Page 5.“Faint Rose Petal”

~Walking through the market~

"So, How did you guys meet?" Lunica asked. Salem tried thinking of a answer until Jinx spoked. "We met her, the moment Python got executed." Jinx said. Lunica couldn't believe she brought that up and sighed nervously. "Really?...That's, cool.." Lunica tried to not frown. Salem picked up Mosa, she was falling behind everyone. There Mosa piggy-backed on Salem as they walked through the market place. "Selling Monster Teeth!" Shouted a Seller. "Fresh baked goods!" Yelled another. "Pictures of the execution!" One man yelled. Everyone stopped and looked over. "Execution?" Lunica said. "Yes m'lady pictures of the new Execution!" The seller said excited. "A new one?" Mosa said confused. They followed the man. There a Town execution laid eyes lock on them. Salem stared at the boy who was chained up, along with the other prisoners. Two young girls in their mid 20's as well. They hugged each other close staring at the crowd, verbally shaking. "Un-Chain them at once!" Python said. The crowd went silent looking a Python. "Who are you?" A royal guard, peeked up and walked towards them. "I'm Grim Velvet, Future Knight of the Sky'Realm Kingdom." Python said making a kingdom up.

"The Sky'Realm kingdom?" The guard said.

Jinx butted into the conversation; "She is correct, and I can confirm it." The Guard with shocked eyes. "Princess Jinx, I'm so sorry, I didn't expect you to be here!" Mosa & Lunica added in; "Were here too." The guard kneeled, and bowed. "CANCEL THE EXILE!" The guard yelled. The prisoner were pushed back into the trailer. "Hold it!" Yelled Jinx. "Yes your majesty!" The Guard said. "They're coming with us." Said Jinx. "You can't be serious! They're Criminals!" The guard said rudely. "Yeah, but they deserve a second chance, but witt." Jinx said. Python went over to the trailer and pulled the trunk open. "Come along." Python said holding a hand out for the prisoners. A little boy at least the age of six Was being carried by Lunica. The young women they saw earlier only followed Python. The Young man, was left to follow Mosa & Salem. Jinx held a Stray Mutt. I guess we all had it coming.

~Meanwhile at Salem's Tower~

A flower field, abandon cliffs, the area wasn't packed. It was unclaimed originally, until Salem made it his home. It looked like heaven. I mean it's what, heaven would've looked like.

"Home sweet home!" Salem said, carrying on the fact he was holding hands with a Twenty-Two year old, Young man. Mosa got off of Salems back, she fell into the flower field. She got up eventually. They entered Salem's Home, it was comfy & comfortable to get around. Python had to help Salem out with the type of plants, to grow for his garden. You can't believe how many garden snake Salem found and yelled at each one of them as they jumped at him. Python got a fish slap to the face my a big boa in the lake, connected to the waterfall.

Jinx put down the mutt. "What type of Canine breed do you think this one is?" She said looking at it. "Some Lab, or hunting hound possibly." Said the young man. "Ah! So you do talk!" Salem said. "Of course they do, Zarathustra, is the basic Language of all countries." Lunica said with a stern look at Salem. "Right..!" Salem said with a awkward grin. "So what's your name tough luck?" Mosa Said being greenish as possible. "My name is Chiaki." Chiaki said slowly, trying to get used to the group of friends. "Nice name, Bozo but, enough of you." Jinx said. "Let's get to know the girls!" Jinx shouted. "Sooo, what's both of your names!" Mosa asked polite-ish. "Yochi, and this one here is, Tamashini." Yochi said. Yochi was a Tall, long black haired woman, she had black eyes, and wore glasses. The shorter one looked like Yochi, but they weren't siblings. Tamashini had no glasses, she had yellow eyes, she looked like a half'ling. Tamashini had a unusual love either Yochi, we could feel it too.