Chapter 28

Thousands of swords of light collided with a large dark barrier, Yami reacted in time covering everyone with his dark magic.

Crack Crack Crack

Swords of light destroyed Yami's dark magic, Yuno felt as if time had slowed down and his heart was beating wildly as he saw several swords heading towards Letoile, without even thinking about it his body turned green for a moment and he appeared in front of Letoille protecting her in time.

Letoile's eyes widened, she immediately held Yuno's body before he fell, she trembled heavily with fear as she felt the terrifying amount of mana emerging from that growing white light, but her face turned completely pale as she checked Yuno's body.

''Return them quickly Finral!'' Yami shouted.

''But cap-''

''I said now!'' Yami's expression was not calm or carefree at all, his expression was cold and angry. A small red cat climbed onto his shoulder as he prepared for combat.

Finral said nothing more and withdrew everyone immediately just leaving leaving Yami.

''Dark Magic Interesting...'' A deep and cold voice echoed throughout the place, the white light faded revealing the silhouette of a man, his golden eyes were empty as if they were lifeless and he had witnessed hell itself, his skin was light, as was his white hair, on his body he wore a strange garment with the symbol of three eyes.

''That grimoire, you are from our kingdom. Why are you attacking your own people?'' Yami frowned as he saw the grimoire of this strange man.

The man said nothing and began to attack Yami, balls of light formed around him and then as if it was a scene from star wars, white lasers began to fly towards Yami.

Yami swung his sword quickly repelling all the lasers, his body tensed, his veins swelled and his feet glowed purple, without hesitation Yami shot like a bullet towards his enemy.


The strange looking man was incredibly fast, a sword formed on his right arm and countered Yami, light magic is the fastest element of all magics but this man was facing a master swordsman.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

Yami's katana was covered with a dark fire and began to assault the man with several cuts, but it was not fast enough, the man retreated his body flickered with a white light and appeared in another place as if it was almost a teleportation.

The scene that followed was incredibly surprising, Yami and the strange man began to move at an incredible speed, sparks flew, spells flew and the whole place shook before the great combat, the strange man looked at Yami with a crazy expression while attacking ferociously.

'It's a pity that he is a human creep' The strange man thought.

''Yami Maho: Yamimatoi Kuroba!'' Yami took several steps back and his sword grew to 20 meters, then as if Yami was possessed by a bloodthirsty demon his expression darkened and his eyes glowed, the sword swung wildly into the mountain destroying the whole place.


The eyes of the strange man widened, strangely his light magic had been slower as if it had failed for a moment, because of this he received a large cut on his chest, his body dissapeared leaving a small light, then he appeared in front of Yami with a light sword on his hand, Yami was quick to defend himself his sword strangely dissapeared.

''Meow'' A cat's meow was heard over the man's shoulder.

''W-what?''Before the man could do anything a strong fist slammed into his abdomen making him spit out drool and blood.


The man sank into the wall,Yami looked at the cat that climbed on his shoulder again with nostalgia, the last time Vanessa used it was the first time they met in the witches' forest...

''It's been a while'' Yami pat the head of the red cat,then his gaze returned to the man who had a crazed expression.

''Yami Sukehiro it's your name right?'' The man stood up, an intense light growth in his hands.

''Do you know my name? Who are you?'' Yami frowned, As he took his stance, his katana was positioned so that it appeared to be sheathed.


Several shots of light shot out at high speed as the man said his name, Yami tightened his katana which burst with intense dark fire.

''Yami Maho: Yamimatoi Mumyo Midaregiri!'' Yami unsheathed his katana making several cuts in a wild and fast way, neither of them backed off, they were getting closer and closer, Yami's right arm glowed with a purple tone and made a strong cut, Licht disappeared and appeared behind Yami, Yami's Katana was already moving directly to his neck overwhelming Licht and making him back off.

''Damned human...'' Licht said touching the cut on his neck that was spilling blood, before he made his next move, a dark spatial rift opened up in front of him, a beast-like man radiating a pressure of a monstercame out of the crevice, followed by a black-haired man and a pink-haired woman, both wearing the same clothes as Licht, with the three-eyed design.

''Beautiful Design'' The black-haired man used an ability similar to Licht's by flashing a small light and appearing in front of Yami and touching his grimoire.

Yami attacked the black-haired man immediately making him retreat as far as his group.

''Hono Kaifuku Maho: Fenikkusu no Hagoromo'' The pink-haired woman cast a spell and Licht's body burst into flames, the small wounds and the large wound on his chest slowly healed.

''I'm fucked up'' Yami said, while lighting a cigarette with his dark magic.