Chapter 46 Azure Tree Emergence

A brief moment later, both of them retracted their cultivation bases, seemingly examining each other. 'This is going to be tough.' Wang Tian thought as he tried to figure out a solution. Unfortunately for Wang Tian, time wasn't on his side.

Within Mo Junjie's hands a bow appeared. It wasn't all that extraordinary to the average viewer, being only a wooden bow about 1.6 meters tall. Obviously this was only to the average viewer, if one was a cultivator with a keen eye they'd see that small runes were engraved along the bow's body.

Seeing Mo Junjie's weapon, Wang Tian knew he had no time to delay. In an instant his figure flashed traversing half the stage. On the other hand Mo Junjie was no slouch. He drew the bow about half way before a green energy suffused out of his fingers forming a wooden arrow.


At this point in time Wang Tian was about 500 meters away from Mo Junjie but in less than a second the arrow shot through the air reaching about a meter in front of him. Almost instinctually Wang Tian dodged to the side, the arrow barely missing him.

"Haa, haa." Wang Tian exhaled heavily but before he could make another move, an arrow flying towards him once again. And thus Wang Tian rolled to the side once again, but unfortunately for him another arrow flew towards him almost instantly.

To those observing the fight, this was quite a pathetic sight. After all Wang Tian couldn't even make a move from that distance and was instead forced to dance to Mo Junjie's tune.

"He's not that bad." Luo Niu noted, after all those arrows were flying at very high speeds, even someone at the 4th Layer would have some difficulty dodging them.

"Not that bad doesn't mean he can win." Yin Ru sneered, whenever he could challenge Luo Niu he would. "Just shut up and watch the fight." Chen Meifeng's voice echoed from afar.

Hearing this all of the disciples raised their brows in shock. They all knew Chen Meifeng and had heard of her reputation, from what they knew she would rarely if ever talk. Because of this the disciples began paying even greater attention to the fight.

Ten minutes soon passed, Wang Tian had easily dodged over 100 arrows by now, and he was frankly having enough. 'I didn't want to use my techniques here, but so be it. Lets see how Encompassing the Heavens feels with essence.'

With that thought Wang Tian channeled his essence into his legs before performing Encompassing the Heavens. In an instant Wang Tian's speed dramatically increased, before the next arrow could even reach him he had already shot past it.

At this point Wang Tian had utilised Encompassing the Heavens countless times, but this time there was something different. A silver mist had coalesced around his feet increasing his speed even more than his previous usages.

In a tenth of a second, Wang Tian had appeared 100 meters away from Mo Junjie. Pulling his bowstring back, he stretched it fully before loosing not one but three different arrows, their speed easily double that of the previous arrows.

At this distance it was already extremely tough to dodge the previous arrows, not to mention these arrows which were twice as fast. Not only that but there were multiple of them! Because of this Wang Tian only had one option.

Jumping into the air Wang Tian managed to dodge the three arrows, unfortunately another arrow was now shooting towards him. But it wasn't like Wang Tian could fly, how was he going to dodge this.

Out of habit, Wang Tian tried to kick the air as if it was ground, and to his surprise it actually worked. Not only was he amazed but so was everyone else watching. But what he did next was even more impressive.

After kicking the air Wang Tian had succeeded in dodging the arrow, and due to his shock Mo Junjie forgot to fire another one. Using this brief respite Wang Tian attempted to kick the air once again, and it worked.

He then not only kicked but stepped and then ran on the air. Immediately the entire crowd was shocked. "Is he in the Tribulation Realm!?" Luo Niu was shocked to say the least.

"Are you a literal buffoon? Its obviously some special technique, but its still very impressive." Yin Ru remarked his eyes locking onto the silver mist at Wang Tian's feet. "This won't last long it seems." Yin Ru continued.

Luckily for Wang Tian, he had already reached Mo Junjie at this moment. Using Tiger's Ferocious Charge, Wang Tian's fist shot forward with immense power, an outline of a tiger appearing around it.

In response Mo Junjie punched back, his full 5th Layer Essence Condensing cultivation base backing his attack.


From on high Wang Tian's fist slammed against Mo Junjie's, unfortunately for Mo Junjie he had underestimated Wang Tian. After all Mo Junjie still had his bow in hand, and he had forgotten to factor in one crucial point. Wang Tian's speed.

Force wasn't simply just raw strength, but the speed mattered as well, otherwise the bigger attack would always prevail.

Mo Junjie shot off the stage after the punch. It seemed as though Wang Tian would win despite all previous expectations.

"Ha, ha, ha." At this point Wang Tian was already out of breath, he had pushed himself to the limit. Unfortunately, luck wasn't on Wang Tian's side.


An arrow brushed past Wang Tian. This time it wasn't aimed at him, but at the stage behind him. 'What in the?' Just as he was trying to figure out what was going on, Mo Junjie's figure, rather than being shot further away was actually somehow shooting back towards the stage.

Immediately Wang Tian looked towards the arrow which had just flown past him. 'Is that a vine?' He thought before charging towards the arrow, to cut the vine. But it was already too late. Seemingly out of no where the vine disappeared while Mo Junjie landed atop the stage about 50 meters away from Wang Tian.

"You've been a very impressive opponent. In fact I thought I lost there, but sadly this is where our battle ends." Mo Junjie declared. His bow had now disappeared, while his hands began to make weird movements.

Suddenly the ground began to quake before roots erupted from the ground. Yes, roots. Then a large tree trunk shot through the stage and into the heavens above, branches sprouting along with azure leaves.

"Azure Tree Emergence!"