Chapter 39 The World Goes On

Wang Tian was now cultivating in silence. Bit by bit, day by day, he continually compressed his Qi as much as possible in an attempt to bring it to Essence. This process was extremely long and tiresome, to the point where even Wang Tian who had considerably higher talent than the average person was taking a while to condense essence.

Naturally while Wang Tian was in seclusion, the world didn't just suddenly come to a halt. The YMCA were as vigilant as ever, making sure not to run into Wang Tian, and ready to call backup if they did locate him. This was obviously futile since Wang Tian wasn't roaming the streets any longer.

A grey vortex was currently formed around Mu Feng who was cultivating. Right now he was attempting to break into the 9th Layer of Qi Refinement. "Finally I've done it." Mu Feng sighed as the vortex dispersed. 'My cultivation was becoming inconvenient with the other two.' He thought before pointing his index finger out in front of him.

He then drew a circle in the air, which formed a grey circle. 'Hmmm seems like I can begin robbing unimpeded.' Mu Feng smirked as the circle dispersed. He then left his room and began heading to the Heavenly King's Treasure House, he first needed to buy some equipment.

Elsewhere Su Wu held the Skyward Sword within his hands, his eyes closed as he focused his breath. He then suddenly let go of the sword. But unlike what one might expect, the sword didn't fall, but simply floated. The sword then shuttled around Su Wu at extreme speed before shooting between Su Wu's brows once again. 'My comprehension is scary.' He couldn't believe how fast he was comprehending new techniques now.

After inheriting the Skyward Sword Su Wu's cultivation speed not only increased but his comprehension, in regards to the sword especially, had also dramatically improved. Frankly Su Wu was almost scared by how fast he was cultivating. 'The Skyward Sword Saint, my ancestor, must have been even greater.'


"Hmmm, the Capital has been quite lively lately. Don't you agree Butler?" A young man dressed in luxurious robes chuckled. The robes were pure white with a small azure coloured tree on the left side of his chest.

"Indeed, will you be interfering Prince?" The butler replied taking a slight bow. Right now the two were sat atop a balcony overlooking the Capital. "....No I don't think I will. Normally as the Crown Prince I should be an example for the people. But fortunately it seems someone already cleaned the mess up for me." He remarked, his emerald eyes flashing with delight.

As the Crown Prince it would be truly bothersome if he had to quell the countless young masters within the Capital. Sure he couldn't beat them up, but that only made things worse as he'd be forced to prance around with them while keeping them in check. 'I just want to finish this selection and get out of here. Father is forcing me to rule, so I'll be back within the decade and stay here until I die... I am pitiful really.' The Crown Prince thought twirling his hazel coloured hair as he got lost in thought.

"Yes, but according to the city guard the boy has seemingly gone into seclusion, meaning its likely they will begin acting up again now that he has disappeared." The butler replied brining the Crown prince back to reality. "What ever, I am going to cultivate. I'd like to see who ignores I, Mo Junjie after I reach the 5th Layer." He smiled before exiting the balcony.

'Haaa, you shouldn't be trapped within this small Kingdom.' The butler sighed before following behind Mo Junjie. It was truly a tragedy how the Crown Prince would be confined to the Kingdom once he ascended the throne. At least he'd have a modicum of freedom before.


'Now that I have a spatial ring and some weapons I can begin my operations.' Mu Feng thought his eyes scanning the various passersby. Unfortunately he couldn't find his targets anywhere. 'Weren't these streets teeming with Young Masters... don't tell me Su Wu or Wang Tian got to the gold mine before me!?' Mu Feng pondered but he didn't lose hope, when hunting one must be calm for optimum results.

After a few days of constant vigilance Mu Feng had noticed something peculiar. All young masters appeared in a duo, a trio, or even an entire team of them. None of them moved alone and they were all careful not to provoke anyone. At least that was the case for the first day or two, but things soon changed.

Over time the young masters grew more and more confident once again as they began provoking people and eventually only moving by themselves with their bodyguards. The YMCA had concluded that the mysterious hunter was no longer around, and they were right about this fact. After all Wang Tian had been in seclusion for over a week by now.

Little did they know, by not laying low they provoked an entity magnitudes worse than Wang Tian. 'Finally the cash cows have arrived.' He could barely hold back his excitement as he began to target his first young master. Now that he was in the 9th Layer he had nothing to fear.

Unfortunately for Mu Feng, he was sorely disappointed after defeating his first young master. "....Why are you so poor? What are you a farmer? I've seen beggars with fuller pouches!" Mu Feng was extremely ticked off at how poor the young master was.

"What do you expect, I was robbed just over a week ago." The young master sobbed. Hearing this Mu Feng was sure his previous assertion was correct. 'It was probably that bastard Wang Tian, Su Wu would never rob these bozos.' Mu Feng sighed before walking away, he needed to find a new young master to rob. Since they were so poor now he'd simply rob more young masters than he previously planned to.