Chapter 187: Meeting Nadine

While everyone were moving to their planet, they got a surprise while arriving at it.

A giant magic circle appeared and two silhouettes emerged from it.

Mimosa,Secre and Fana appeared and immediately pounced on Asta.

After some minutes of being assaulted, Asta looked around and the girls weren't near.

"Uh?" He looked at the earth his eyes shone and he saw that all of them were already with their children.

"I'm leaving too." Fana and Mimosa said at the same time, they want to see their children as well.

Now Secre and Asta were alone…

"Asta." She had a small smile.

"You don't need to say it, I already know." Asta smiled seeing Secre's eyes.

Her eyes looked like runes, just by seeing it Asta knew that Secre reached a monstrous level with her magic.

Secre bit her lip and hugged him.

"I'm going to see my child too." She kissed his cheek and was about to leave but Asta stopped her.

"Help me with something first." Asta's expression was very serious.

Secre arched her eyebrows.


Asta was in front of a room, Heloise's room to be specifically.

He sighed and was doubting about opening the door.

His hand slowly moved to it, but before he do something, the door opened revealing Heloise.

He was dragged into the room and then it was closed in a bang.

Hours later Asta left Heloise's room when she fell asleep, he stroked his hair and went to the balcony.

Asta leaned against the handrails and watched Acier and Nadine talking.

On Acier's back was a sleeping Jeanne hugging her mother's neck tightly.

'She is still so kind…' Asta couldn't help but thought, seeing Acier.

Despite the things that happened to the woman she didn't become extremely cold.

When Asta married her, he thought that she would only care about her family but she surprised him.

Asta had a small smile as his eyes dilated.

Acier turned her head feeling him and her eyes and smile changed abruptly.

The love and obsession was oozing around her…

'Oh, she is…' Asta looked at her tail that was wagging.

Nadine alternated her gaze between Asta and Acier.

'W-What's this atmosphere?' She shrugged.

Asta muttered something and Jeanne's ears twitched.

"Mhmngn!?" Her eyes opened abruptly and she looked at her dad.

"It's dinner time!" Her bat wings spread and she flew up to her dad.

A little meteorite collided against Asta, the girl appearance was revealed and she started to suck her dad's blood.

Asta patted her back and Acier rolled up her eyes.

"I gave birth a thirsty daughter…" She sighed.

Asta jump from the balcony and sat down next to Acier.

She approached him and settled up her daughter, then she sat down on his lap, resting her head against his chest.

"He came to know you, Nadine." Acier had a gentle smile.

"W-What?" She was nervous and started to play with her hands.

"I want to know the history of that world from zero." Asta said softly.

"R-Really? Why do you want to know about such dark history?" She bit her lip.

"Come on, it doesn't care." Acier chuckled "I really want to know your history very well."

"Umm…" She lowered her head.

"I-I have a question." She stuttered.

"Ask." Asta caressed Acier's hair, making her show a weird expression.

"How… How all of you did that so easy? You destroyed enemies I thought were invincible."

"We already did it before and at that time we weren't that strong. My husband was fighting alone and all of us immediately moved, we were working hard and actually I cannot know how far I can go." Acier was honest.

"It's like… I feel like I don't have limits." Acier added.

Nadine's mouth opened and closed.

"In resume, they are near to the power of a god." Asta said casually.

"A-A god?" She unconsciously flinched.

"An example would be my first wife Noelle, she is a human but you saw her appearance right?"

"Yes, her appearance was shocking and her skin seemed to be like porcelain, and her eyes were wonderful as well. It was as if she was like an spirit." Nadine nodded.

"She got the qualities of one."


"Mereoleona is another example, she is like Noelle. As both of them spend time doing the spiritual immersion they now got their qualities."

"…" Nadine's mouth was wide open.

"To measure the strength of both you would have to take into account every ability, every power and magic... and you could get dizzy with the amount." Acier chuckled.

"T-That's shocking…" Nadine lowered her head feeling weak.

"Hey? What is happening? You forget what you did?"

"Wha?" She tilted her head to one side.

Acier's mouth opened in a O shape.

Asta took the advantage and kissed her lips.

Her eyes twitched and she hit gently his chest.

"…" Nadine blushed at the sight, Acier was fighting at the start but then she attacked.

She bit Asta's lips and huffed, turning her head to Nadine.

"You… Silly girl, you lost the memories of your fight when you released your powers."


Asta chuckled and then said:

"You and my wife have a big similarity, both were human but then became demon. So it's not impossible to you to be strong as her."

"S-Strong as her?" Nadine stuttered looking at the tall woman in Asta's embrace.

She unconsciously gulped, she was 1.95M tall her body was voluptuous and very curvy but she got the physique of a warrior at the same time.

"Impossible." She shook her head in a cute way.

Asta and Acier wanted to hit their faces against a wall.

"Dad!?" Jeanne wake up.

"Yes, daughter?" Asta looked into her big red eyes.

"Mommy is horny I can smell it!" She pointed at her mother like a child accusing another.


"JEANNE!" Acier cried.

Jeanne flew away and chuckled in a naughty way.

Acier pursued her daughter both of them started to fly around the castle in circles… The scene was quite comical.

Asta approached Nadine and sat down next to her.

She became very nervous and lowered her head.

"You and my wife are the same but altered, she was a proud,stubborn noble, but you're a shy girl, Hahaha." Asta couldn't help but said.

"Noelle… she seems to be a great woman. I can't see myself being like her" Nadine said and looked into Asta's eyes.


Asta sighed and put his hand on Nadine's hair.

"You're already a great woman, you survive and keep fighting in such awful world. I have respect for you and you shouldn't be underestimating yourself." He caressed her hair.

Nadine's breath hitched and her heart started to pound quickly.

"T-Thank you." She lowered her face.

"I will give you a little advice, be careful with one of my wives. The rude one to be specifically." Asta patted her head.


"She loves the talented people and she could drag you to her crazy training."

In that moment Nadine felt a ferocious gaze.

She looked at certain window of the castle and two sharp eyes were staring at her.

Nadine shivered seeing the smile that showed canine teeth.

She unconsciously hid in Asta's body, as she was short it was very easy to her to fit in his embrace.

"Oh?" Asta had an amused smile.

"Eh?" She raised her head with a silly expression.

"As expected, despite you're shy. Your succubus race couldn't be hide." Asta hugged her waist.


Asta teased Nadine and she had to talk with him in that position, at the end she opened with him and became nonchalantly…