Chapter 186: You, my friend from years ago part 2

What happened after Asta solved the things with Evie?

A total destruction.

The girls practically nuke the planet, and didn't played with their counterparts.

In the moment that Asta mentioned their children they became took the things more serious.

Everything seemed to be going good but…

Not everything always goes well.

Sylph and Undine were in something like a cave.

Undine's eyes were trembling and Sylph's eyes were lifeless at the sight in front of her.



A red haired woman was brandishing her katana, her skin was pale, her eyes were of a silver pale and she was 1.75M tall.

Her red dress was scattered and scars could be seen in her thin body, despite it was curvy and seemed to be healthy, the scars made it intimidating.

The woman was just brandishing her Katana with a lifeless expression.

Sylph couldn't stand it more and approached her, hugging her tightly.

"Hey! You don't see me? It's me, Sylph!"

"?" The woman tilted her head.

"Amanda." Sylph cupped her face.

"Amanda? I'm not Amanda, I'm Rhiannon Clover." She tried to grab something on her head but it wasn't there.

"Uhh… where is my crown." She moved away from Sylph and started to look around.

Undine bit her lip and Sylph's eyes trembled slightly.

The crown was in her view but, she didn't see it.

She was blind.

Sylph couldn't handle it more and fell on her knees, her eyes watering.

"Mm?" Rhiannon looked at Sylph, she felt something familiar, so she approached her. Kneeling down in front of her.

"Don't cry, little girl." She showed a gentle smile and caressed her hair.

"I'm still standing and fighting, I need to protect my kingdom, my people." Her eyes curved and a gentle smile appeared on her face.

Sylph felt a knot in her throat and Undine lowered her face, clenching her fists.

It was evident that Rhiannon was too broken.

Sylph put her face against Rhiannon's breasts and started to sob.

Rhiannon hugged her and spoke with soft voice.

"Sylphie, sweetheart. Don't cry anymore, I'm here. No one will hurt you."

Rhiannon was still speaking to her as if she was speaking to a child version of Sylph.

Sylph felt her body weakened and cried louder.

She didn't expect this.

Rhiannon was someone very important to her and seeing her in such state made her felt so bad.

A rumbling was heard and soon Asta appeared in the cave with a concerned expression.

He felt Sylph's feelings and immediately moved.

"Sylph? What happened?" Asta approached her but then stopped abruptly.

He looked at Rhiannon and then at the crown that had a clover design.

Asta looked at Undine and she shook her head.

"Damn it…" Asta muttered, understanding.

Yes… The woman that was hugging Sylph was the Wizard Queen.

Or what was left of her…

Asta's eyes shone slightly and some moments later Lily appeared in a bubble, wearing an armor made of her magic.

She looked at Rhiannon and immediately approached her.

Rhiannon unconsciously brandished her Katana surprising Lily.

She avoided it by stepping back, and then Rhiannon spoke with cold voice.

"No one will touch my Sylphie, Humpf!" She hugged Sylph protectively.

'Excuse me? Hah?' Asta narrowed his eyes.

'Uf… How would be her reaction if she knows what happened with Sylphie?' Undine couldn't help but thought, she appeared behind Rhiannon and hugged her tightly.

'She definitely will attack our husband if she discovers it.' Undine thought.

'They definitely will not get a long.' She added as a blue light covered her and Undine.

Rhiannon's eyes dilated feeling calm and serene.

Lily took the advantage and held her cheeks, her hands shining with a blue light.

Sylph looked at Lily and Lily showed a gentle smile.

"Don't worry I worked hard with my healing." Lily's eyes slowly changed, becoming like a magic circle with runes.

Her armor turned into a saint dress and the light in her hands became white.

Rhiannon's eyes slowly closed and she fell asleep.

Sylph hugged her tightly and looked at Lily.

"D-Did you heal her?"

"Yes, she just need to rest."

"Lily…" Sylph's eyes watered.

"We are sisters, right?" Lily hugged her.

Sylph bit her lip and the tears spilled over her cheeks.

Undine moved away leaving them alone and approached Asta.

"I thought that she probably would die, but all this time she was trapped in this world…" Undine lowered her head.

"Now that she is with you, nothing will happen to her again, and I swear to protect her as well." Asta hugged Undine's waist.

"Mm…" Undine nodded.

"I want her to live more peacefully, so we shouldn't let her fight with us against your enemies." Undine explained as she looked at Asta.

"Sister, you know how is she! She couldn't be sitting down while we are fighting." Sylph said with frustration.

The Wizard Queen was a very stubborn woman, she couldn't handle the idea about her doing nothing while her kingdom is in danger.

That's why she ended in this world.

When it was about to collide with hers, she stopped it and closed the crack.

"We will see what we can do, but now… Let's destroy this world." Asta's eyes glowed coldly.

"You're destroying things as if they are nothing these moments, love." Undine narrowed her eyes.

"I'm starting to love this ability… I can absorb the people who are more weak than me, turning them into ashes."


"What?" The girls said at the same time.

"Hehehe, it has its limits of course. Only the enemies that are more weak than me, can be totally absorbed and erased."

Undine stared at him and Lily too.



"Monster." Sylph looked to other side and muttered.

"I heard you." Asta pointed at Sylph.

"Yes, Daddy?" She played dumb.

"…" Lily's and Undine's face darkened, seeing Sylph's shameless actions.

She chuckled and then looked at Rhiannon, she bit her lips with concern.

In a part of the alter planet was completely burned.

Rather be, it looked as if a sun was covering part of the planet.

In the center, in a throne was Mereoleona sitting down with a boring expression.

Her legs were crossed and her chin was resting on her fist.

On her head was a crown made of fire and her body was still looking like a sun.

The power that she was oozing was extremely dangerous, she just release a little part of it and almost destroyed this planet.

And her enemies?

Her enemies became ashes…


Mereoleona sighed and looked somewhere.

A big smile appeared thinking about someone who will fulfill her frustration and desperation.

Not far from Mereoleona's zone was Acier with Nadine on her embrace.

The scene was a bit funny, Nadine who looked like a young woman and with very seductive features due to her race, was being hugged by Acier like a child.

At certain time she was kidnapped by her and she showed her something to Nadine.

"There's one enemy left, Nadine." Acier said with soft voice as she caresses Nadine's hair.

Nadine was trembling, looking at the last enemy.

It was the counterpart of her brother.

"W-Why did you treated them like that? You protected me, but you killed t-them." Nadine stuttered, her eyes watering.

"Those things? Nadine, I am at certain level that with just looking at them I can know many things." Acier said with a serious voice.

"They were nefarious and I wouldn't let them alive."

"But you?" She raised her chin.

"You're still fine, but broken and afraid." Acier hugged her, her tall body covered most of Nadine's body.

Nadine shivered a little but it stopped later, she felt warm.

She felt like she was in a dream, in her mother hug.

Her eyes unconsciously narrowed, forgetting that one of the person who made her suffer was in front of her.

"Don't be afraid, fight." Acier stood up and pushed Nadine slightly.

Nadine bit her lip and looked at her.

"Fight, you're similar to me. A human that became a demon, you don't know how powerful you could be in the future." Acier showed a big smile that showed her sharp teeth.

"I…" She shrugged.

She doesn't have the confidence.


"Tch…" Acier spanked Nadine's ass.

"Ahhnng!?" She moaned and her bat wings displayed.

"Y-You" She gave Acier an accusing look with a blush on her face.

'Oh god, if my husband looks a little more this girl. She would be catch in his claws easily." Acier rubbed her brow.

Acier pointed at Nadine's chest and then a red light entered her body.

"!!??" Nadine fell on her knees, her eyes twitching.

Her black dress dissapeared slowly and something like a black skin appeared in her waist,breasts,back,arms and legs.

Her red eyes turned glitter and smoke came out from her mouth with every breath.

"What did you do?" She asked.

"I'm helping you." Acier knelt down in front of Nadine.

She brought her face closer to hers and then said.

"Fly with your own wings."

With that sentence a black storm appeared in the planet…

This black storm seemed to have red particles.

It only took less than thirty minutes to the girls to deal with the counterparts, they were in the space with Asta, waiting for Nadine and Acier.

"M-Master!" Vienna cried with embarrassment.

"Oh, come on. Just because the years pass and you grew it doesn't mean that you cannot be close to me."

"That isn't the matter! We are in front of people!" Her face turned red.

"Huh?" Vanessa looked at her daughter.

"Daughter, so you prefer it to be alone? That's suspicious." She had a teasing smile.

"Mother!" Vienna's face turned red brighter "It isn't what you think! I cannot do that!" She ran away and hid behind Lily.

Asta had an amused smile on his face.

"Mmm." Lily shook her head and patted Vienna's head.

"You're following the incorrect way, I will take you to the church little girl." Lily scolded her.

"Little girl!? I'm a young woman!" She huffed.

"That doesn't give you a reason to be after your mother's husband." Vanessa said with a teasing smile.

"M-Mother!" Vienna couldn't handle the shame her face was totally red.

"Oh, she's so innocent." Lily had a warm smile as she hugs Vienna.

"Stop teasing her, she will become a tomato." Asta pulled Vanessa closer to him.

"Hehehe." She chuckled.

Vanessa hugged him and put her chin on his shoulder, she was muttering things that no one heard.

While she was muttering Asta was looking at Mereoleona.

'That expression and body language… I'm fuck up.' Asta thought.

Soon two silhouettes appeared, Acier was carrying a sleeping Nadine.

Nadine was just wearing a white blanket and her expression was peaceful.

"Did she touch your heart, my wife." Asta asked.

The girls around narrowed their eyes, the atmosphere changed suddenly.

Noelle was alternating her gaze between Asta and Acier, feeling a bit nervous.

"Yes." Acier was honest.

"She isn't like Evie, I swear. And if something happens, I will take the responsibility." Acier was firm and serious.

Nadine opened her eyes slightly, they were trembling and she unconsciously hugged Acier tightly.

'Is she facing her husband, for me?'

"It's okay." Asta had a warm smile.

"Eh?" Nadine made a loud and confused noise.

Everyone stared at her with amused smiles.

"You got a wrong idea about my husband." Acier laughed with amusement.

"Don't worry, many people does it." Asta turned and started to move.

The girls chuckled and followed him.

Acier let Nadine floating and walked to the girls too.

She turned her face while walking and then said:

"Come here." She chuckled.

Nadine walked slowly but then Acier dragged her and flew away from the place.