Prime Genesis System

Before the apocalypse—Earth

8:12 am—August 8, 2025

General Santos City, Mindanao, Philippines

General Santos City, a busy place whether it was the time of the day or the night.

Buildings small and large can be seen everywhere one look, with the people walking on the streets minding their own business.

At a computer café nearby the Ramon Magsaysay Memorial Collages, a customer parks his bike outside and rushes inside.


The heart of the 400NK is a powerful 400cc, twin-cylinder, inline engine which exhibits the power of 41HP @9500 RPM and torque of 32 NM @7750 RPM, which expresses perfectly the aggressiveness of a street-fighter.

A good thrilling machine that provides the best performance for any motorcycle it might not be the best out there, but the performance it provides to the user is good. Enthusiast which is easy to get on with.

The young man jump off from the motorcycle quickly entering the café.

Kent is a handsome teenager just turned 18 the other day, he has a silver-purple hair and a pair of golden eyes.

He is a student at the RMMC, unfortunately he didn't attend school and head straight to the internet café.

He is a regular customer, so he hurriedly asks the cashier to open his usual computer. There aren't many customers today, considering the heavy rain.

"Shouldn't you be at school this time?" the cashier ask.

The young man just gave the cashier a smile, the cashier shake his head.

He didn't bother to go to school feeling bored, from the repetitive boring routine. It's been a couple of days since he began cutting on classes.

He logged onto the STEAM account in, planning to bet an item to the VP game.

Kent left the unit, arriving at the building beside the café; 7-Eleven. He purchased some snacks and drinks, before returning to the café.

He began munching some snacks while reading novels. Logging in his account, the young man search for what new update this day has.

This is his current routine, reading novels and watching anime. In truth, he viewed the world as a boring place, he sometimes wished he were born in a fantasy world.

He didn't desire to become a hero or a saint, Kent just want life to be more challenging and livelier.

In school, Kent is one of the smartest kids around, possessing a high intellect and wisdom.

His grades were maintained at 95 above since kindergarten. Even if he didn't study, he could easily pass any exam without worries.

These is one of the many reasons why he felt bored in this current world.

Ring! Ring!

A call connected, the caller is one of his classmates.

"Kent, teacher is searching for you" the caller has a blonde hair and red eyes. James, one of the few friends he had, a kind and mature person.

James knew that Kent has been neglecting school and is always at the internet café nearby the school.

However, he didn't say this to their teacher, Kent's intellect is something they couldn't hope to comprehend or even understand. No matter what the man do, he wanted to avoid being on Kent's bad side.

He isn't taking advantage of him or anything like that but, it's more like he's following his instincts.

"She said, you should one's and a while get an attendance. She also hoped you could join the spelling contest for the upcoming school event."

"Aren't the event going to be useless, if I were to join, won't the other contestants forfeit"

"Don't know, I am only relaying a message"

"Ok, I'll be going in this afternoon"

The call ended. He return to his usual thing.


Inside the center of the planet, a round, circular object is endlessly rotating since the birth of the world.

The object radiated a strange energy that seemed to be far more dangerous than the energy nuclear power plants has. It resembles a small sun but has the same or even high form of energy than the real one.

Multiple blue screens floated beside this object.

[World Core]

The very essence and consciousness of every world in existence that possessed life.

The world core seemed to be in sleep mode for who knows how long, a countdown timer can be seen up above its head almost reaching zero.

[Primal Genesis System Countdown]

1:00, 59, 52, 49, 41, 30, 25, 20, 10, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.



Suddenly, every Intelligent creatures in earth heard a beautiful transcendence voice in their heads. Unfortunately, this voice behave like that of a computer AI.

{System Parameters Updated}

{Primal Genesis System Activating}

{Grow strong to survive or perish to the ends of death, Good-Luck}

{System Parameters Updated}

{Primal Genesis System Activating}

{Grow strong to survive or perish to the ends of death, Good-Luck}

{System Parameters Updated}

{Primal Genesis System Activating}

{Grow strong to survive or perish to the ends of death, Good-Luck}

These words, were repeated three times, seemed to be advising every creature existing on the planet.

Reading countless novels for a long time, Kent immediately understood and realize what's those words are supposed to be meant.

Then before he can act. A strong earthquake in a level that transcends human knowledge shacked the whole world.

"Everyone take cover" Kent shouted in panic.

The building begun to collapse, cracks begun appearing on the walls seemed to shatter at any moment.

--This is bad, the building couldn't withstand the magnitude of the earthquake. I need to leave this place, or I'll die.

--Die? It's been a long time since this world pop out on my head. I am scared? I am scared of dying.

--No it isn't that, then why am I shacking? No, this isn't fear.

--It's more like I am excited than scared, this feeling, this stimulation, this pleasure, these feelings it's better than anything else that I've experience so far.

Kent had a smile on his face, realizing this fact about him. A strange sensation awakened within him.

[Congratulations you have unlocked a special trait within you]

[Novelty Seeker] (Trait)

• The one who face dangers in exchange for enjoyment.

★ Absolute Fear Immunity

★ Absolute Mind Attack Immunity

✪ For every damage receive, defense and attack power increase by 5% base on the damage taken.

[You're the very first intelligent creature that was able to unlock a trait within you. You have reached a new level of understanding about yourself]

[10,000 Points rewarded]

Name: Kent Kanzen Santos (18)

Level: 0

Race: Arch Human Hybrid (38.7%)

Trait: [Novelty Seeker]

• Basic Attributes •

Magic Power: 378

Attack Speed: 52

Strength: 26

Agility: 26

Vitality: 28

Dexterity: 28

Intelligence: 189

• Skills •

1. None

The attributes aren't fair for each individual.

A body builder might have 35-45 strength, runners might have 30-40 agility, monks that been in mountains since birth doubled or triple those numbers. They might also have another attribute called Spiritual Power.

While normal people aside should have 10-15 attributes. A child, however, should have 1-5 base attributes.

Kent aside, has almost above-average attribute compare to that of normal people. His intelligence moreover is on an another level, reaching a number a level 0 shouldn't have.

Kent didn't notice this system message and change within him, he was so focused on his survival, rushing out from the building in fast speed.

He jumps from unit to unit of computers and table avoiding, some fallen debris before reaching the exit.

Instead of relaxing, he searches for a designated area where debris or accident shouldn't. Calculating the trajectory of each building and trees if it were to crumble, Kent found almost close to none place.

The buildings in the cities are like a pile of domino, so there are almost close to none area that is safe from this level of disaster.