Chapter 37 META

Sitting in the lotus position Wang Tian consumed a Greater Qi pill before beginning his breakthrough into the 9th Layer. Immediately a vast amount of Qi washed throughout his body, and Wang Tian immediately refined it as best he could.

About an hour later the Qi from the pill had mostly been used up, so Wang Tian popped another pill before continuing his cultivation. Like this a day had passed, with Wang Tian using up all his Greater Qi pills. 'Just a bit more.' With that thought Wang Tian absorbed as much Qi as he possible could.


A loud sound echoed out of Wang Tian's body, he had finally entered the 9th Layer. Luckily the inn he was residing in was somewhat reinforced otherwise he might've damaged the room. 'This is quite comfortable.' Wang Tian thought as he clenched his hand.

Although his body hadn't grown much stronger, his Qi felt much more vigorous and was definitely stronger than it was when he was in the 8th Layer. 'Well if my Qi was weaker that'd be weird, its obvious my Qi would be stronger in the 9th Layer.' Wang Tian pondered before deciding to take a walk.

He'd soon have to go in seclusion until he reached the Essence Condensing Realm so Wang Tian thought it best to relax outside for a moment. After walking for some time Wang Tian's face began to twitch.

About every 300 meters he'd see a similar scene occurring on the street. There'd be a young man along with an older man, presumably his body guard, who'd verbally and sometimes even physically abuse some people on the street because of random issues such as.

"You crossed my path."

"How dare you look into my eyes you should only be looking at the floor in my presence."

"Did you just walk within 10 meters of me?"

And various other reasonings, it had gotten to a point where Wang Tian wasn't sure if he was dreaming or if people were just that insane. 'What world do I live in? If they're here for the selection shouldn't they be cultivating to increase their chances of victory!?' Wang Tian thought before accidentally bumping into someone.

"Y-You! How dare you bump into my Young Master!" A middle aged man roared at Wang Tian. Immediately the boy came back to his senses. 'For fucks sake.' He had accidentally bumped into a somewhat chubby young man, and who would have guessed it, he was a young master.

"...I am not in the mood for your nonsense, if you walk down this street there's about another 100 so called Young Masters, its like your Young Masters are a bunch of cabbages that can be found anywhere. Rather than provoke me you should hold a tournament amongst yourselves." Wang Tian replied before walking off, interacting with these people would get him no where.

Unfortunately for Wang Tian, he had underestimated the stupidity of this Young Master and his body guard. A palm shot towards Wang Tian's back at immense speed before crashing into him. Immediately Wang Tian's robes above his waist were shredded apart leaving his upper body bare.

"....Are you done?" Wang Tian asked as he turned around, enraged. 'This fool, he's only at the 9th Layer and he dares attack me? My physique isn't something just any random fodder can penetrate.' Wang Tian was furious.

The Young Master's body guard had attacked him from behind out of no where and torn his robes, now he'd have to walk around like a fool. Then something dawned upon Wang Tian. 'Heh, you can only blame yourself.'

With that thought Wang Tian swiftly grasped the body guard's wrist. "Y-You what are you going to do?" The body guard asked wearily. "Nothing much, just collecting reimbursement for my damaged robes." Wang Tian replied before snapping his wrist.


Immediately the Young Master was scared shitless. "I-I'll defeat you!" The young master declared as his Essence Condensing cultivation base was unleashed. He then threw another palm out at Wang Tian.

Seeing this Wang Tian knew better than to underestimate an opponent an entire major realm above him. Wang Tian then kicked the body guard away into the young master, who ended up slamming his own palm against his body guard's back. 'Talk about friendly fire.'

The Young Master was obviously shocked at this outcome, but Wang Tian wouldn't miss this chance. Utilizing Encompassing the Heavens Wang Tian made his way behind the Young Master, before then using Tiger's Ferocious Charge slamming his fist into his back.


Along with his body guard, the Young Master was sent flying about 5 meters before hitting the ground along with his body guard. Naturally an Essence Condensing cultivator had a stronger body than the average Qi Refining cultivator, but their main advantage was still after all, their Essence.

Now injured the two laid on the ground unmoving. They weren't dead, Wang Tian made sure of that, they were just not very healthy was all. Naturally a crowd had somewhat formed around them and were watching the commotion.

"This will be my reimbursement, I hope I won't have to seek such payments once again." Wang Tian declared before taking a ring from the Young Master's hand. 'Hehe, who knew beating Young Masters was so profitable? I should do this more often.' Wang Tian mused before looking inside the spatial ring.

He hadn't had much experience with them, but he knew how they operated. Peering inside the ring Wang Tian was immediately astounded. 'This is like 5000 Gold Coins.' There and then Wang Tian made a decision.

And that decision was simple, he'd become a hunter, a Young Master hunter.