Chapter 64: The Tragedy.

Licht slowly began to stood up, his blurry vision recovering only to be greeted by a sight he didn't want to believe.

Her wife was a bloody mess slowly dying and his people too...

''TETIA!!!'' Licht shouted and grabbed her body. Around Licht the entire forest was painted red, heads, organs, other members of the elves' bodies were lying on the ground.

Licht's chest rose and fell furiously like a beast, His wife could barely speak. She caressed his cheek gently with her delicate hand covered in blood, then her hand slowly descended from her and her beautiful eyes lost their sparkle.

The tears in Licht's eyes began to spill, a demonic laugh resounded from behind him but he ignored it. He carried his wife like a princess and pointed his finger upwards casting a spell, a beautiful symbol formed in the sky and then descended on the bodies of his race.

Fana looked with great murderous intent at the demon that looked like a ghost behind Licht. 'So it was true that not only were those 5 humans, but also a demon was behind all this...'

''What are you going to do? Those humans just massacred them and just left, won't you take revenge for your people?'' The demon's voice sounded like it tempted Licht to commit an atrocity.

The demon's voice gradually added fuel to the fire, even though he was there. Licht couldn't see him and wasn't even trying to bother trying, he was completely blinded by bloodlust.

''Come on Licht, release your anger. Show those humans that they made a serious mistake Kekeke'' The Demon said as he laugh.

Licht gently lowered his wife's body and looked forward, his fists clenched so hard that blood spilled, Licht couldn't even reason and more the demon's voice tempting him burning even more his dark desires. Licht slowly took out various stones from his pockets, then the stones began to glow.

''Damn Humans!'' Licht's body began to change his skin turned dark and he grew taller, his eyes went forward and as if he could see from miles away he found the main killers of his race. Licht took a single step, a single step that made him cut kilometers in a second.

The eyes of the humans widened, they all seemed Kings of the utmost importance, only four wore crowns while one did not, each of them seemed to belong to each kingdom. Licht realized that these people were planning this for a long time among themselves, Before those nefarious humans could do anything, Licht's hand moved slowly...


All limbs from those humans bodies were easily ripped off in a second by Licht, the humans bodies fell limp. The event was so fast that it took a few seconds to feel an infernal pain for them.


A horrific scene began to ensue, Licht slowly began to torture the humans. Secre looked at this without expression, Fana seemed to enjoy this scene and feel satisfied knowing that they did not die of old age if they were not practically massacred and tortured, Marx almost vomited before such a horrifying scene.

''Haaaaa....'' Licht's body rose slowly, his heart beating fiercely as if it was about to explode. Then under the shocked gaze of Marx and Fana, Licht began to transform into a monstrous one kilometer tall demon...



The gigantic demonic monster let out a scream, then looked towards the direction of the nearest Kingdom, the Clover kingdom. With astonishing speed he soon approached the Kingdom.

At the moment that the giant demon arrived in the kingdom, a catastrophe occurred...

Marx and Secre chased after the demon, but Fana decided to return to where her race had been slaughtered. The ghost demon was nowhere to be seen, but now there is a beautiful young woman with short hair.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Lemiel was locked up and it took me a while to free him, if I had been stronger and more skilled you wouldn't have died'' said Secre as she looked at Tetia.

Fana's mouth fell open in shock, This woman had lived for five hundred years then? How did she not end up going crazy or depressed? How can she sleep every night without remembering said tragedy?

Even though Fana is taller, she felt a little small in front of this woman now that she knows more or less about her.

''That's why I had thought I had seen her before, as i slowly died I could see her silhouette and hear her screams'' Fana muttered, Secre descended Tetia's body gently and looked with pure resolve towards the kingdom, her body shone with a light and began to move rapidly towards the kingdom.

Fana decided to return to Marx and Secre, several thoughts now running through her mind.


Marx watched with trembling eyes as his people were massacred the instant the demon stepped on the place, the wizard king appeared abruptly and seemed quite furious. Marx looked out of the corner of his eye at Secre, who did not seem to be affected by this scene at all.

Fana reached Secre's side and her turquoise eyes trembled as she saw the destruction and the bodies of even children completely crushed and or roasted.

For the first time the elf who hated humans so much, began to feel sorry for them, everyone was paying for the stupidity of a small group. Millions of innocents died because of those bastards...

''Why Licht...'' Lemiel looked at Licht with tears in his eyes, his body was wound but he doesn't stop his attacks.

''K-Kill me Lemiel'' Lemiel can hear Licht's voice, his voice seems to be full of suffering and agony as if he is fully aware of everything he has done.

Lemiel's body began to glow brightly, a thick sword made of pure light formed in his hands. Lemiel leaned forward as he looked directly at the gigantic demon in front of him.


Lemiel teleported, his body completely covered in an intense light, and he began to slash wildly at the demon. Light slashes and dark slashes were flying madly all over the place, the demon's robust body moving quickly despite how big it was.


Thunderous explosions resounded from all sides of the kingdom, or rather a place that looked completely plunged into an apocalypse. Destruction, deaths is the only thing that could be seen in the kingdom.


Lemiel plummeted destroying a house, his body was a bloody mess. He looked with blurry eyes at what seemed to be his friend, the husband of his sister, he clenched his fists tightly and his hand was bathed in an intense light, then, as if it were a grenade, he threw a ball of light towards the chest of the Devil.


An explosion of light knocked down the demon.

Lemiel got up with difficulty and began to walk with weak steps, he looked at the whole area and felt that his heart was pierced by thousands of daggers when he saw that he could not fulfill his work as a Wizard King.

Lemiel's eyes narrowed little by little and he felt that he was about to fall but a young woman held him.

''You can't fall now, if you fall we will all die Lemiel!'' Secre said as she heal him.

''Secre...'' Lemiel looked at Secre as if he wanted to apologize but she shook her head, they both looked to where the gigantic demon was getting up.


Lemiel sighed and then said:

''Get away, I have an idea but I can't do it if you're around'' Lemiel said, Secre left quickly upon hearing him.

''Light Nova'' Lemiel muttered as he walks slowly...

Under the sunset, the Wizard king of the clover kingdom began to shine with an intense light that pierced through the clouds. All the survivors watched with trembling eyes as the Wizard King walked with weak steps but that in their eyes seemed to have a great will and decision.

The gigantic Demon extended his hand towards Lemiel with the intention of killing him, but the moment his hand touched Lemiel's resplendent body, it began to be cut into pieces, leaving traces of light.

''Sorry Licht'' Lemiel said, he appeared flying right in front of the demon. The demon's big eyes shed tears of blood, Lemiel's arm descended towards the demon even though it seemed so weak at the moment it collided causing a gigantic explosion of light.


The gigantic demon's head flew off and his body completely disappeared, Lemiel fell limp in the center of the gigantic crater he created. Around him several magic stones fell, even though Lemiel was lying there, Secre quickly approached Lemiel, her body began to tremble at the sight of Lemiel's state but she reacted quickly and began to try to heal him.

''Secre...'' Lemiel looked at Secre's eyes, Not far from her, Lemiel saw the ghost demon and pointed at it, Secre directed her gaze towards the ghost demon who was looking at the events with disappointment.

''...'' Secre gave the ghost demon a dangerous look, the demon just slowly faded away as he look at her.

''He probably will come back'' Lemiel said with a weak voice.

Secre ignored Lemiel's voice and started muttering something, the magic stones began to dance around them as she continued muttering things that Lemiel didn't hear well, but he swore he heard forbidden magic.

''Wait Secre! If you do that-'' Before Lemiel could finish speaking, he turned into a statue with magic stones embedded in it. Under the shocked eyes of newly arrived magic knights they looked at a woman who slowly began to have a devilishly charming appearance.

Small black horns grew on her head, her skin turned completely pale. Her big wine eyes turned blood-red and at the same time sparkled like stars, then her pink lips turned reddish and her body also grew a little.

Secre's big eyes widened upon seeing his appearance reflected in a pool of blood, her body began to tremble slightly knowing the fate that awaits her.

''D-Demon!'' A Magic Knight said, Secre watched with empty eyes as everyone looked at her with fear and disgust, then under the shocked eyes of all those civilians and magic knights the lovely demonic-looking woman transformed into a bird and flew away.

Secre didn't even bother trying to explain, she knew the first thing they would do was try to kill her...