Chapter 36 Arbor


The flying boat was closing in on Azure Tree Kingdom's Capital City Arbor, because of this a light sound was transmitted throughout the boat to indicate that they would soon arrive. It was just light enough not to disturb anyone currently in cultivation, but still managed to be heard by all passengers.

Naturally while this sound wouldn't disturb it could be still be sensed. 'Seems we've arrived.' Wang Tian thought before opening his eyes. He had been cultivating vigorously these past few days trying to make any progress he could.

There was only a month and a half left until the Selection, the pressure was on and it was only going to increase as time went on. But in contrast, Wang Tian's cultivation speed would also soon increase dramatically.

With the funds they had acquired in Red Ridge, they would be able to buy not just 1 Greater Qi Pill, not just 10 Greater Qi Pills, but around 230 Greater Qi Pills. Obviously these wouldn't all be Wang Tian's, nor were they going to spend all their money on Greater Qi Pills but it was still a ridiculous amount to think about.

In reality, Wang Tian wouldn't require such excessive resources to breakthrough, nor was it recommended. This was because pills naturally held impurities within them so if one solely ate pills to advance their cultivation wouldn't be stable and would eventually regress.

Regardless this wasn't of much concern to Wang Tian at the moment as they had just reached Capital, Arbor. He had wanted to see this city since he had learnt of it, after all it would be the place where he would fulfill his first wish which was to have his name resound throughout the Azure Tree Kingdom. His stage, was the selection.

Reaching the deck of the flying boat, Wang Tian eyes settled on the city ahead, it was huge. From where he stood Wang Tian couldn't even see the end of the city at it reached over the horizon. The walls which protect it were a pure white, and stood at a grand 50 meters tall.

As he gazed at the city, a smile creeped up onto Wang Tian's face. It wasn't on purpose but was rather a natural reaction he had, as his face subconsciously broke into a smile at the sight.

A few minutes later the flying boat began to descend, before landing at the docking bay within the city. Those who travelled by flying boat were exempt from the Capital's entrance fee, and could avoid troubles with the guards. All in all the flying boat was a faster and overall more comfortable way to reach the Capital than by on foot or horseback, assuming one had the 100 gold to spare.

After exiting the boat Wang Tian took off to find an inn. Su Wu, Mu Feng and Wang Tian had come to the decision that they'd split up until the selection. Naturally they split up the resources prior, and Wang Tian had gotten his fair share. In fact right now Wang Tian was so loaded he indicated his wealth with each step.


The coins held within Wang Tian's pouches jingled with each step. Because of this Wang Tian began feeling quite embarrassed, as people gave him various looks. 'Whatever lets just find an inn.' He thought to himself before setting his sights on the Oakwood Inn. It was quite the nice establishment, albeit a bit expensive at 3 Gold Coins a week. Then again Wang Tian assumed that was because of the cost of living difference between the Capital and Red Ridge City so he didn't fret over it.

Entering his room Wang Tian then began to divide his wealth. First he was going to split up his 11,000 Gold Coins and take precisely 1000 Gold Coins out with him. He wanted to buy 10 Greater Qi pills so that he could breakthrough to the 9th Layer, then he'd go from there.

Frankly Wang Tian wasn't all that bothered about breaking through into the 9th Layer. This statement would have shocked his past self to death, but now it merely felt like a natural step to Wang Tian. The problem was of course the Essence Condensing Realm.

Greater Qi pills sadly did not help one breakthrough into the Essence Condensing Realm, meaning one either had to rely on natural treasures or constant accumulation. And obviously, whenever said natural treasures appeared on the market they were immediately scooped up, so it was unlikely Wang Tian would get his hands on one.

Either way right now the goal was the 9th Layer so Wang Tian didn't dwell on this matter too much. Grabbing 1000 Gold Coins he left the inn and then looked for the nearest merchant shop. Funnily enough it was the same one he had visited in Red Ridge. 'Seems we're fated you and I, Heavenly King's Treasure House.' Wang Tian thought before entering the establishment.

This time his trip wasn't all that long, he simply went in asked the attendant for 10 Greater Qi pills and then paid upfront. In less than 20 minutes Wang Tian had gotten his Greater Qi pills and left, over all satisfied with his experience. 'I wonder if Heavenly King's Treasure House and Harmonious King's Travel Agency have any relation? They both come from out of the King after all... Maybe I am just looking into it too much.' Wang Tian pondered before heading back to his Inn, it was time to reach the 9th Layer of Qi Refinement.