
Ch. 25 Family

Back at the Sword Pavilion, Ren had not made any gains towards forming his Golden core. Meng had the idea but was still stuck in the process of forming it. He decided to go out and take a walk.

The sect would be sealed in 3 days. Most of the disciples had returned from the outside, many had never left because they feared the evil sect leader.

After taking a few laps around the sect Ren ended up in front of the registration building. He entered to look for Auntie Zhi.

The middle counter was empty. Ren looked to the right to see the fat Elder Gu painting her nails, shaking his head he walked to the left to ask Huang Feng where Elder Zhi might be.

"Hello Sister Feng! Do you know where Elder Zhi is? I've had some problems training lately and would like to ask her for guidance."

"Elder Zhi had gone out yesterday to search for any disciples that may not make it back in time before we seal the sect. You'll be able to see her within 3 days." Sister Feng replied calmly

"Ah, thank you for letting me kn-'' Ren cut himself off early because he heard commotion outside. He rushed outside and towards the sect entrance.

At the gates were two bodies that were tattered, unknown if they were alive or dead.

a Voice sounded out "This is just the interest, you will be paid in full shortly"

Ren used his spirit sense and saw a masked man who was late Heaven stage. The vice sect leader of the Yin Soul sect.

Looking back at the bodies he finally uncovered their identities. Xue Yuuka and Auntie Zhi. His heart was torn. Despite not knowing these people he still felt terrible, they were the people who made him feel a sense of belonging to the Sword Pavilion.

'System.. I'm asking a lot right now but I wish to save these two'

[ I understand. You will need to take them back to your house so we can continue this privately.]

Ren concealed himself then picked up the two and flashed away with Silent Steps. The people surrounding them were terrified as they saw two bodies mysteriously disappear.

Ren reached his house in under a minute. Laying both Yuuka and Auntie Zhi on the dining table he was told

[Take out your Wood and Light orbs. You will need to use all of them for this. The Wood is for their physical injuries, the Light for their souls.]

Ren did as told. Tens of orbs were on the table.

[Start pulling the energy from them but instead of absorbing it you will need to keep it circulating. After you achieve this, direct it into them. It will be painful, you are lacking soul energy to do this. It may feel like needles are piercing through your skull but it's not serious, you will just be mentally exhausted from it.]

Ren nodded and proceeded to use the orbs as specified. After all the orb's energy was circulating around him he started directing it into Yuuka and Auntie Zhi.

At first it was just a slight sharp pain, as he continued it was like a thousand bees stinging him.

[Halfway there]

Ren grit his teeth. His eyes were bloodshot, body trembling but he kept absolute focus on the task at hand.

"Rrrrrrggggh" He let out a cry from the pain

As this was going a thought went through his head 'Gain strength to protect those close to me' he finally found the reason why he was pursuing strength.

[10 seconds]

Ren's body was shaking, he could hear cracking in his head.


He let out a beastly roar as his eyes turned pitch black. The shaking stopped. There was no trace of pain on his face, only determination.

[Good, you've done well. Take a rest]

Ren fell back onto the floor with blood flowing from his eyes.

"Ahhhh where am I?" Yuuka woke up first but was followed shortly after by Auntie Zhi.

"This is Ren and Mengs house. I believe we have been healed by them" Auntie Zhi inferred.

"How?! We were on the brink of death!"

"Don't ask me, wait until he wakes up" Auntie Zhi pointed to the collapsed Ren that was lying flat beside the table.


A couple of hours later Ren gained consciousness again. "Ugh, my head is still splitting. System, can you bless my next spin and give me a mental massage jade or somethi-" he stopped talking as he opened his eyes to see Yuuka and Auntie Zhi staring at him with weird eyes.


[ Yeah you slipped up. You can always add them to the family. I don't think they deserve the title of servants as they both care for your well being]

'I have to ask Meng'er first'

[Don't disturb her, right now she is in a critical moment for breaking through.]

….'I'll play it off then'

"Hello Miss Yuuka, Auntie Zhi. What brings you here?" he got off the floor and asked

"????" Both Yuuka and Zhi looked at him like he was mentally challenged

[Idiot. Just grab their hands and I will explain.]


Ren stepped forward and grabbed both of their hands.

After a few minutes of silence, Auntie Zhi pulled Ren towards her and planted a kiss on his lips.

A bright light shone as Auntie Zhi became Sister Zhi right before their eyes.


[Remember how I said family couldn't age past you? Xun Zhi's body was at an age you'll never reach. You're a cultivator and will keep a young appearance all your life. Her age has been halved because of the family seal… She's a real beauty isn't she?]


Xun Zhi touched her face then looked at Ren with eyes full of love. "Thank you Ren, you've saved my life and returned my youth to me"

"It was no trouble ZhiZhi" Ren felt a connection with her just like Meng'er.

Yuuka was off to the side with her head down blushing. She managed to force words out in a very tiny voice "close your eyes"

Even though it was quiet Ren still heard and did as he was told.

Yuuka leaned down and planted a long kiss on his lips.

"mmmmmm.. ahh" they split apart after about a minute

"Yuuka.. t-that was a long kiss" His face was red

"It was my first and I wanted to remember it forever." Yuuka shyly replied