Chapter 63: Memory Magic.


Asta opened his eyes slowly and what greeted him was a beautiful sight that he would watch for hours. The sun's rays came through the window hovering over Lily who was sleeping on top of him with a small smile on her lips, her hair was completely disheveled but that didn't reduce her charm. Asta gave her a soft kiss causing her to let out a moan of satisfaction.

''Hmm, keep sleeping husband'' Lily hugged him tightly.

''I have to go Lily'' Asta kissed her again and leave her embrace, Lily unciously take the pillow and hugged it tightly.

Asta took a quick shower and went down to the kitchen, Secre was sitting while having breakfast. She immediately turned around as if she had sensed him and stared at him deeply.

''Good morning'' Asta approached her and kissed her softly.

''Morning'' Secre said with a blush on her cheeks, she turned her gaze to her breakfast and continued eating.

Asta started to cook his own breakfast while watching Secre out of the corner of his eye 'I don't think she saw me with Lily.' Asta thought. Secre is also a heavy sleeper like her wives, as well as sleeping in the middle of two soft paradises.

''Did you finish yesterday?'' Asta asked.

''Mmm'' Secre nodded.

''Can you do me one last favor?''

''What will you give me in exchange?'' Secre asked as she stare at him.

''We can go out together for a few hours if you want''

''Yes!'' Secre said with excitement but then, she bowed her head and said ''But the people will think that i am a demon because of my horns''

''What does it matter, Do you think they would dare to do something knowing that you are with me?'' Asta said.

''No, and i don't need your protection'' Secre pouted as she folded her arms. ''I'm a strong woman, If anyone dares to come close I will seal them for life.'' Secre said as she wave her hand in a tender way.

''Hahaha, I think before they can get close they will die of cuteness'' Asta said as he sat next to her.

''I'm a adult woman, What cuteness are you talking about?'' Secre looked at Asta's eyes.

''Oh, yes you are'' Asta pat her head.

''...'' Secre looked at Asta's lips and an idea came to her mind, At an incredible speed she sat on Asta's lap facing each other, her face that showed no emotion had completely changed and this time she showed a naughty smile.

''Now what are you planning?'' Asta asked as he looked at Secre's big eyes.

''Let me feed you'' Secre said.

''You become quite daring knowing that they are sleeping, don't you?''

''Let me enjoy the things I missed for 500 years'' Secre said while making puppy eyes, Asta's body trembled slightly and strangely upon seeing Secre's expression, then as if Asta had suddenly become another person he softly said:


''...'' Secre replied showing a pure and cheerful smile, then she starts to feed Asta.

''Say Aaah'' Secre took a berry and placed it in front of Asta's mouth.

''Aah'' Asta opened his mouth.

Secre's happy smile got even bigger as she continued to feed Asta, she took a scrambled egg and fed it to him. Asta didn't know why but somehow Secre seemed very happy doing such simple things.

''Here is the dessert'' Secre closed her eyes and licked her lips and then opened it, waiting for Asta's.

Asta appreciated the sight and didn't keep Secre waiting, he gently kissed her lips while gently stroking her hair.

''We can go now'' Secre said with a smile, she look at Asta like If she is waiting for something. Asta understood and carried her by placing her on his back.

Without further ado Asta left the place with a beautiful young woman on his back hugging his neck.


Fana was sitting in front of an open window, supporting her upper body while looking up at the sky in thought. She, despite having sought revenge for a long time, She is now in conflict, those dreams of the elves united with the humans assaulted her again and they looked more and more real if the words that Asta said were not empty.

''What you would have done, Tetia?'' Fana asked to herself, her beautiful turquoise eyes dilated for a moment remembering the sister of the previous wizard king.

''You probably would have gotten your hopes up and immediately cooperated with him.'' Fana let out a sight, Knowing Tetia's amazingly kind personality so much that even Licht was charmed by her personality, but that kindness and innocence led her to think that all humans would ally with elves without problems. Fana was quite clear, even a woman as kind and kind as Tetia had to pay because of her own race...

''Why she?'' Fana began to shed tears, it hurt a lot just to remember that moment in which Tetia only protectively hugged her swollen belly because she was pregnant with Licht.

''Wait, that girl...'' Fana's eyes deepened remembering a certain girl.

''Mimosa...'' Fana said softly, Mimosa looked a exactly like Tetia. The only difference was that Tetia's hair was a beautiful blonde color and Mimosa's is orange, for a moment she thought that maybe Mimosa was the reincarnation of Tetia but if it had been so she would have recognized her instantly.

Fana came out of her thoughts when she heard someone knock on the door, she wiped the tears from her eyes but that wasn't going to remove the reddish tone in the corners of her eyes. so she said:

''Come in''

Fana's turquoise eyes stared at the young woman on Asta's back, for a moment she felt a little bewitched somehow by the happy expression of this girl but it wasn't just that. She somehow remembered seeing this girl, but how is it possible for a human to still be alive after 500 years? impossible. But her answer was automatically answered by seeing the girl's horns.

''Good morning Fana, How are you?'' Asta asked as he sat on a chair with Secre on his lap.

''I'm fine, Who are these people?'' Fana asked as she turned her gaze beetwen Secre and the man with blue hair.

''This beautiful woman is Secre my future wife, and this man is Marx the second hand of Augustus.'' Asta said making Secre's cheeks blush.

'Future wife? Another one?' Fana frowned, and then she looked at Marx with a bored look.

''He's going to help us for the thing I explained to you'' Asta said as he stared at Fana's turquoise eyes, he had immediately realized that she was crying moments ago.

''Looks like you're not a man of empty words after all'' Fana said as she exhibited a small smile.

''I swore something to you and I am willing to fulfill it, besides, we will both benefit right?''

''Yeah...'' Fana looked at Asta's eyes searching for something.

''Are you sure about this sir?'' Marx asked.

''Marx, your magic is one of the best I've ever seen. Imagine the possibilities you can do with it, right now I would like to use it to resolve an old conflict.'' Asta said.

''Well, make the girls hold hands'' Marx said.

Asta sat Secre on the edge of the bed, Fana came over and sat next to her but didn't take her hand. She stared at her hand and a memory of came to her mind.

'Fana, Imagine the possibilities once we humans join with the elves! And even there will be a new race and we could deal with their birth problem, we would be stronger together and the threats would be reduced. Just thinking about how beautiful a Kingdom would be where we are all united and live in peace makes me feel very happy!' Fana remembered Tetia's dreamy words, her hand nervously held Secre's. Secre's hand felt very warm making her nervousness disappear, she closed her eyes as Secre did and then Marx moved closer.

''Memory Navigation...'' Marx muttered, then the entire room was bathed in a beautiful pale blue light, and as if the minds of Marx, Secre and Fana had been teleported to another world their sights were replaced.


Marx, Secre and Fana floated in the sky with translucent bodies like ghosts. The sight in front of them was of a Clover Ancient Kingdom that looked quite peaceful.

''...'' Fana looked at this with shock, then she looked towards a certain direction and shot towards it, Secre and Marx followed her.

Soon they arrived at a beautiful forest where a wedding was being organized, Fana's eyes trembled when she saw Tetia and Licht together and happy.

''A girl and a boy Husband!'' Tetia said with a happy smile as she gently caresses her belly.

''Yes'' Licht said with a warm smile as he hug her.

''They will be the example that elves can be united with humans'' Tetia said.

''Mhm, It is possible we just have to put our differences aside''

''I'm so happy, I already want to hold them in my arms''

''Only one month left, be patient Wife'' Licht said.

''Yes-'' Tetia was about to say but, suddenly all the elves and Tetia began to feel that they could barely use their mana, as if it was being sucked into something. A dark miasma rose further alerting Licht and the other elves.


Tetia's eyes widened as she saw several spells in the sky heading straight for them, she unconsciously wrapped her hands around her belly protectively. Licht hugged her tightly as she tried to get the least amount of mana she had out of her but she couldn't..

Slowly under the sight of Fana's trembling eyes, Secre and Marx watched as various spells began to slaughter the people...