Chapter 41 Selection Begins

Above Arbor City, many beasts could be seen flying through the sky. From Winged Tigers, to gigantic Sparrows, even Snakes which seemed to drift atop clouds. These were the myriad Sects of the Violet Flower Domain which had appeared for the Selection.

Their presence immediately caught the eye of all those within Arbor, from commoners, to beggars, to even the various Young Masters, within the city no one could resist the urge to look towards the sky at that one moment.

'Those must be Graded Demonic Beasts.' Mu Feng pondered as he too looked towards the myriad sects. In Mu Feng's eyes they were not all that impressive, but they were still many times more impressive than Arbor.

The various beasts then stopped within the air. "Seems they haven't appeared yet." A man atop a Winged Tiger muttered, somewhat disgruntled.

"Senior Brother they always act like this, don't take it personally." A younger man atop a smaller Winged Tiger replied trying to calm his senior brother down.

These two were both disciples of Flying Tiger Mountain, one of the top 10 Sects within the Violet Flower Domain. While they couldn't compare to the Violet Sword Sect or Myriad Flower Sect they were still very impressive within the entire Domain.

"Oh, you seem to be in quite the mood." A man fanned himself as he approached atop his emerald green snake. It was one of the more intriguing Demonic Beasts present as it drifted atop clouds to move in the sky.

"Shut up!" The disgruntled disciple had no patience for the other man. "Come on Luo Niu no need to be so petty." He laughed his snake approaching even closer to the pair of Flying Tigers.

Just as a fight seemed as though it was about to erupt, two powerful presences appeared at opposite ends of Arbor. A pink and violet flash appeared from the south and north respectively. This immediately doused any thoughts of fighting Luo Niu and the other man had.

As soon as the two flashes met above the center of the city they came to a stop. The violet flash appeared to be a Violetflame Stallion, while the pink flash was an Ethereal Humming Bird. A man sat atop the Violetflame Stallion while a woman stood atop the Ethereal Humming Bird.

Locking eyes the tension between the two seemed palpable but the two didn't say a word. Taking out a scroll each the both opened them simultaneously, causing a bright light to shine throughout the city.

A few seconds later the light coalesced into a large screen. Within the screen a large kilometer long and kilometer wide stage was shown. It was completely pitch black in colour and was surrounded by a vast grassy plain.

"All those who wish to compete, follow the light." The man declared before the screen shot out a beam of black light towards the horizon.

Immediately the city roared, and people began to rush towards the light had shone. They had been waiting for this for months at this point and their excitement couldn't be overstated.

Seeing the 100s of people dashing in the direction of the light, those disciples atop their beasts couldn't help but chuckle. "Ah what its like to be young." One of them sighed atop a gigantic Sparrow.

"You're not even that old. In fact some of them are 5 years your senior!" Another disciple atop a sparrow replied. These two hailed from the Swift Wind Sect.

Currently the sight of the numerous people dashing ahead was a sight to behold. They incorporated various footwork, or even rode a demonic beast, albeit one much weaker than those above Arbor. Even Mu Feng was relentlessly dashing towards the light.

A few seconds later, a rumble echoed throughout Arbor, before a young man donned in light blue robes shot into the air. He then shot towards the light at a speed like no other. "Flashy much?" Mu Feng muttered to himself.

This young man was naturally Su Wu who had already reached the city wall. He then continued following the light. The stage wasn't exactly close to the Capital, laying about 10 kilometers out from it, but even such a distance wasn't much to these cultivators.

In less than a minute Su Wu had arrived at the stage, and simultaneously his appearance was broadcast onto the screen above Arbor. 'So that crystal is linked to the screen?' Su Wu questioned as he scanned the stage. Trying to approach the stage he realised there was some kind of invisible barrier blocking him from entering.

'A formation.' With that thought Su Wu moved away from the stage and simply stood there. A few seconds later more and more people began to appear around the stage. Eventually Mu Feng also arrived his gaze fixing on Su Wu.

Immediately Mu Feng was surprised. Su Wu had the Skyward Sword in a sheathe on his back, normally he'd just keep it in what Su Wu called "forehead mode". 'Seems he doesn't want the secret to leak.' Mu Feng concluded.

Su Wu soon noticed Mu Feng and smiled before approaching him. The two then began to chat while they waited for the Selection to begin.

"It seems that bucket of bolts hasn't arrived yet."

"You know as well as I do he'll make it."

"Hmm, you're not wrong."

"On the other hand I am actually quite surprised you managed to breakthrough congratulations." Su Wu congratulated Mu Feng for his accomplishment. Naturally this breakthrough was from the 9th Layer of Qi Refinement to the 1st Layer of Essence Condensing.

"Its nothing." Mu Feng said succinctly.

Soon after the disciples of the various Sects appeared above the stage. 'They could have told us about this.' The man atop the Snake thought somewhat irritated, but he didn't show this on his face.

It was clear to the would be contestants that the man atop the Violetflame Stallion and the woman atop the Ethereal Humming Bird held the highest status. Because of this they were curious who was going to head the competition.

"The Selec-" Just as the man atop the Violetflame Stallion was about to begin the selection, something extremely strange happened. Two figures had appeared but this wasn't what was strange.



Large explosion like sounds were heard just a few seconds after the two figures had appeared from the direction of Arbor. "Sorry I am late." They said in unison as if they had practiced this beforehand. They were Wang Tian and Mo Junjie.