot across the stage, his mouth spilling blood all over. Wang Tian didn't pause, his body continuing to shuttle throughout the stage, punch after punch was thrown, only one being required to defeat each of them.

"You lost." Wang Tian declared before gazing towards the announcer. "W-Winner has won, h-he has triumphed over Chaos Mode." The announcer fell to his knees in shock. This was a historic moment within the arena.




The crowd cheered, the fight was simply too jaw dropping, although they could barely make out what happened they were absolutely stunned by it. On the other hand some people in the crowd were crying like their entire family had just been murdered. They were naturally those who had bet their entire life savings against Wang Tian.

"The money?" Wang Tian waited where he stood. A few minutes later someone arrived in the stage and handed him 10 bags, each filled with 1000 Gold Coins. "Thank you all for watching my fight." Wang Tian then took a quick bow, before hopping out of the stage.

His figure landed at the top of the arena, before jumping outside and dashing towards some buildings. Just like that the tale of "Winner" became a legend within Red Ridge.