Pov. Izzy
Monsters !
How much do you believe monsters are real ?
Well, I didn't believe a zero point zero percent until I unwittingly stumbled and fell headfirst into their world. I've been wondering a lot why I'm soon going to hater number one movies of monsters, gods, witches, among other fictitious things that I thought were created by the fertile human imagination, but now I can see that behind every little story there's a little truth.
But why me ?
With billions of people scattered around the world, did it have to be me soon ?
I shake my head at the blue-eyed girl who turned my world upside down focused on something I wrote in her notebook.
It doesn't even seem that yesterday I saw her pulling heads out with her own hands.
Very animalistic.
Valentina McGauthier Leblanc.
"The heiress of the devil ", as I like to call when we are alone.
Since she arrived here she has agitated the small town of sunset warrior.
Don't ask me why my town has that name, I have no idea.
If I were to depend on the job of a tour guide in my city I would certainly go hungry.
Turning the focus to the devil daughter.
Well, maybe I should tell you how this happened, but first I should introduce myself. I am Isabelle Lavely Price Ballard, I am seventeen years old, I live with my brother and this is the story of my ruin.
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