Chapter 40 Failure?

Days passed, and soon there was less than a month left until the selection. Wang Tian was still monotonously cultivating within his room, his Qi was much more compressed than it was previously but it was still far from reaching a point of Essence condensing.

Simultaneously Mu Feng had finished his robbing spree. 'That should've been my 100th Young Master, seems like a good time to end my grind.' Mu Feng pondered before heading to the Heavenly King's Treasure House. He had a lot of money, and he needed to spend it.

At this time Mu Feng's reputation had spread far and wide, to the point where Wang Tian seemed like a saint in comparison. After his first few attacks, the young masters quickly reinstated their previous rules, but still they were beaten.

They'd be lured into alleyways by what they assumed were young maidens, before then being beaten up and robbed. Or they'd be fed alcohol which would put them to sleep, and then wake up with nothing but their underwear.

To put it bluntly, Mu Feng's methods were too insidious. The young masters simply didn't have a high enough IQ to notice his plans before being trapped.

Naturally Mo Junjie was quite pleased after hearing this news. It seemed as though the heavens themselves were helping him clear up the mess. His imperial brothers were dispersed throughout the Kingdom and the King couldn't entertain the young masters, so if Mu Feng and Wang Tian hadn't made a move he would have lost a lot of cultivation time.

'Now I am confident in reaching the 5th Layer before the selection.' Mo Junjie was now convinced he could attain the 5th Layer, and this was extremely important to Mo Junjie.

Unlike others he knew more than most. Selections were being held throughout the Violet Flower Domain and the Azure Tree Kingdom was simply one of many locations. But that wasn't what forced Mo Junjie to push himself.

Rather it was the chance to join the Violet Sword Sect or Myriad Flower Sect. Normally one would have to journey to their mountains and partake in a competition that was held once every 10 years, if they won they were accepted if they lost they had to leave. There was even the risk of dying during the competition

Unfortunately for Mo Junjie the competition had occurred at an inconvenient time previously and the next time the competition would take place Mo Junjie would be too old. So this selection was his last chance. One had to know that joining either sect was like leaping over dragon's gate within the Violet Flower Domain.

Because of this Mo Junjie didn't simply want to win, he wanted to dominate. 'Who's that one guy.... damn it I forgot his name. Anyway he's in the 3rd Layer, so if I reach the 5th Layer I can defeat all my enemies in one attack. I am sure they'll be impressed!' With that thought Mo Junjie headed into cultivation once again.


Time ticked by, and soon there was only 15 days until the selection. Mu Feng had once again entered seclusion, Su Wu too was trying to advance by a layer. On the other hand Wang Tian was growing frustrated.

'I've been sat here for how long now? Its been over 20 days, yet still nothing. This last bit its simply too hard, at the rate I am going I'll need at least another month.' Wang Tian felt like screaming out of frustration, but he knew that was pointless.

Exiting his state of cultivation he left his inn and headed out to a restaurant. He hadn't eaten since he began his attempt. Once one reached the 9th Layer their food requirements were much lower but this didn't mean food wasn't required either. If Wang Tian didn't eat any food for over 10 days his physique would drop to about 20% strength.

This meant it was vital for Wang Tian to eat at this time. Of course, he didn't need to go to a restaurant either, this was also a trip for enjoyment. 'I need to find a new way. It shouldn't be this hard.....' Wang Tian sighed.

Obviously Wang Tian's vision was a bit skewed but he wasn't entirely wrong. His cultivation was being held back by his technique, namely the Skyward Sutra. It wasn't a bad technique by any means, but for someone of Wang Tian's talents it was holding him back.

This was even more pronounced now as breaking through into the Essence Condensing Realm required one to compress their qi using various methods. And the Skyward Sutra's wasn't all that great. 'You'd think if the Skyward Sword Saint was so strong he would have left a better technique, what a stingy old fart... then again he still has more inheritance left.' Wang Tian thought, he was beginning to desire the inheritance more and more.

After reaching the restaurant Wang Tian took a seat by the window before ordering his food. He then relaxed, eating some demonic beast meat as he looked out into the Capital. His eyes scanned the various people on the streets. 'Seems their lives are quite enjoyable.'

Continuing to eat his food he looked towards the regular mortals with a complex gaze. Wang Tian did truly enjoy cultivating and getting stronger, and he desired to protect himself, but simultaneously he couldn't help but wonder what his life would've been like if he was never abandoned.

'Would I just be a regular person living until 80 years old with a wife some kids and a house. That doesn't sound too bad.....' Wang Tian was lost in his fantasies, but soon he snapped out of it. 'I need to get a grip.' He sighed before leaving the restaurant.

Strolling around the streets he gazed at various people all of whom lived different yet similar lives to on another. And eventually Wang Tian arrived at a decrepit rundown street within the Capital. This was the entrance to the "Dumpster" of Arbor, the place where all the undesirables lived.

Normally Wang Tian wouldn't enter this place, not because he was scared of being robbed or getting kidnapped, but rather cause it felt below him. Though today, today was different he was feeling a bit melancholic.

After walking through the street, he immediately noticed a stark contrast. The people here were impoverished, their cheeks sunken in their eyes bleak, and their clothes looked like rags. Because of this all attention was on Wang Tian, various gazes were drawn to him.

Some had villainous intent in them, other's seemed jealous, and some seemed to want to invoke pity in Wang Tian. Seeing all this he didn't know how to feel. After all these people were clearly dealt a bad hand in life. 'After all why else would they commit crimes.'

With this thought Wang Tian continued to walk through the "Dumpster", at some point he was even attacked. But he didn't respond very harshly, simply repelling them with little effort. He had no interest in killing non-cultivators for such minor transgressions.

Just as Wang Tian was about to leave the "Dumpster" he heard a voice. "Young man, you seem lost." A raspy voice made its way into Wang Tian's ears. Looking around Wang Tian's eyes landed on a beggar. He looked to be about 80 years old, with long disheveled grey hair, his clothes were in an absolutely terrible state to the point where Wang Tian doubted if they could even be considered clothes.

"Thank you for your concern, but I know where I am." Wang Tian replied locking eyes with the beggar. But unlike other people within "Dumpster" the beggar seemed oddly, happy.

"I don't mean physically, but up here." The beggar laughed while pointing to his head. "Your eyes show that you're muddleheaded, that isn't good for a young man your age. Don't overcomplicate life." He continued with a smile.

To say Wang Tian was astounded would be an understatement. 'How does he seem so jovial yet live in such terrible conditions?' Wang Tian couldn't make heads or tails of the situation.

"Hahaha, you're doing it again. Let me guess, you're confused as to why I am happy?" The beggar questioned, to which Wang Tian nodded. Seeing this the beggar smiled. "Its pretty simply really, when you stop focusing on "what if"s and "if only"s then life simply becomes "what is". And frankly I want to enjoy my "what is" for as long as I have it. Whether its me living on the streets or in a palace. We all die someday anyway, so might as well die with a smile on my face."

He was left speechless. Wang Tian then bowed to the beggar. "Thank you very much for your guidance senior." Wang Tian thanked before taking out a pouch from his spatial ring. "Please accept this."

"No problem young man, but you can keep your pouch, I simply want 1 gold coin." The beggar requested, to which Wang Tian simply took out a gold coin before handing it to the beggar.

"I can't thank you enough senior, I hope we'll meet again someday." Wang Tian bade farewell before departing from the "Dumpster" he was now confident in reaching Essence Condensing.

"What a nice a young man." The beggar smiled as he watched Wang Tian's figure fade in the distance.