Chapter 2. “Faint Rose Petal”

There a crowd of people watched as a white haired girl was raised tied up onto a cross.

The people yelled, "Kill that monster! Kill it!".

Tons of Castle Guards surrounded the exile, kneeling down. "Settle down." The king yelled. The crowd went silent. Salem was there too. "As we know, my daughter Python has killed the prince's Of Wind-Dale & Cave-Cove." The King said. He took a stern look at them and inhaled & exhaled. "That is why, she must be exiled, for having those kingdoms rage war against us!" The king yelled. The crowd cheered. One of the Guards held the switch, he pulled it to the other side the moment the king let off the signal. There they had hanged a prisoner, they made it look as if it were the daughter. The prisoner gasped for air, but then stopped moving after five minutes had past. The body was put down afterwards to bury. Python isn't dead of course. Python had to stick with the name, Grim for the rest of her life.

~5 Years has passed~

The War is still going on. Pythons father has passed away. Her brother Miyazaki, was The King now. Her brothers Julius, Romani, and Snake were out in the field of battle. Blood shed rained the following year. Until it stopped. They celebrated. They had won the War. Many lives were lost. They built in memory's of those. Snake was killed in battle making Romani, Commanded Chief of the General army. Julius Turned into the General, lower force of Romani. Snakes grave is in the Kingdoms garden, where their father lays. The town people show appreciation that the war is over. Salem how ever. "Grim! Open your window at once!" Salem shouted knocking on her window. "I'm coming, stop shouting." Python said. "Finally! For Fuck sake, Come on dress up, we're heading to the market!" Salem lunged into Pythons room after entering from the window. "Market?" Python questioned. "Yes, The market!" Salem said. He looked around. "Plus, Jinx is waiting for us, can't keep her waiting!" Salem chanted. "You mean you, can't keep her waiting." Python sighed. Python grabbed her Black cloak, she put on Adventurer boots, wore a belt holding a Black steel bladed sword.

She put it in the holder, making sure it's stabled in case of a fight. "Alright let's go!" Python looked like a Adventurer, she had dyed her front part of her hair white. Since she was 26 years old she looked a bit older then she did at age 21. Salem still looked like he was when he was 23. That man needs some some Love. Can't believe he's still single. Oh well. They reached the market. ~At the market~

"Where were you guys?!" Jinx said looking different.

"Why are we even here?" Python asked.

Jinx looked at her. "Well, Grim we're here because I said so, and why did you dye your hair completely white!" Jinx looked at Python with a Naive look. "I dyed it to not look the same, now let's go before someone asks about you, your majesty." Python looked at Jinx giving a royal bow to them. "Let's get something to eat, I'm hungry man." Salem interrupted. Jinx looked up at Salem. "Don't think I forgot your punishment, for being late Bozo!" Jinx shouted and kicked Salem in the No no. "GAH!" Salem Shouted and fell to the ground kneeling.

~12 Minutes Next~

"Hey there's a Tavern over there, we can eat at." Python pointed. "Oh that Tavern?" Jinx looked over. "Yeah I heard they got the best food." Python said. Salem followed them In as he ducked his head, so he didn't hit it. Salem being 7'2 was questionable. Python than fell to the ground. It appears Python had bumped into someone. Pythons Hood went off, and the girl in-front of her seemed to be Lunica Pola. "GRIM!" Jinx quickly went to help Python up.

"Oh my gorgeous." Salem said. Jinx pulled Python up, dusting Python's cloak. "Oh thank god to us okay!" Jinx said. "Rude." The girl said standing up, brushing herself off. Jinx turned around looking at the girl. "Lunica?!" Jinx said surprised. "How do you know my name?" Lunica said. Jinx face palmed. "It's me, Jinx." Jinx said. "Oh shit. You look way different!" Lunica said with a smile, rubbing her head. "Anyways I see, Salem, same as ever, but who's this?" Lunica pointed at me. "That's our friend Grim." Jinx said. "She knows Crixmore's land better than the Royal family does." Salem added. "Yeah, I do." Python said, holding out her hand for a hand shake. Luncia walked towards Python, looking up, she was too close to Pythons face. Pythons face became blushed. "Well aren't you adorable!" Lunica said, shaking Pythons hand. She backed up. "So what are you doing here?" Jinx asked. "I'm meeting up with Mosa." Said Lunica. "Mosa?" Jinx said. "Yeah We're meeting up for fr-" Lunica cutt off. The entry door to the tavern thumped as it was pushed open with a hard force. "Mosa?!" Lunica said not taking another breath to speak.  "Lunica, Thank god I found you!" Mosa said sprinting over to Lunica, giving her a hug. "Why is it thank god?" Jinx said. "Because their was some perverts-, JINX!!" Mosa stopped to hug Jinx. "Yeah it's me." Jinx said. Mosa looked up at Salem. "Nice to meet you again Tall man!" Mosa teased. Mosa looked at Python confused. "Who's that?" Mosa asked. "That Jinx's and Salem's friend Grim, she's hot am I right?" Lunica said. Pythons face turned red, she quickly put her cloak back on, having the hood cover her face.