Chapter 176: Giga

Two little girls were lying on a bed in white pajamas, the girls were twins and they looked like two little angels, their big pale golden eyes staring at the screen in front of them.

"Mommy is taking late to take the call" Bridgid pouted.

"Be patient, we have to report our Daddy!" Brunhilde said with a cute and serious expression.

"Umm, but..."

"Brid!" Brunhilde stared at her sister.

"Our father is gonna be punished!" She pursed her lips.

"It does not care! he's being stupid! Humpf!" Brunhilde pouted.

"Sweethearts~" A very sweet voice sounded, Bridgid and Brunhilde's eyes glowed as if several stars were shining in their eyes, they looked at the screen and their little mouths opened in surprise.

"Are you surprised? You look so cute" Noelle's eyes curved as she displays a motherly smile.

"Mom, you are beautiful than ever!" Brunhilde said.

"Hehe, Thank you." Noelle said with sweet voice.

"Where are you mommy?" Bridgid asked.

"Oh? This place" Noelle moved the screen showing to her daughters an infinite magic ocean.

"Whoah!" The girls' mouth opened again in surprise.

"This is an special world, I became very strong here" Noelle smiled.

"Where are the people?" Brunhilde asked with curiosity.

"Oh... They... They are taking a trip!" Noelle lied.

"Mommy you are lying!" Bridgid immediately said.

"They passed to a better life!" Noelle immediately said.

"Now you aren't lying!" The twins said at the same time with a sweet voice.

"Why did you kill them mommy? Did you became evil mom!?" Bridgid asked.

"Umm, the answer is easy! They were courting your mommy!"

"Ohhh! They must be in the hell! Just our daddy can court you!" Brunhilde and Bridgid said at the same time.

"Hahaha~" Noelle let out a charming laugh.

"Oh! our dad!" Bridgid suddenly said as she looks at Brunhilde.

"Whah! dad!" Brunhilde said realizing, she looked at Bridgid.

They turned their heads, both looking at their mom with cute expressions.

"Mom! Daddy is fighting alone-"

"What?" Noelle's motherly expression vanished, suddenly the magic ocean began to move around her.


The twins gulped seeing their mother's expression.

"H-He is fighting a-alone" Brunhilde said again.

"You said again" Noelle immediately said.

"O-Oh..." Brunhilde lowered her face.

"H-He was fighting alone during these months..." Brunhilde said with a voice that sounded like a mosquito buzz.

"Oh, That's very normal in your father... Thank you sweethearts, I love you so much" Noelle displayed a warm smile that not reached her eyes.

"M-Mom, are you going to punish him?" Bridgid asked she was hide behind a pillow.

"Of course not! How I can? He's my husband, my darling!" Several thunders descended around Noelle as her smile grew.

"Y-You look angry mom.." Brunhilde looked in her mother's eyes.

"Of course I am!" Noelle exploded, and started cursing at Asta, Bridgid and Brunhilde hid behind a big pillow.

"Just wait there! I'm gonna crush everything!" Noelle's appeareance was changing slowly, her face was red of anger.

The little mouths of Brunhilde and Bridgid widened seeing the appareance of their mother.

The screen disappeared and the two twins looked at each other.

"Was that right?" Brunhilde asked to her sister.

"...Definitely not" Bridgid shook her head in a cute way.

"I-I will apogolize with daddy" Brunhilde said with a sad expression.

"Yesh" Bridgid nodded.



In the battlefield...

Everything was a mess, the whole place had become a desert.

Asta was fighting alone against Yvonne and Astartea, his smile was very wild and his body was riddled with injuries. Astartea and Yvonne wore an awkward expression as they looked at the man who looked like an unbreakable wall.

"What's happening? Two Demon Queens aren't enough to kill a man?" Asta's smile grew as he breaths.

"Go away." Yvonne glared at Astartea, Astartea nodded and step away from them.

"I don't want to hurt you but you leave me no choice" Yvonne said as a red short-sword appears in her right hand.

The dark pressure around Yvonne returned to her body and then the woman breathed softly, her eyes seemed to slowly widen.

"Oh?" Asta immediately took a defensive pose crossing his excalibur, his eyes closing.

Time seemed to stop for Yvonne, she could clearly see every minimal movement of Asta's body and the whole place, she breathed again and in the blink of an eye she was already in front of Asta swinging her sword.


The clouds in the sky disappeared, but the ground was not damaged, Yvonne's attack seemed to try to knock Asta out of space but the man was like an immovable wall.

Asta's eyes slowly opened, the pale gold color had disappeared now replaced by a deep brown color.

"..." Asta smiled wildly, then as if the whole area had suddenly changed, rocks began to appear constantly moving thousands of stone spikes shot towards Yvone like a tsunami.

Yvonne stepped back gracefully, and looked with shocked eyes at the change in the entire place and Asta. Several of Asta's subordinates were on platforms of rock, it seemed as if thousands of gigantic rock spikes were about to shoot towards her.

'He is very young, how is it possible to have this control?' She frowned.

Asta's pupils slowly turned red and he began to breathe fire, his hair swayed gently as his rock armor slowly changed, the rocks around him and his armor turned black like obsidian and lava seemed to move inside them.

"This is the double assimilation." Asta said as he looks at Yvonne.

Yvonne huffed, her eyes and her expression was full of disappointment.

She was very interested in Asta, she thought that her lost fiancé would be no big deal, but when she saw him for the first time her interest was sparked.

All to become pure feelings of anger and jealousy, to think that her fiancé had thirteen wives, many children and one of those is with a demon...

"You... I hate you" Yvonne's eyes turned cold a purple fire danced around her body as her eyes glows.

"It's not like I'm interested in liking you." Asta said and he strangely dissapeared.

"..." Yvonne looked around confused, her eyes widened feeling danger.


Asta emerged from the ground in front of Astartea.

"This is a punch with my physical strength and the spirits." Asta's smile grew.

"!!!" All the spectators of the fight felt their hair stand on end as Asta's right arm slowly moved towards Yvonne, Yvonne sensing a great danger coming from a simple blow backed away in time...



Those were the words to describe what happened, it seemed as if part of the earth's structure was totally changed, but in reality it was flattened by the pressure of Asta's punch.

"You have to be kidding..." Liebe's eyes twitched at the sight, the clouds literally disappeared, the man who accompanied Liebe stood in his stance with a big smile, Yvonne had disappeared...

"That is without our demon assimilation... What the hell are you?" Liebe muttered.

Asta looked strong and invincible as always, but everyone has their weaknesses and limits.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The sky began to explode as the reddish color became even deeper, Yvonne descended from space with a disastrous appearance and her face completely twisted in anger.

"Y-Yvonne, Calm down you cannot destroy the pla-" Before Astartea could finish Yvonne shot out towards Asta with a brutal speed.

Asta took a martial arts pose.


Yvonne's body collided against Asta, her skin had turned red as her anger state was at its peak, Asta's armor cracked as he held back the furious demon queen.

Yvonne took two steps back, swinging her sword in a simple arc, a simple cut that broke part of Asta's armor and cut much of the planet in two.


"Damnit, be careful I love this world" Asta displayed an amused smile as he gasps.

"Shut up your fucking mouth!" Yvonne eyes widened as she pounce on Asta, purple flames dancing around her voluptuous body.

Yvonne put Asta on the defensive, she was fighting like a berserker, combining her swordsmanship with her martial arts.

Asta enjoyed looking at the poor frustrated woman, he could easily defend himself from her martial arts and fencing, he allowed himself to be hurt on purpose to give Yvonne more confidence, the more the woman brutally beat him the bigger Asta's smile became.


Asta shot into the sky, his body receiving several blows in the process, Liebe unconsciously ran towards him with concern.

"Don't come here, you became coward." Asta said with a cold tone, his golden eyes looking at Liebe, Liebe unconciously stopped.

"Asta Pendragon! Today you are going to be mine for the bad!" Yvonne demanded, the fire around her body got crazier, a huge pillar formed around it and shot out into space.

Asta floated in the sky with a smile of pure amusement, his body was bruised and his armor had been completely pulverized.

"Where are your parents? I think they are strong enough.. You know? You are out of my league" Asta said with disdain.

Yvonne's eyes seemed to lost life as she listened to Asta.

'This... He is crazy!' Astartea cried in her mind.

"I'm here, Are you sure about your words?" A cold voice resounded in the place, From Yvonne's shadow came a tall man similar to her, only his hair was red.

'T-The D-Demon Emperor was here?' Astartea sweated bullets.

"Perfect!" Asta spreads his arms with a happy smile, the Demon Emperor frowned hearing the man.

"Are you crazy? You do not see the situation?"

"The bigger the challenge... The more exciting everything becomes!" As Asta said that, his body was covered by his armor of black rocks and lava, he summoned the blood sword and modified it covering it with black rocks and lava moved around it like a flow.

"Come here! Show me a real challenge!" Asta's deeper voice echoed in the entire place.

"..." The man beside Yvonne displayed a big smile and looked at Yvonne.

"He has steel balls." His smile turned mocking.

It was a pity, a pity because just as the daughter was so were the parents, or probably all the inhabitants of the other side. They thought they were invincible and that there were no people who could match their power.

But this is gonna be the time when they would open their eyes.


The ground around 10 Kilometers began to change, Slowly the whole area seemed to become Asta's domain, rocks turned black and lava poured out of cracks.

'This control... Is so stupid for his age.' The man thought with a serious expression.

"What's your name?" Asta asked, he does not looked at Yvonne anymore, Even though the woman was very old, she was really just like a little kid making a fuss over something she couldn't get.

"I am Damon, the ruler of the Demon Empire" Damon displayed a big smile as he approaches Asta, a greatsword appeared in his hand, the sword was totally black with red sigils.

"..." Asta's eyes glowed slightly hearing Demon Empire, if there is a Demon Empire maybe could be a Witch Empire and other races.

He displayed a big smile because there is a big war approaching and he has long time without fights.

"Come here." Damon taunted Asta with his hand.


Asta left his sword descend on the ground, his expression turned serious and he glared at the man in front of him.

'What is this feeling?' Damon frowned he felt something suspicious in Asta.

He unconciously put on his guard...

Yvonne's eyes widened, The fight had not started but her father was on his guard!


A fire emerged around Asta's sword he dashed towards Damon with his sword creeping on the ground.

"Do not hesitate!" Asta shouted.


The two swords collided causing an explosive wave that sent all the people around them flying, the area kept changing shape as if he owned the planet itself.

'His strength never ceases to impress me' Damon thought as he push his sword against Asta.

"Crush it!" Asta said with a cold tone, The area began to change and pillars of black lava rock swept over Damon and began to crush him.

Damon was totally enclosed in a sphere of black rocks spilling lava, Asta raised his right arm, his hands looked like the claws of a monster then slowly squeezed his hand.


The sphere exploded Damon appeared with no wounds, he blinked appearing beside Asta.

"Take a trip" Damon said with amusement as he hit Asta with his right hand.

Asta sank to the ground and his armor was easily destroyed as the ground around.

"Damnit, that's a nice strength!" Asta laughed softly.

Damon frowned he used a great strength in that hit!

Too bad he didn't know that Asta's best feature was defense.

"I have a funny idea, Damon" Asta smiled as he touched his chin, his golden eyes glinted.

"Are you thinking stupid things in that situation? I think that you are more smart... My daughter wants you do not reject her, she is the best woman that you can have." Damon said with pride.

"Mm, Let me think about it." Asta placed his chin on his hand.

"..." Damon smile grew hearing Asta.

Asta looked at Damon with a big smile.

"No." Asta gave his answer.

"..." Damon's face darkened, never in his whole long life did he think anyone would joke with someone like him.

"May you introduce her mother? You know... She maybe is a hot mature wo-" Before Asta could finish his abdomen was crushed making his body twist.

"Ugh." He made a sound of pain, Damon expression was everything but not good.

"You can't blame me old man, that is the dream of a real man." Asta said in low voice as he laughs.

"I didn't kill you because my daughter really wants you, fucking bastard." Damon grabbed Asta's hair.

"I told you my dream, now I am going to show you a dream" Asta ignored Damon's words making veins pop in his head.

"Did you hit your head when you were child-"


A strange pressure hovered over the whole place, Damon stepped back and looked at Asta's floating body with narrowed eyes.

All the clouds began to spin above Asta in the sky, the breeze stopped, everything on the planet seemed calm as if it was being controlled by Asta again.

Two girls appeared, they looked like spirits, one blue and one green, these were Sylphiette and Usune who were slowly approaching Asta with closed eyes.

"Hey old man, did you hear about what happen when you have the four legendary spirits?" Asta said, his hair covering

"..." Damon frowned as he looks at the spirits beside Asta, he tried to burn them with a purple fire but anything happened.

"I'm inevitable, little Demon Emperor." Asta's eyes turned totally cold, his two daughters became little lights and entered his body.

The pressure around him became even heavier, Asta's appearance began to change slowly...

The left side of his body was covered by an armor of black rocks with magma, the right side became pure water with a green flow moving around it.

Asta's face had disappeared as it was covered by the four fused elements, he didn't look like a human.

"Giga..." Asta voice echoed in the entire planet, Before Damon could do anything his eyesight changed.

Everything was dark for Damon, but slowly he could see, big pieces of rock were crumbling down, he was in space and the falling debris was from a destroyed planet...

His now red eyes stopped just at the man standing on the ground, no.... The powerful being in front of him.

"Our battle will be legendary!" Damon flashed a crazy smile.