Chapter 38 Young Master Hunter


"Did you just bump into me!?" A young man roared, as he looked back at Wang Tian enraged. "No, did YOU just bump into ME!" Wang Tian shot back before punching forward not even giving the young man time to react.


Wang Tian's fist slammed into the young man sending him flying back 10 meters. All of this took place in an instant before the young man could even react. "Trash, you don't even have a body guard and you're provoking I your father?" Wang Tian scoffed before walking to the young man and taking his pouch.

'Only 3000 Gold Coins, what a bumpkin.' Wang Tian thought before placing the pouch in his spatial ring and fleeing the scene. His movements were practiced and without flaw showing his experience in his craft.

What was Wang Tian's craft one might ask? It was hunting, of course not the typical kind of hunting, but a very specialized hunting one only the most brave of people can attempt. Young Master Hunting.

The previous day when Wang Tian had defeated his first young master, and gained his spatial ring along with 5000 Gold Coins, it was obvious what he'd have to do next. And that was become a hero of the people saving them from their plight of young masters, while pocketing a "small" fee on the side.

'Right now I am sitting on around 28,000 Gold Coins. 10,000 of those were mine from before, 5,000 from the first guy, 3,000 from this guy, another 4,000 from another, and some kid was running around with 6,000. He should've bought himself a spatial ring how pitiful of him.' Wang Tian counted his gains while walking down the street.

He wouldn't target any and all young masters. He had a very strict criteria. Firstly the young master must already be creating unreasonable trouble, in this case he'd step in and then loot them. Secondly they must overreact after Wang Tian bumps into them, at that point there character was clear to Wang Tian. 'If you want to act like a big shot but are trash don't blame me for robbing you.'

Naturally one could tell Wang Tian's gains were tremendous. So much so that Wang Tian believed you'd have to be stupid not to abuse this tactic. Of course it had high risks, such as them calling their Elders and him getting ganged up on, but that was of no concern to Wang Tian as once he qualified for the Myriad Flower Sect they wouldn't dare come after him.

Now obviously one might argue that the law would come after Wang Tian, but would it really? If anything Wang Tian was helping out Arbor. The Capital held immense prestige but it was impossible for the city guard to stop all the young masters, not to mention they couldn't afford to provoke all of the various clans in the kingdom.

Within the Azure Tree Kingdom the number of Essence Condensing experts numbered about 1000. Every Small City, which there were 50 of such cities, held about 5 Essence Condensing experts in each. Medium Cities held about 10 Essence Condensing expert, and there were about 40 such cities. There were 9 Large Cities each holding around 30 Essence Condensing experts. Lastly the Capital held close to 100 Essence Condensing experts within it.

From this one could tell the Capital held a large amount of power within it, but it still couldn't afford to provoke the 99 other cities simultaneously. Because of this they allowed the young masters to run somewhat rampant as long as they didn't commit murder in broad daylight. But that didn't mean they condoned their actions either. It was simply a necessary evil. And naturally, if someone was willing to take the burden for them, who were they to spit in their face?


A few days later Wang Tian had amassed a large sum of Gold Coins, 72,000 to be exact. After the first few days the young masters had begun thinning out, or even avoiding Wang Tian once they noticed him, he had gained a reputation. Because of this Wang Tian retired from his young master hunting, and began to seriously cultivate towards the Essence Condensing Realm. Little did he know what he had caused.

Within a grandiose hallway in Arbor 40 men sat together, each with grave expressions on their faces. "He has appeared." One of them spoke up, their face terror-stricken. "Indeed he has, the fabled young master hunter, I had heard legends of such an entity but I never knew they actually existed." Another chimed in.

"Enough! We've come here today to talk about how to deal with him." A chubby young man declared as he stood up, grabbing their attention. "The Young Master Alliance has come together today to mitigate the damage caused by the hunter. From now on we shall decrease young master activities to a minimum and strut about with our body guards and a fellow young master at all times." He continued, hearing this everyone in the room simply nodded.

Not all of them had been robbed by Wang Tian thus far, but a good chunk had definitely suffered under him. Because of this some of the young masters began to contact each other and invoked a sacred tradition to protect themselves. This alliance was also sometimes called a cult, leading it to earn the acronym YMCA.

"Okay then, now that that has been settled, you can all go back to whatever you were doing. Remember the YMCA shall not be bullied!" The chubby young man roared. To which the young masters cheered.

If Wang Tian knew about this meeting he would've definitely joined in, unfortunately he wasn't invited. And thus began Wang Tian's secluded cultivation.