Quick over view of current characters


Prince Of Wind-Dale

(Speed-Demon species; Releases Toxic energy when casted a spell) age requirement; 32

Died age (22)


Prince of Cave'Cove

(Species; Hell demon ; Will summon only the maximum of 2 weaponry during a fight. Age Requirement 23. Died age (22)


Princess of Elven Tree

Species; Elf ; Main weapon category (Archer),

Makes spells only with pixie dust & Paper.


Princess of River Dose

Species; Canine, Sharp attacks, Mosa is only capable to do magic as a female.


Princess of Light Fill

Species; Angel ; Ability to send Lightning out of the sky right on top of a person with a duration time of 2 Hours. They are able to fly.


The Black Steel Knight Of Crixmore

Species; Reaper ; They devour Souls, Endless blood thirst (Killing spree's) Only way to keep them under control or to work for you is a collar made only by wizards.


Wizard of Amforbaa

Species; Warlock ; Casts endless spells ; Doesn't need paper or pixie dust to compel a certain experience.


Eldest brother of Python,

Commander Chief of Crixmore's Army

Species; Bear ; Tough, and ready for battle, this specie has endless love for blood shed.


Second Brother of Python (2nd oldest)

General of Crixmore's army

Species; Bear ; Tough, and ready for battle, this specie has endless love for blood shed.


Young'older brother of Python (4th brother)

Kingdom's Mage

Species; Bear ; Tough, and ready for battle, this specie has endless love for blood shed.


Middle Brother of Python (3rd)

Next King of Crixmore

Species; ? (People call him a bear without ears.)

The King (Marcus)

Father of Python

Species; Bear ; Tough, and ready for battle, this specie has endless love for blood shed.

(He no longer has his yellow hair, he grew old yet to die.)