Chapter 26

Clover Kingdom

Asta and Lily walked hand in hand, they left a large house that Asta bought for the old man which he is going to use as an orphanage, he also lent him some subordinates, both seemed like a quite happy couple, Lily no longer wore her typical nun clothes. besides that her aquamarine hair was loose and she reached her shoulders.

They soon reached a food stall and began to eat, Lily sitting on Asta's lap as they shared food,they received many looks but both were used to it.

''So what are your dreams Lily'' Asta asked softly.

''I was supposed to live a quiet life taking care of children in the orphanage, but now that we're together, I-I want a big family with you'' Lily said feeling embarrassed, Lily didn't notice, but Asta's eyes became blank for a moment, but they returned to normal as if nothing had ever happened, then he said.

''Of course I will give you all the children you want, but after I have complete control'' Asta said softly.

''Y-yes, I want my children to live a happy and peaceful life in a safe place''

''So how many do you want Hahaha?'' Asta laughed as he asked making Lily's face turn completely red, but then she got close to Asta's ear and whispered the following.

''Seven or more...'' Lily said softly

Asta's eyes widened and for some reason he got excited, he got close to Lily's ear and then said

''Do you want them now?'' Asta said softly and then lightly bit Lily's ear, Lily felt as if her body had been electrocuted for a moment.

''Where did that calm man go and who knows how to control himself?'' Lily said as she looked at the Asta's eyes.

''Any calm man would lose his cool in front of you''

As if Lily had received a critical damage, her face turned completely red again, she hugged Asta and hid her face in his neck without saying anything.

''Are you ready to meet my wives?'' Asta asked while caresses Lily's head.


''Fine, let's go'' Asta carried Lily like a princess, and two dark wings emerged from his back.

''Wait now!?'' Lily looked at Asta with a nervous expression.

''They are waiting for us Lily'' Asta exhibited a small smile.


''Don't worry, they are good wives, once you meet them I'm sure you'll get along with them''

''F-fine, let's go'' Lily tightly her grip on Asta's neck.

Asta even flew into the sky until he reached the clouds showing the beautiful scenery to Lily.

''You see all of this? All this will be ours, we will make a great kingdom for a better future for its inhabitants but even more so for our children'' Asta said softly.

''Hmm!'' Lily nodded and exhibited a beatiful smile,Asta leaned close to her and kissed her soft pink lips surprising her, Lily's eyes widened but then closed slowly as she kissed him back''


Asta's Castle

Noelle and Mimosa were running around the kitchen like headless chickens, the anti-bird was sitting on her nest, watching all the arrangements with her strange slanted eyes.

''Hahaha, that is sweet words'' Noelle and Mimosa stopped abruptly when they heard the soft voice of a middle-aged woman, they were a little nervous, the woman who was going to enter through that door was the woman who took care of her husband and now she is his wife too.

The door opened, Lily entered and was stunned when she saw the two beautiful women waiting inside the room, in addition to the large amount of food, Lily knew instantly that they wanted to give her a warm welcome.

''Hi'' Lily greeted with a kind expression.

''H-hello'' Noelle and Mimosa said at the same time

''Come on, sit with us'' Mimosa walked over, hugged Lily's arm and guided her towards the table.

Asta walked in, after Lily sat down, walked over to the anti-bird and held it in his hands and pat it.

''I'm Lily Aquaria, Nice to meet you'' Lily said.

''Noelle Silva'' Noelle exhibited a slight smile while saying.

''Mimosa Vermillion'' Mimosa said softly.

Lily alternated her gaze between Mimosa and Noelle, one looking very kind and with a happy atmosphere, while the other for some reason felt she was the very domineering type of woman.

''Can you tell us about when you came to the orphanage and started taking care of Asta?'' Mimosa asked, her eyes twinkling slightly at the same time as Noelle's, it was something they were quite curious about because of some things and decided to start with this.

''Oh about when Asta was a cute little boy'' Lily exhibited a big smile.

Mimosa and Noelle nodded agressively.

''He was so sweet! he had adorable chubby cheeks,and a shade of pink on them, adorable is not a good enough word to describe what he was like as a child! Oh i forgot, and he was so animated!''Lily said, her face turning a little red as she remembered the embarrassment she spent in the bathroom with Asta.

''Tell us more!'' Mimosa held Lily's hands as he said excitedly.

Lily started to tell her about her time with Asta, Noelle and Mimosa listened carefully, Noelle looked to where Asta should have been, but apparently at some point he had left.

'How strange it never goes without warning?' Noelle thought.


Asta walked slowly towards the arena that was near to his castle, his expression was very cold, he opened the doors and then entered.

''BOSS!'' Hundreds of hooded and darkly clothed people knelt when they saw Asta enter, The eyes of the little bird on Asta's shoulder widened when she saw this, anyone who saw these people would know that they are not normal at all.

''Stand up'' Asta said with a coldly tone, everyone got up immediately and in sync.

''I will repeat this one more time, this is not a joke, I want you to continue working hard as you have been doing, and when that bastard least expects it, his reign will end'' Asta said as he walked, his black boots resounding with every step he took towards the center.

"I don't allow mistakes, we have a lot at stake" Asta swept his cold gaze everywhere.


''I make this promise to you, you are putting your lives and all your trust in me, and I will ensure you a bright future, even if I have to get my hands dirty myself, I will keep my promise.''

''...'' Asta's subordinates fell silent as if they didn't agree with this

"Master... we would not agree to you tarnishing your image to keep your promise," said Heloise, Noelle's maid.

''Master, you already offered us we cannot abuse your kindness...'' Edith said.

''You don't decide that, the one who gives orders and decides the things here is me'' Asta said coldly, Edith bowed her head and don't say anything.

''M-master ple-'' Heloise try to talk but Asta looked at her, making her shut up, 'Master don't look at me like that, i am getting wet' Heloisea avoid the Asta's gaze.

''What's up, don't you trust me? maybe all of you should fight me alone again? '' Asta displayed a wild smile as he said.

''NO BOSS!'' The response was instantaneous, everyone's body tensed upon hearing Asta and those who saw his wild smile shuddered.

''I did not listen well, perhaps you are challenging me!? What a audacity'' Asta's eyes turned red as he said.

''NO BOSS!!''

''So it's a yes, very well let's have fun Hahahahaha'' Asta's subordinates immediately started running for their lives including Edith, and only one woman was left.

''Master, I'm here please punish me~'' Heloise said looking at Asta with cloudy eyes, Asta slowly approached Heloise, but Edith appeared and carried her, then she dissapeared.

''It's time to educate the children'' Asta said as dark wings emerged from his back, his hair turned completely dark and his red eyes became sharper.


Golden Dawn

A portal emerged at the entrance of the base.

A short man, with brunnete hair exit from the portal, he has a black cape with a bull as emblem, his expression was very serious as he walked to the entrance.

"F-finral" Some people from the Golden Dawn started to feel their bodies tensed when they saw this man, They had heard rumors that this man threw several criminals into portals and they fell from the sky, their bodies ending up destroyed...

Finral joined to the principal room, at the large table, where were Yuno,Letoile,Klaus,Langris, and William.

They looked at Finral, Langris eye's widened and said.


"Langris, Are you fine?" Finral asked, he heard that his brother was in a terrible state, and acting strange, and it was true. Langris have dark circles and a terrified expression.

"N-no, B-brother we need to exit from this kingdom we need to run with our family" Langris said like a whisper. The people at the table sighed with a tired expression.

"Why?" Finral frowned.

"There is a demon, he is looking for my redemption, I need to escape brother" Langris approached Finral and grabbed his arms.

"Demon? Langris what happened with you?" Finral looked at the to the terrified expression of his younger brother.

"Shhh, the demon can hear us brother" Langris put a finger on his lips and said.

Finral ignored his brother and looked at William who has a strange expression, then he looked at the others.

"What the hell is happening here!?" Finral shouted, this felt like a horror movie, his brother seemed to be traumatized, the captain is crazy and the others seemed to be quite affected by this.

"We messed with the wrong person" Klaus said.

Finral sighed.

"I guess it was my brother's mistake" Finral looked at his younger brother who was whispering, Finral is planning to investigate this, but first he has an important mission to do.

"We have a mission, some childs were kidnapped, we need more people to work more efficiently" Finral said, he summoned his grimoire and make a portal, then looked at his brother.

William's eyes shone when listening to Langris, under his mask no one could notice this because he had his head tilted down.

"Can you turn around brother?" Finral said.

"Y-yes, let's escape" Langris turned around towards the portal but he felt a hit, and then his sight became dark, Finral carried his body and throwed into the portal like a doll.

"Before go the mission, explain me what happend" Finral said looking at the people in the table, the portal that he create dissapeared.

Yuno started to explain about the events, moments later Finral nodded and plunged into his thoughts.

"Langris... it seems that the family pamper you too much" Finral muttered.

"Yuno,Letoile,Klaus you come with me, we need to finish this fast.There is a strange group moving, we have a lot of work to do." Finral make a portal and entered with the others.


Yuno and his friends appeared in a giant black castle, in front of they there was pretty intimidating people.

A girl was eating elegantly at the table, she has emerald eyes and black hair, she looked at Yuno getting a little stunned.

A little guy with blond hair and blue eyes, was looking at him with a crazy expression 'He is strong' the guy though

A guy with a criminal appareance, and a bat in his shoulder was looking at him too.

The last one, was a woman that Yuno knows, Vanessa Enoteca Sukehiro or Bloody witch.

"Yuno, so you are going to do the mission with us, that's good" Vanessa said with a friendly expression, she analyzed Klaus that looks normal and then analyzed Letoile and said.

"Oh? Did she exploded your cherry?" Vanessa asked, seing how close they were both she guess that.

The little girl that was eating choke with her food, the blond guy fell from his chair, the criminal guy too, and Yami who was leaving the castle almost tripped listening to Vanessa.

Yuno and Letoile were embarrassed to listen to Vanessa,they got along because they had things in common but I didn't know they looked like a couple.

''Let's move I can create a portal near to the place'' Finral said and made a portal.