
Ch. 23 One Shot

Ren was speeding through the hideout concealed. Arriving in front of the Heaven stage elders room he finally sent news to Meng and Lu Min "Guard the exits and eliminate all who try to flee"

Ren dropped his concealment and stepped into the room.

"Who is it? Can't you see I'm busy?" The masked elder was mixing ingredients that reeked of Yin energy.

"It's me! The one who will let you meet your friends down below" Ren chuckled and took a battle stance

After turning around the elder puzzlingly stared at him "Little fella, you are definitely not in the right place but I can send you home" an evil glint shone in his eyes.

Both had their weapons readied, The masked elder took the first move. Ren didn't even try to defend, he just flashed back a meter using Silent Steps then gathered sword force.

He appeared at the elders right and used the Sword Saints second form but before the attack hit he appeared on the elders left.



"Seriously? That was anticlimactic... A Heaven stage couldn't even take one attack from a Spirit stage. Pitiful.." Ren shook his head.

He rushed through the rest of the hideout. Killing every person in sight until it was silent. The trio met again at the entrance as Ren explained the fight.

"Good job Ren'er! Maybe when you reach the peak of the Spirit stage we can take on the sect leader!" Meng cheered

Lu Min was dumbstruck. 'One move to kill a Heaven stage… My lord is a monster.'

"Hey Lu Min, how many Heaven stage people are in the Sword pavilion?"

"Including myself, 5. 3 early Heaven stage, 2 middle Heaven stage. The sect leader has been in seclusion for 3 years. It may be possible he broke through and is just consolidating his realm." Lu Min replied

"Hmm. Is Elder Zhi one of the 3 early Heaven stage elders?" Ren asked

"Yeah.. How did you know? She has an artifact that hides her power"

"Just a guess" he shrugged and continued "As much as I would like to hunt down the remaining disciples and vice sect leader, it is not known if i am a match for him at the moment. Let's head back to the sect. Meng'er, I am going to buy more spirit stones and try to reach the 9th tier of Spirit stage. After that I will work with you to catch up."

"Mn, let's return"


1 month later.

Ren and Meng both at the peak of Spirit stage, the 9th tier. They just needed inspiration to build their Golden core. Ren didn't have a single clue what path he wanted to pursue. MengMeng knew she only wanted to stay close to Ren for eternity. She was gaining insights on how her Golden core should look and be structured.

Today Ren decided to visit the sect's skills building. He had no hope for any gains but was curious.

Once inside he greeted the elder who was in charge and started browsing the bronze level. Mostly garbage skills that were fundamentally broken. He scanned every book briefly with his spirit sense and didn't find anything great. Ren sped through the silver level in the same style. Once in the Gold level he scanned and something caught his eye.

[Ren, 2nd shelf 3rd row 5th book on the right]

The system was also interested in the skill found.

{War Goddess's Sword Style: Suitable for females. Men can use the technique but require abundant yin energy.}

[Take the book into storage. I will add it to the library. It is of almost equal value to your Sword Saints Mortal technique. I recommend you don't train in it. Too many skills and not enough time to master all of them.]

'Yes, Meng'er can train in this. She finally has a technique. I am very happy'

He contacted Meng and told her about the technique. She was extremely excited, her battle power would leap and her sword seed would grow.

Ren had nothing to do now. He couldn't do quests because the strong late Heaven stage sect leader was too powerful for him currently. He could do daily quests around the sect but it would be pointless as he was already at the 9th tier of Spirit stage so spirit stones were useless. He decided to go into seclusion with MengMeng until they reached the Golden core stage.

Meanwhile in the at the God assembly...