
Ch. 22 Masked Man

Ren looked at the man stunned. He didn't know how he was detected. He canceled concealment and stared at him "Elder, I am disappointed" Ren's eyes turned black

Without giving him room to speak he ran towards him releasing Heavens slash.

The elder of the Sword pavilion sect defended and took a step back.

Ren used Silent steps to appear behind him and held his sword to his neck. "Explain yourself. Keep it short or you will see death today"

Ren told Mengmeng through transmission to come in and kill the rest of the disciples.

"Disciple Ji, I am undercover. I want these evil villains killed as much as you do. My sister was killed when I was just a boy. Believe me, please." he pleaded, shaken by Ren's tone and dark aura

"I can tell that is truth… Tell me. What evils have you committed while undercover? Surely they wouldn't allow a pure soul into the sect." Ren asked

"I.. You're right. I have sinned. To get accepted into the sect I was ordered to r*pe a woman then, take her life. I did force her but I didn't kill her. I have never practiced their methods. That woman is my wife now. I hid her in the Sword Pavilion sect. That is the only evil I have done… I have seen countless lives taken, women being used and children being killed in front of me. I have been biding my time trying to get stronger to end this once and for all but.. that man keeps getting stronger." the elder spoke with grief.

"I see." Ren thought for a moment then continued, "I'm giving you two options. Death to pay for your sins, or becoming my servant."

"Second option!!"

"Kneel" Ren commanded.

The elder kneeled and Ren placed his hand on the back of the elders head.

[Seal complete. Lu Min is now a servant. He will always be loyal to serving the family and will never betray the family]

Ren took his hand off of Lu Min's head "Rise"

"Yes, my lord"

"You made the right choice. You also told the truth. You may think it's silly to make you my servant but I revealed more than I should have. When we return to the Sword pavilion, resume your normal tasks and don't give me special treatment."

[-3000 points. Obtained Life sword]

"Use this sword from now on, oh check out the library when you have time. I'm not sure how you'll go about learning the techniques as your method is different from mine and Meng'ers but the information is still plenty useful."

Lu Min didn't question Ren and took the sword and bound it. He gave it a look and a swing then sheathed it. "Thank you" Lu Min said as he cupped his fist.

MengMeng arrived and gave Ren a questioning look. Ren filled her in on the situation.

"Oh right! Meng and I cleared 15 hideouts and killed over 700 disciples of the Yin Soul sect. Will there be implications? We didn't clean up after ourselves as we wanted to send a message."

Elder Min's brows twitched in response "Now that you've also cleared my hideout you can't just get rid of evidence all of the sudden right? They don't know I'm an elder in the Sword pavilion sect but if everyone is here and I'm not then my undercover days are over."

Ren paused and thought for a moment then asked "Do you know the hideout of the other early Heaven stage elder? Also the more disciples we kill the better. Any information on their whereabouts would help immensely."

"Yes. The rendezvous is in 2 months but everyone will stay split for now. We can eliminate all the groups except the vice sect leader's. Should be around 2500 disciples left."

"Great, Take this talisman. If you're in a bind just tear it in half and it will teleport you to the location in your head." Ren gave Lu Min one of his two teleportation talismans.

"Oh yeah? How'd you know I was there? "Ren asked

"Your Jade plate reacted with my elder plate. I knew someone was there but I couldn't sense or locate you." Lu Min said

"Ahh." He took all their plates and put them in storage so something like that wouldn't happen again.

The trio set off and visited other hideouts. Over the course of a week Ren amassed 26000 points from killing 2200 disciples from the Yin Soul sect. He had 7000 points before buying the Life sword for Lu Min. Ren purchased 2 life saving attack treasures. One for himself and the other for Meng'er. He would never be cheap when it came to his family.

Left with 6000 points he splurged and purchased armor for both himself and Meng'er.

[2x Life armor: Grows with the user. (Ren: Can defend against 10 full power blows from an early Heaven stage)(Meng: Can defend against 2 full power blows an early Heaven stage) Abilities: Phantom, Energy storage(can store your full qi capacity. you can use it like a battery)]

He then bought 1000 points of spirit stones with his remaining cash.

After absorbing everything he reached the 6th tier of the Spirit stage. Meng had only reached the 4th tier. They needed more time to allow her to catch up but first they needed to kill the early Heaven stage elder from the Yin Soul sect.

Ren, Meng and Lu Min arrived at the hideout the elder was residing in. There were 100 disciples inside with him. Ren took the lead concealed, then sent transmissions to the other two. He would let them know when it was time to act.