Chapter 45 Change Of Plans

Applause then sounded throughout the area. Everyone was astounded by the display, even those watching from Arbor couldn't help but clap after the fight.

"That smoke bomb caught me off guard."

"Smoke bomb?! Did you just see that finisher?? How is the smoke bomb even comparable!?"

"Well at least I could see the smoke bomb, that sword moved too fast!"

Similar conversations were happening between those who witnessed the fight.

"Sword." Su Wu commanded, and in an instant the Skyward Sword was back in its temporary sheathe. He then looked up at the disciples waiting for their decision. Naturally now was the time where they'd be selected.

"Would you two be so kind as to name yourselves?" Chu Xing asked, his Violetflame Stallion descending to the stage. This was his show of respect for their performance. After all both of them were quite young and displayed immense ability. Soon after the others descended to the stage as well, all but Chen Meifeng.

"I am Su Wu."

"Mu Feng."

They greeted one after the other. Hearing this the disciples nodded their heads. "If no one objects the Violet Sword Sect will be taking Su Wu." Chu Xing came to a decision. Out of the two it was clear that Su Wu was more proficient in swords. One could argue Mu Feng was more talented, but Chu Xing considered alignment to the Sect more important.

Saying this no other Sect disagreed not even the Myriad Flower Sect. 'What am I going to do....' Su Wu sighed. Originally the plan was for all 3 of them to join the Myriad Flower Sect but now it seemed as though it'd be an issue.

This was because not only was Chu Xing open about his desire to recruit Su Wu, but Chen Meifeng wasn't even giving them the time of day.

Mu Feng and Su Wu then locked eyes, and after what looked to be some hesitation Mu Feng merely nodded. Seeing this Su Wu turned to Chu Xing before bowing lightly.

"Junior Su Wu greets Senior Brother."

"Not bad. I am Chu Xing, you can ask me if you have any questions later." Chu Xing introduced himself before handing a violet token to Su Wu.

After this Chu Xing flew up on his Violetflame Stallion once again, while Su Wu went to the side. Now it was time to see which Sect Mu Feng would join. '.....Do they value talent that little?' Mu Feng was shocked.

Neither the Violet Sword Sect nor the Myriad Flower Sect seemed interested. This was absurd. Mu Feng had not only defeated an opponent 2 Layer above him, but he even tussled with Su Wu who was also 1 Layer above him and could clearly defeat those above his layer.

He could at least understand the Violet Sword Sect's perspective, after all taking both Mu Feng and Su Wu wouldn't be all that fair, not to mention Mu Feng had refrained from using swords. But the Myriad Flower Sect simply made no sense.

'There's no use crying over spilled milk..... those guys are from Poison Valley, those two are from Flying Tiger Mountain, and they're Swift Wind Sect.' Mu Feng pondered as he gazed at his three options. While none of them had outright stated that they were interested, just considering the fact that they still stood upon the stage showed their intentions.

"I'd like to join Swift Wind Sect." Mu Feng declared about a minute later. He didn't have a particular interest in any of the 3 factions so he decided to pick Swift Wind Sect since they seemed to have some fate.

"Great, Junior Brother can come up on my sparrow. I'll then explain everything in detail." One of the disciples beckoned Mu Feng. With that the rest of the disciples hopped back on their beasts and flew up once again.

Unfortunately it seemed as though they couldn't win over Mu Feng, but at least there was still a final fight left. 'Wait weren't these two the late arrivals?' Yin Ru realised, scanning Wang Tian and Mo Junjie.

Not only Yin Ru but the rest of the disciples soon noticed this. 'Well I guess this won't be all that interesting then.' Luo Niu sighed. Little did they know these were two of the most powerful competitors amongst the batch. Only Chen Meifeng's eyes flickered, unfortunately though due to her veil the other disciples couldn't tell.

Stepping atop the stage, Mo Junjie's emerald eyes locked onto Wang Tian. "Would you be so kind as to duel me?" He asked with a smile. To Wang Tian on the other hand that smile was unnerving after all his cultivation base was yet to settle.

Alas while Wang Tian wouldn't seek unnecessary conflict, he wouldn't back down from a fight either. "It would be my pleasure." Wang Tian replied before jumping up to the stage. The two then made some distance between themselves preparing to fight.

Mo Junjie then held up his fingers dropping one down every second. "This seems like its going to be pretty stale." A Swift Wind Sect disciple commented.

"No, its actually going to be quite entertaining." Mu Feng noted, watching the fight intently. 'I can't say much about the other guy, but your current strength is a mystery to me. How strong are you, Wang Tian?' Mu Feng pondered.

At this moment the last of Mo Junjie's 10 fingers dropped signaling the beginning of the battle. In an instant both Wang Tian and Mo Junjie's cultivation bases unleashed.

Both surged like a violent wave, but it was clear whose was superior. Although both were quite unstable, it was clear as day that Mo Junjie's was many times stronger than Wang Tian's so much so that this barely looked like a fight.