Chapter 177: When the War Broke Up.

Damon was astonished but his face didn't show it.

The man in front of him is controlling four legendary spirits.

Damon on the one hand could understand everything, Asta is a human. But not just any human, an ordinary human could not bear the burden of the four assimilated spirits at the same time.

Normally when this emperor encountered a strong enemy he would be very excited and that was what he was showing on his face at the moment, but...

He had a bad feeling about Asta.

He felt as if the man was playing with him...

As if the other hidden existences, including him, were just little children that entered his playground.

"Legendary? Little emperor you don't know what's coming" Half of Asta's face cracked making a scary smile.

"!!!" Even though Asta did not move the poor emperor trembled and not out of emotion, a dark aura along with a rampant purple fire was released around the entire space.

"Do you want to know why I said perfect?" Asta said as his body slowly fade.

Damon looked around nervously, He hadn't realized it but he had already used his demonic transformation, his horns had grown and his skin had turned red, his emperor's suit was torn due to the swollen muscles.

"You are perfect... To entertain me!" Asta's voice echoed in the entire space, a more gigantic version of him loomed over the planet as if walking on it.

A demon would never pray, but Damon felt the need to pray when he saw the existence in front of him...

"Are you froze? Move! Fight! Aren't you an emperor!?" Asta said in a mocking tone.

"Haa!" Damon let out a war cry, with a monstruous speed he dashed towards the giant existence in front of him, his sword becamae bigger reaching ten kilometers of size.


A purple fire danced around and around Damon's sword, Damon recovered his confidence and smiled with excitement...


A terrifying explosion occurred as Damon's giant sword smashed the giant's body, planets all around shook and even moved a little.

A black smoke had covered the upper part of the planet earth.

Damon's smile grew as he did not see the gigantic body.

A few moments later the dark dust disappeared revealing the giant kneeling body, and with a large gash in his chest, his head was slightly twisted as well.

"Heh" Damon huffed.

"Ughh, that hurts." Asta said as he stands up, Unexpectedly, his long, gigantic arm reached out towards Damon, and he swatted him with his finger as if he were swatting away a small fly.


As if several thunderclaps had descended all around a crashing sound was produced and Damon's body shot out like a small meteorite.

"Shit! Did I exceed!?" Asta put his hands on his head, slowly the poor warrior began to suffer an existential crisis and started to mutter things.

"Did i kill him?"

"Maybe his wife will forgive me?"

"When I will be able to find somebody strong?"

Asta hugged his knees and continued mumbling things.

"Daddy! What the heck are you doing!?" Sylphiette's cute voice echoed in Asta's mind.

"Maybe he was a lot of time without them?" Usune said with soft voice.

"Mmm... Probably!" Sylphiette said.

"We aren't enough Daddy?" Usune said with sad voice.

"Never say that!" Asta stood up "You are more than enough!"

Usune's and Sylphiette's giggles echoed in Asta's mind, their father was easy to control...

"Hey dad, why you do not let us see the battle?" Usune asked curiously.

"Yesh! Why not?" Sylphiette said.

"Look there a star!" Asta pointed to other side.

"Where!?" Sylphiette and Usune emerged from the giant body and looked at the place that Asta pointed.

At that exact moment Damon returned, his body had become as huge as Asta's, four horns emerged from his head and four arms, his open mouth looked like a row of sharp teeth and his body looked like that of a muscular and gigantic demonic minotaur.


Asta kicked the poor emperor and he collided with a strange uninhabited planet destroying it in the process.

"Did you see that!?" Asta pointed at the trace that Damon let.

"Whoah!" Sylphiette's and Usune's eyes sparkled as if several stars were shining in their eyes.

"May you hide again?" Asta said with soft voice.

The little girls nodded politely then they entered into Asta's body.

"ASTA!!" The Demon emperor roared, two black wings deployed from his back and quickly flew towards Asta.

"Do not say my name with so much passion, I'm straight" Asta's smile twisted, when Damon was near he spreaded his arms.


Two giant magma meteorites formed in Asta's hands, the fire surrounded them as the lava pour down.


Damon's sword pierced Asta's chest, Asta just smiled in a distorted way, then without hesitation he crushed the Demon Emperor with both meteorites.


"..Eh?" Damon's eyes widened, the meteorites started to spin in a quick way cutting through his gigantic and muscular body.

Asta lifted Damon with the meteorites and flexed his legs, Damon was trying to move as his body regenerates.

"Bastard! Stop- ARGHH!" Damon was writhing in agony.

"Take a trip" Asta displayed a mocking smile, then he threw the Demon Emperor.


A wind pressure was created around the space as the demon emperor's body shot out like a torpedo.

Asta raised his right arm and pointed it at the emperor's body, a whirlwind covered his body, suspending him next to the meteorites.

Asta opened his hand and then tightened it, a dull sound ocurred in the whole space...

A flash occurred bathing the entire space in white light, then an explosion with the four elements occurred.

'I-Impossible! He's too young, HOW-' Before the emperor could continue his thoughts the explosion swallowed him.


The white flash dissapeared, revealing the disastrous giant body of the emperor. Asta slowly walked, stopping in front of him.

"The universe is bigger than you think, you don't know what things lurk in the outskirts, Little Emperor!" Asta's smile turned wild, his giant body became to its normal height.


"I am the one who rules here!" Asta said as a sound of cracks resound in the whole space, he flexed his body and punched Damon.


Asta and the emperor descended at a monstrous speed towards the planet earth, the clouds around them disappeared, the poor emperor screamed full of agony and helplessness as he fell towards his loss.

"One with the earth." Asta muttered, On the planet earth, the sound of a beating heart was heard, and at the exact moment it stopped, Asta crushed the gigantic body of the demon emperor against the demon empire.


A crater was formed in almost the entire empire, Asta took thousands of lives in an instant...


"Wake up." Asta slapped the Emperor's face making a sound echoed in the entire empire.



Slowly people began to approach, among them Yvonne who had a disheveled appearance and full of fury like Astartea, they tried to attack Asta's kingdom the moment he left but a dark mist protected everyone, and even Astartea. Liebe and Asta's subordinates.

"..." Yvonne and Astartea felt their blood run cold at the sight, women with an appearance rivaling Yvonne's appeared as well, and even the royal guards of the empire. Even though so many powerful figures came out, everyone was frozen at the scene.

"What happen? Are you afraid?" Asta swept his gaze around looking at everyone, his face cracked into a demonic grin.

"Motherfucker!" Yvonne shouted she became more crazy and pounced on Asta, before she could attack him, a terryfing pressure hovered over the place.

"N-No!" Yvonne's eyes trembled feeling the familiar pressure.

"..." Astartea's body trembled and and fell to her knees, her eyes trembling a lot.

"..." Asta displayed a crazy smile, the things are gonna be more crazier.

Clouds of sea water color covered the entire empire and began to thunder...


"WHY!?" Yvonne cried as she looked at the sky.

"Silence little child." A cold voice echoed in the entire place, A terrifying face of lightning formed in the sky, sharp eyes staring at Asta.

"Bastard! Do you dare?" Damon shouted, his body was regenerating.

"What if I dare? Do you think I'm afraid of you? Man, I live for this!" The could voice echoed again as a distorted smile appear in the sky.


The dark blue lightning dissapeared, slowly the silhouette of a man appeared in the sky.

The man was incredibly handsome, and not very tall measuring 1.75M, his hair was a golden color and his eyes were navy blue. He was wearing a black suit, the man was carrying a strange sword on his shoulder, and a smile full of emotion could be seen on his face.

"Son~" Apollo said with amusement, a white crystal approached Asta and shone a lot.

"Did you only come? It's going to take more than that." Asta said with a cold voice.

"Excellent, you aren't like my other sons, you have steel balls" Apollo's smile turned wild as a dark blue pressure moves slowly around his body.

"I am not your son, I'm a completely different person" Asta's smile turned wild too, he made a throne of magma and sat down, looking at everyone as if they were little mosquitoes that are buzzing in his ear.

"Oh? Then, who are you?" Apollo said as he descends.

"Asta Pendragon, the King of Camelot. The owner of this planet, you are just mere invaders."

"..." A mortal silence hung over the place.

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Apollo laughed louder in amusement "You are wonderful son!" He spreaded his arms.

"You wanna a challenge, right?" Apollo's smile grew "I will give you a real challenge!" Apollo said while pointing a finger towards the sky, a terrifying and gigantic thunder exploded in the sky parting the clouds.

"W-We are lost." Yvonne fell over her knees, her eyes turned lifeless.

More terrifying pressures began to invade the whole place...

"Let the war begin!" Apollo's voice echoed in the entire planet, Apollo felt more alive than ever, his blood was boiling and his desire for destruction and fights was on.

"By the way "father" I am not alone..." Asta said in amusement "I am more than enough to destroy you, this form is called Giga, four elements and the human is the heart... This form is weaker than my base form, for several reasons."

"What?" Apollo frowned "I'm sure you're alone, I didn't detect more lives."

"The reason it's very easy!" Asta stands up, he slowly lifed his finger towards the sky.

"They come from the planets that they dominated, from the planets in which they became Goddesses" Asta said with pride.

"Goddeses!?" Everyone around shouted, Apollo felt a bad feeling...

"My wives!" Asta said with pride, At that time all the people around knew that they realized that this man did not have simple wives...


All the clouds of the planet earth disappeared, the space was covered by a kind of galaxy full of stars, it was as if the planet earth had entered another dimension...

A figure slowly began to descend, the woman's skin was white as porcelain, her eyes were blue fused with a golden color, two large wings fluttered on her back and a valkyrie dress made of water covered her sinful body.

The woman ignored everyone except Asta, Noelle's face seemed a little cold but at the same time complicated.

"...Not bad, but she's only one-" Before Apollo could finish something happened.


A red crack occurred and blood began to flow out, an incredibly tall woman with an appearance of a Succubus Goddess appeared. The woman's long black hair reached down to her feet, a long red tail was wagging behind her and her sharp red eyes stared at Asta with bloodlust, a terrifying black pressure exuding from her voluptuous body.

"..." Apollo's brows arched, this woman was even more beautiful than Damon's wife Lilith, and even his own wife. But the woman seemed to see no one but Asta around her.

"We are a lot, you will need more" Apollo said with a big smile.

"Oh? Do not worry, more are comi-" Before Asta could finish the sky seemed to catch fire with crimson and golden flames...


A gigantic dragon made of flames flew above the planet earth, covering much of it. Mereoleona and Fana landed next to Noelle.

"...Whoah." Apollo was surprised.

'What the hell is this how many-' Before Astartea could end her thoughts more figures appeared.

The pressure these women exuded was terrifying, mainly a blonde woman in silver armor and blue dress, Apollo's eyes widened at the sight of the woman next to Charlotte, Lily.

'I-Impossible...' Apollo's hair stood on end.

Lily looked quite different, her black hair was tied into a long braided tail, several bangs framing her beautiful oval face. The Obsidian-black armor couldn't hide Lily's guitar-shaped body, His eyes were looking at Asta with sweetness and a bit of curiosity, since he had never seen this form of Asta but for some strange reason he felt that he was not as strong as his base form.

She was feeling an intense stare, she turned her head looking at Apollo.

'They look a like a little.' She thought.

'She looks exactly like her!' Apollo's body trembled slightly.

"Well, Apollo... Are you ready?" Asta said in amusement.

"I'm always ready, it just hit me that you married that woman's daughter." Apollo was honest.

"Do you know my mother?" Lily frowned.

"Yes of course." Apollo smiled, before he could tell the name of Lily's mother it suddenly started to rain...

The raindrops seemed to stop suddenly, and they all moved towards one place... In the center of the empire, a whirlwind of water was produced and Undine appeared descending from the sky.

"U-Undine..." Apollo stuttered.

A strong breeze arrived too, and a hurricane ocurred in the sky, slowly the silhouette of Sylph appeared.

"S-Sylph...." Apollo sweated bullets.

"Mommy!" Sylphiette and Usune got out of Asta's body and quickly ran towards their mothers.

Sylph and Undine hugged their daughters as they looked at them with warm smiles.

"M-Mommy?" Apollo looked at his son.

"What? Does being a grandfather bother you?" Asta displayed an amused smile.

"..." Apollo ignored what Asta said, he was excited to fight but now he was hesitating, his face was dark just like those of the other emperors who had just arrived.

"Well..." Asta approached Apollo.

"Are you ready little emperor?" Asta shook the bones of his neck and his expression turned cold...