Chapter 47 Defeat

An Azure Tree had emerged from the ground occupying a large chunk of the stage. It stood 500 meters tall, its trunk a 50 meters thick. Under the light of the sun the azure leaves of the tree glimmered, in contrast the bark of its trunk was a dull brown.

This was the famed technique of the Azure Tree Kingdom's royal clan, the Azure Tree Emergence. But Mo Junjie's was particularly impressive. After all even the current King couldn't produce a tree as large as Mo Junjie despite his cultivation being comparatively higher than Mo Junjie's.

Naturally this move had caught the attention of all the onlookers. Even the disciples sat atop their mounts couldn't help but gasp in awe at the majesty of the Azure Tree.

On the other hand Wang Tian had a very different feeling in the presence of the Azure Tree. 'If I don't strike now, I'll lose.' He quickly determined before activating Encompassing the Heavens.

In an instant Wang Tian's body shot towards Mo Junjie reaching him almost instantaneously. One had to remember that the distance between Wang Tian and Mo Junjie was only about 50 meters, a distance they could both traverse in a tenth of a second.

Because of this Wang Tian had a chance, a very small chance. Now that he was once again in front of Mo Junjie, his fist struck out the image of a tiger superimposed on it. At this point Wang Tian was pushing out all of his potential, to the point where even Mo Junjie raised a brow at the display.

Unfortunately, it was far from enough. Without even making a move, a tree root as thick as an adult man's arm whipped towards Wang Tian blocking his attack and forcing him back. The force of the singular root was so great that he was almost pushed off the stage.

'Again.' With that thought Wang Tian mustered what little strength he had left to charge at Mo Junjie. Naturally Mo Junjie wouldn't let him have his way yet again. Before Wang Tian could even near him, 5 roots shot towards him each at a unique and hard to dodge angle.

Just as the roots were about to hit him Wang Tian stomped the ground with all his might allowing him to bypass the roots and close in on Mo Junjie yet again. However this was futile.

"Its over." Mo Junjie sighed, and without another word he raised his open hand before forcefully closing it. Instantly almost 100 roots shot out of the ground whipping towards Wang Tian. There were so many that in Wang Tian's perspective they had even blotted out the sun.

Seeing this Wang Tian was about to activate his Heavenly Body out of desperation but he was even denied of that option as the roots struck his body one after another.


Countless bloody wounds were left on Wang Tian's body, but in reality this was already a mercy. After all those roots were enough to turn even Wang Tian into mincemeat, but that didn't mean he wasn't suffering.

"Your name?" Wang Tian could barely hear Mo Junjie ask this question, trying his best to stay standing. "Wang Tian." He replied, his voice hoarse as he locked eyes with the prince.

"I am Mo Junjie, remember it." The prince declared. This was the last thing Wang Tian heard before he fainted. His body fell forward seemingly about to land on his knees, but before he could a root wrapped around him placing him down slowly.

The Azure Tree then began to recede, while Mo Junjie's face paled somewhat. Overall he was still fine, after all he had won and it was clear to see that his opponent was by far worse for wear.

"So, which factions are interested in recruiting me?" Mo Junjie inquired, his gaze expectant as he scanned the disciples.

"Myriad Flower Sect will be taking him." Before any other faction could take a stand Chen Meifeng made a declaration. Naturally the other factions were also interested in taking Mo Junjie but out of respect for Chen Meifeng they kept their mouths shut.

This didn't matter to Mo Junjie, after all the Myriad Flower Sect was one of the top forces in the Domain, why would he refuse?

"Mo Junjie greets Senior Sister." He replied before taking a light bow. Seeing this Chen Meifeng merely nodded before descending with her Ethereal Humming Bird. Naturally Mo Junjie hopped on standing behind Chen Meifeng.

"We shall now con-" Chu Xing was about to end the selection when suddenly one of the disciples of Flying Tiger Mountain cut him off.

"Wait there's still a candidate left. That kid was pretty impressive if none of you want him we'll be taking him." Luo Niu declared. The other disciples had no objections to this, even Yin Ru wasn't bothered to create any trouble.

Normally the disciples would wait for confirmation from the candidates but due to Wang Tian's current condition Luo Niu decided to take matters into his own hands. After all if he was attending the selection that meant he was willing to join any of the factions.

In fact even Su Wu and Mu Feng were pleased with this outcome. 'While he couldn't enter Myriad Flower Sect this still a step in the right direction.' Mu Feng pondered when suddenly an envelope shot towards him.

Catching the envelope Mu Feng looked towards Su Wu before pocketing the envelope. Similarly just as Luo Niu descended to grab Wang Tian an envelope shot towards him. Catching the envelope Luo Niu had an irritated expression on his face.

"Excuse me senior but I hope you can pass the to my Junior Brother." Su Wu requested taking a slight bow out of respect. Seeing who it was Luo Niu's irritation lessened, causing him to simply nod in response.

Picking up Wang Tian Luo Niu then sat atop his tiger before flying above. 'This boy's blood has a weird colour to it.' Wang Tian's blood had a slight silvery tinge to it but Luo Niu didn't pay it too much mind, after all it could be due to a number of things.

After this Chu Xing concluded the selection and the disciples of the various factions began to take their new recruits away. Those who had failed naturally had to go home now, of course some were indignant but there was little they could do to change the situation.

A week later Wang Tian woke up groggily atop the back of a Winged Tiger. "Where am I?"