
The death knight in a black full plate armor stood before the girl and her brother, its sword was raised high, aiming to end their lives.

The blade seemed to gleamed in the bath of moonlight, and it poised itself, ready to end them with a single merciful stroke.

It's eye sockets where soul flames flare up, seemingly excited to murder the two powerless humans.

The girl squeezed her eyes tightly shutting it and bit her lower lip, accepting their cruel fate.

She had never asked for this, powerlessness is a sin in this new era.

She had been forced into her present circumstances. If only she had more strength, she might have resisted the enemy in front of her and fled with her brother.

Unfortunately, she was tricked, tricked by the people she trusted. The people she helped all this time, the ones that used her all this time.

The one's that toyed with her feelings. Trusting someone in this godforsaken world, where the strong devour the weak.

Pathetic. She was in rage, in rage about how naïve she was, the naivety that cause the present circumstances.

It's the only thought she could think about herself. Her actions are pathetic, playing hero in a world of uncertainty and danger.

Playing hero to be recognized, playing hero to be someone. Idiot… she would die. She didn't possess the necessary strength to resist.

The person she loved, the person she saved and help, the ones she trusted everything was nothing but an act. Using her for their own good.

Thus, there could only be one outcome to this situation. That would be their death, at this very moment.

The death knight raised its long sword, as it tried to end the girl.

Peng…. The sword that supposed to end the girl was thrown to the ground.

The girl gingerly opened the eyes which had been squeezed shut. The first thing she saw was the motionless long sword on the ground.

Confused on what's going on in this situation, she shifted her gaze. There she found the death knight in front of her, it froze in place.

The soul flames on its eyes were trembling, looking somewhere off to the girl's side.

Seemingly staring at something in the distance.

The death knight's completely defenseless posture clearly displayed the fear that it felt.

--Undead, an undead feeling fear?' She never one's heard of such absurd thought.

--Isn't this nonsense,' the girl thought.

As though drawn by the death knight's action, the girl could not help but turn and look in the same direction as him.

So, she saw, she found out "beautiful" the only word she could use to describe the man walking from the distance.

The man's beautiful oval shaped face, combined with he's silver blue hair that reflected the sweet moonlights' beauty.

The pair of azure blue eyes that seemed to shine, radiating a golden glow. Seemingly staring directly at one's soul.

Such unbelievable beauty that seemed to be out of these world was reflected in her eyes.

The transcending irrational beauty of the man walking towards her direction from the distance. Like that of a price on a white horse, that came to save her.

--A angel?' The girl could not help but think, so after she saw what lay before her eyes. Her heart lurched, the girl's conjecture was confirmed.

A pair of two large, beautiful pure white wings sprouted from the man's back. It radiated a similar golden radiance, just like his eyes.

[Holy Wing Armament]

• Materializes a pair of angel wings radiating a holy presence.

☆ 10% increase on one's holy attribute.

☆ [Flight] the pair of angel wings could let the user fly.

☆ [Protection Field] grants an invisible force field protecting a certain space.

✦ 500 Mana Consumption

✦ 20 Minutes Cooldown

In the next instant, the air seemed to freeze. It was as though, the time itself had stood still after a higher existence advent.

The elements on the surrounding atmosphere are dancing in joy celebrating before the angel like man.

The girl forgot to breathe, as if the sight had stolen her soul away.

She began choking, and gasped for air, the weight of the pressure getting released isn't something she could endure.

The extreme pressure pushed her down on her knee's, similar to that of a mage using a gravity spell, but at the same time different. The pressure is being released from the man is the cause, he didn't do a thing but walk forward.

In the next instant, she felt a warmed sensation covering her like a cloth. Protecting her from the heavy pressure coming from the man.

☆ [Protection Field] grants an invisible force field protecting a certain space.

The man showed a bright smile, a smile that could memorize any women who saw it.

The death knight who was frozen in place, it felt disgusted, the supposed to be fearless monster tried to run in dismay.

Like a prey that had seen it predator, it pours every strength it possessed on its feet to flee.

"Now, now we can't do that, escaping isn't allowed in my watch"

The man's transcending voice that seemed to directly touched the heart and soul of those that hear sounded.

It then calmed the fast beating heart of the girl.

[Divine Voice]

• Infuses one's voice with a Divine aura, giving of a transcending feeling to those that hear it.

☆ Allies: calming the heart of soul of the allies. 10% increase in combat power.

☆ Enemies: destroying the momentum and concentration of the enemies. 20% decrease in combat power.

☆ [Divine Order] ability to freely control or manipulate the surrounding magic in the atmosphere following the directions the voice ordered.

But on the other side. The undead knight who tried to run stumble on the ground, rolling before smashing on a tree.

☆ [Divine Order] ability to freely control or manipulate the surrounding magic in the atmosphere following the directions the voice ordered.

The man used the Divine Order to sprout a root on the ground, making the running undead knight lost its balance.

The man then raised an arm, chaotic energy burst out from those delicate hands. The next instant, a pure black gate made its appearance. It gave off an ominous feeling spreading all-over the place.

[Abyssal Gate]

• Opens a personal miniature artificial abyssal realm housing a horrifying creature that follows the command of the summoner.

✦ 5% over-all mana of the user consumed.

✦ 2 hours cooldown.

{The greater the mana of the summoner, the stronger the summoned creature becomes}

Sensing the presence of the gate, the undead knight fall into despair.

What it saw was darkness, a complete darkness that seem to swallow everything.

Something seemed to be coming out of that shadowy passage.

The girl's gaze was plastered at the scene, then she saw it, she saw something that she shouldn't have supposed to saw.

A long pitched black tentacle sprung out from the darkness. It extended its limbs, attaching itself to the Undead Knight.


The undead knight who known to possessed great strength and power, that could massacre masses of survivors in a matter of minutes, was screaming.

It was screaming in fear and agony.

Like a starving beast, it, tighten the gripped on the undead knight's body.

Then it began to move.

The energy surrounding the death knight slowly dispersing, getting sucked by the purple ominous tentacles.

[Abyssal Devour]

• Devours the energy of the targeted creature it latched on.

The horrifying ability of the creature instantly turned the undead knight into dust. Devouring its energy.

The next moment. The summoned Abyssal Gate disappear like it didn't appear in the first place.

Instantly, the death knight who supposed to end her life was turned to nothingness.

The man's gaze fall upon the girl holding her little brother.

He extended a hand, a white light enveloped the two, feeling the warm wrapping them, the girl felt her consciousness fading.

[Holy Touch]

• Conjures a healing holy light that could recover all types of damages. Absolutely recovers targeted individuals injuries and lost limbs.

✦ 200 Mana Consumption.

Kent then erected a barrier, preventing any outside interventions and detection that could bring harm to the two.

[Perfect Concealment Guard]

• Materializes an invisible barrier protecting and concealing a designated area.

✦ 300 Mana Consumption.

He stepped forward, widening his sense of perception, collecting data.

[Area Perception]

• Increases one's visual perception using both mana, aura, life force, death essence, divine presence, elemental existence, spiritual detection and spatial pattern coordinate.

He picked up multiple traces of undead knights and undead warrior going on a mayhem, massacring masses of people.

One were to looked at Kent's expression, that seemed to don't give a damn about the current mayhem occurring.

He flew up in the sky, seemingly searching for the other undead's, widening his perception range reaching another realm surpassing the past one.

☆ [Flight] the pair of angel wings could let the user fly.

He extended a hand up above the sky, multiple magic formations took shape, immense mana begun to gather in one point. The magic formations revolved as runes absorbed the gathered mana, to manifest the desired magic.

Magic—Divine Light Sword

• Summons an endless number of light swords aimed to the enemy. Each sword is infused with the essence of light.

In instant thousands of undead's that terrorize the survivors perish.