Chapter 27


''Run there comes the Master!'' Edith shouted, Immediately all the hooded people got a glow with different colors and moved at incredible speed.

''Where are you going Hahahaha'' Asta said flying at the sky.

''Edith Let me go!! the master is going to spank me again~'' Heloise looks like a worm moving on top of Edith.

''I think if he does that again your big ass is going to explode''

''But... i want feel his touch again'' Heloise said with a sad tone.

''You know, I still don't understand how you two are together, one is hot like the sun and the other is cold'' Asta who had been walking with them for a long time.

''Master!!''Heloise's voice trailed off as Edith's body glowed white and shot towards.

''Wow not bad Edith'' Asta reappeared next to Edith

''Why are you bullying me Master!'' Edith at this point had a pained expression while stopped.

''Oh, okay, would you like me to treat you like my wives?''

''Wh-'' Edith blushed and said something but before she could finish there was the sound of a spank.


''Ahh~ Finally Master'' Heloise's ecstatic voice was heard, at some point Asta had taken Heloise from her and now she was in his lap being spanked as drool came out of the corner of her mouth and her eyes clouded over, Heloise's skirt was up, showing her big buttocks with a red tone.


Edith looked at this while swallowing hard.

''Now you, Edith~'' Edith heard Asta's voice and looked at his face, his cold expression was still there but he had a amused smile, Edith closed her eyes, slowly accepting her fate.

Edith felt a hand in her shoulder, she opened her eyes and saw that Asta was looking at the with a proud smile.

''You have improved a lot keep working hard Edith'' Asta said and then dissapeared.


''Looks like the Boss caught Heloise and Edith we're fucked'' Said a man in hood.

''Shhh, shut up your mouth, he may hear us!'' Said another.

''Yes the boss is so strict, and strong, but he is so kind and a good man'' All the people turned to a very familiar voice, there was Asta sitting on a stone looking at them with a slight smile, Asta felt like he was raising soldiers again only these were funnier.

''...'' No one moved, but they start to talk.

''You have reason sir, the boss is awesome,strong,handsome, and have three beautiful wives, it's like the heavens bless him'' A woman said.

''And above all merciful, he can forgive his subordinates for being stubborn and dumb just like now'' A young girl said.

''Of course, our Boss it's a saint'' A man said.

''Nice words seem to have mastered the dao of sweet talkers, but that's not very effective agaisnt me'' Just as Asta said his red eyes flashed, and everyone knelt down.

''You all are going to do 100 push-ups, 100 squats, run 10 miles, and all under my pressure, I don't care if you go bald'' Asta said coldly


Hours Later...

''Helppp me''

''Shit shit shit''

''It hurts''

"MY HAIR!!!"

"Hahahaha guys, look at this dude, he did 100 push-ups and his hair fell out'' A young woman pointed to a man of seinen appareance who was balding.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA Arrghhhhh!" The pressure became more strong...

"Wait b-"

Several voices of agony were heard in the middle of the forest.


Asta's Castle (Night)

Asta join to his castle, he don't find Noelle,Mimosa and Lily in the kitched, the anti-bird went to his nest, Asta went up to the stairs and found a beautiful view in his room.

Asta stood leaning against the door, watching his three wives sleep, Asta could swear he could see this view for his whole life and never get tired.

As if Mimosa and Noelle had sensed it they opened their eyes, both of them had a sleepy expression, but they got up from the bed and slowly approached Asta, Noelle hugged his right arm and Mimosa his left.

''You were late'' Noelle said as she tightened her hug.

''Were you in the arena with them?'' Mimosa asked.

''Yes, i have already plans''

''Mhmm, were you harsh with them?'' Noelle started to kiss Asta softly on the face while asking.

''Nah, just 10 push ups, 10 squats, and 1 kilometer nothing more'' Asta lied.

''I don't believe you, you work so hard husband'' Mimosa said pinching Asta's cheek.

''Don't try too hard husband, you are very strong right now, you also have us, we just have to move little by little in the Clover Kingdom'' Noelle said and started giving Asta hickeys on the neck.

''I know, let's sleep'' Asta said softly.

Noelle nodded and lay down next to Lily entering the 'world of dreams instantly'.

Asta looked at Mimosa, Mimosa's sleepy expression had completely disappeared, this is the first time Asta sees her so serious.

''What happend wifey?'' Asta asked.

''You and I have to talk''' Mimosa dragged Asta to the bathroom.


Mimosa and Asta were in the bathroom, Mimosa sat on the edge of the pool her serious expression was still there, Asta was sitting next to her confused at Mimosa's sudden seriousness.

''Husband, we talked a lot with Lily and she told us about when she came to the orphanage'' Mimosa said softly.

Asta nodded.

''But she never talk about, about something terrible that you have done, everything was quite normal, you had told us that you did terrible things in your past'' Mimosa looked at Asta's eyes intensely.

Asta trembled slightly, and realized his carelessness.

''You don't have to explain it now, when you're ready we'll listen to you, Noelle and I always ignore some of your few strange actions, it's like you're hiding something important from us, But i still don't understand husband. Why do you look at us with a melancholic expression sometimes?'' Mimosa looked at Asta with great concern and her eyes threatened to shed tears.

''We are your wives!, if you have problems just tell them, don't keep it all to yourself husb-'' Mimosa couldn't finish speaking when she felt Asta hug her.

''Sorry...'' Mimosa's eyes widened, Asta hugged her tightly, she could feel her shoulder getting wet.

''H-husband?'' Mimosa was scared, this is the first time she heard her husband's voice break, she felt her heart begin to squeeze, she never thought that trying to investigate that subject would make her husband show her this weak side, she had never seen her husband cry or show weakness, as if that great strength in him collapsed easily. Mimosa realized that her husband loves them so much that his greatest fear is losing them or that they themselves will move away from hers.

''I lost my fear a long time ago, but now in this new life I only have one thing that scares me, and that is that you know what I once was, It is something that although I try to hide it but it is impossible'' Asta said trembling, Mimosa hugged him tightly when she felt him tremble, definitely if she saw her husband's expression right now she would feel a strong pain.

''N-new life?'' Mimosa finally understood why her husband said it was a complicated subject...



''Those women are making you weak Evan!'' A voice resounded throughout a dark room, only bright golden eyes could be seen, after a few moments the golden eyes dimmed.

''But... I would like to be there to hug you and tell you that everything you did in your first life it was never bad...'' The voice broke a bit.

''Evan... maybe I should go back right now? You need me right? But those women seem like they managed to touch your heart like Aranelisse and Aurora''

''No!,No!,No! i need to wait, i have to be careful. Everything is at stake'' The golden eyes slowly closed...


Clover Kingdom (Night)

Hundreds of people moved through the Kingdom, as if in perfect sync, some entering inns, auction houses and more.

Other people went through the streets and helped homeless commoners and people without problems and they only asked for one thing.

Edith the maid entered an inn, she was dressed as a Noble so she attracted a lot of attention besides being beautiful, she sat alone at a table and called a waitress.

A waitress of medium height, slender and curvaceous build approached the waitress had reddish hair with blue eyes in addition to freckles on her face.

''Bring me food for two and I also want you to sit next to me'' Edith said.

The waitress frowned but still she did what she was told.

Ten minutes later she came with food for two and sat next to Edith.

''What do you want?'' The waitress asked.

''What is your name'' Edith said she asked as she ate elegantly


''It's a good name, Rebecca, I have an offer you couldn't refuse'' Edith said.

''An offer?'' Rebecca looked at Edith's eyes.

''It seems that your family is very large but they do not occupy enough budget to live'' Edith said as she looked at Rebecca's siblings out of the corner of her eye.

''Yes...'' Rebecca clenched her fist as she said.

''You just have to do something, and I'll give you enough money so you don't have to go back to work'' Edith said.

''That is so suspicious'' Rebecca said while frowned.

''We only need the support of commoners, if you do your part many things will change well in the Kingdom'' Edith said with a sly smile.

''...'' Rebecca looked at her brothers in the kitchen, she knows she couldn't go on like this, it was just her and her brothers at some point she would collapse if she continued working and taking care of her brothers at the same time, so without hesitation she decided to take a risk.

''I'm in'' Rebecca said with determination in her expression


Nairn (Night)

''Why didn't you stay with Vienna? this mission is very easy you don't have to bother to come'' Vanessa and Yami were hidden on a top of a mountain.

''It doesn't matter if it's the easiest mission in the world, she won't forgive me, you end up hurting yourself'' Yami said while smoking.

''But i have the c-'' Before Vanessa could finish speaking, Finral made a sign, and immediately everyone sprang into action.

Several portals emerged within the mountain, the children who had been kidnapped for the purpose of absorbing their magic looked at this with hope and the three kidnappers immediately panicked.

A mud giant emerges from the ground, on top of a fat and robust man was controlling it, the man was on guard but just above him a portal emerged.

''Tornado fang'' Yuno came out of the portal, her right fist connected against the man's face, a huge tornado formed in her arm piercing the mud giant and sending the man flying.

''Baro!'' A man with blue hair summoned snowmen, Letoile came out behind Yuno with her summoned grimoire.

''Another Atlas!''

Beneath the snowmen and the blue-haired man a great magic compass was created, the snowmen began to turn to the rhythm of the arrow of the compass just like the man, his snowmen faded away and he remained completely dizzy and vomiting.

A black-haired woman was riding towards them on what appeared to be a slime salamander, but Yuno reacted immediately by creating a spell.

''Crescent Kamaitachi!'' Several crescent-shaped slashes flew towards the woman cutting her slime and before she could finish regenerating Yuno pushed forward closing the distance, clenched her right fist and threw a strong punch towards her abdomen creating a tornado and knocking her down.

''Are you sure we needed that many people for this final?'' Yami asked, the others came out of the portals and looked directly at the end.

''I had heard a report about a group with white cloaks...'' Finral said.

''Who told you that?'' Yami frowned, he made a sign and the others began to move attending to the children, then he walked slowly towards a rock.

''Woman stop hiding I can feel your mana'' Yami said, and an old woman dressed as a nun appeared with embarrassment written on her face.

''The wizard king worked with the second hand of the clover king and they found information about a certain Licht and an eye of the white night, but about his whereabouts I was informed by people with dark hood'' Finral said.

''Aren't they very suspicious people?'' Yami asked.

''They help nobles and commoners, they are trustworthy but we do not know who they work with'' Finral said.

Yami was lost in thought, his eyes matching Yuno's as a terrible and immense amount of mana suddenly appeared in their midst, all they could see was an intense white light...

''Watch out!''