
Buildings started to crumble, unable to withstand the magnitude of the earthquake.

Kent is standing on a fairly good area; safe and sound, he took a quick looked at the place where the motorcycle should been parked.

At the front of the 7-Eleven, but, the building had long collapse earlier than the other ones around, the motorcycle should have turned into scraps metal.

--What bad luck, I just brought that baby the other day.

Kent felt regret looking at the area where the motorcycle should suppose to be at.

--Nothing can be done about it, dwelling too much would only worsen my mood.

--My life is more important that any material items, these series of events isn't that simple either.

He just bought the motorcycle with his own money, from working online, for a few months.

Helpless about this, he diverted his attention to let go of the frustration, he gazed on the surrounding buildings slowly collapsing.

--What I need now is information, the network isn't down, but the internet were blocked for some unknown reason.

Relaxing his mind, the earlier fear from getting closed to death situation and the frustration from the motorcycle that turned to scrap disappear, and with this clear mind of his, he could now think properly; immediately assessing the current situation.

He looked at the crumbled number of ruined buildings in front of him, Kent saw blood, seeping from some cracks, presumably from those that aren't able to escape and got flattened by the debris.

Some calm people had already started calling for rescuers, police, and firemen aiming to get some help, as there are dozens of injured people lying on the concrete streets.

Some had minor injuries, while there were also those that lost some limbs, other's assist them to stop the bleeding. The hard part were the one's in the hopeless situations that can't be saved.

The scene was in a complete messed. Looking around, some even kneeled and prayed to their respective gods.

"I need help here, someone please" the man shouting begging for help.

Kent approached the man, there he saw him pushing the debris that caught a woman.

In a single glance, Kent could tell, it was useless and hopeless. She already dead.

He didn't know what the connection between the woman and the man has but, unfortunately, the woman already pass away.

The side portion of her neck unfortunately got pierced by a metal rod from the debris, but this isn't the one that cause her death, her death was because of the too much blood lost from the numerous number of injuries.

Her legs were also crashed together with the ribs that seem to receive a massive force.

Kent approached the man and tapped his shoulder.

"There's no point on your struggle, she's already gone."

The man grabbed Kent's collar, angered about the words he said, tears keep dripping on his eyes.

He himself knew that the woman is already gone, but unable accept the fact and hope it isn't true.

"No, she isn't death, she can't die, my wife and child can't die,"

The man harden his grip on Kent's collar, crying profusely. He didn't resist shaking his head.

Realizing that the woman is also pregnant, he gritted his teeth.

"I know how hard it is to accept reality, how painful it is on you to accept they are gone but, you should think what she wants the most."

"She would want for you to be ok, we need to treat your injuries, you aren't in a good state either."

The man clenched his fist, blood begun to dripped from it. The extreme pain and sorrow he's going through right now can't be described by words.

Kent has experienced the same exact feeling during the time his parents' death caused a car accident; when he's still young.

They were on the way to a field trip when it happened, and he was the only one who was able to survive, thanks to his mother shielding him from the crash with the truck.

Since then, Kent had been living alone, he was responsible for his own good, thanks to the insurances from both of his parents be been able to lived without worries.

The man let go of Kent, he stared at him for a few seconds, before falling to his knees crying.

Kent helped the man moved the debris, the man hugged the corpse of his decease wife crying.

A few minutes had passed since the continuous earthquake subsided.

When suddenly up above the skies cracks begun to emerge, strong unknown force keep widening this cracks, that resembles those fantasy theme novels.

Gigantic circular gate like with cracks take shape, releasing a threatening feeling. Kent felt cold sweat dripping all-over his body.

This isn't fear because he had the trait that negates fear, it's an instinctual reaction of one's body.

Then, just as the pressure disappear, monsters started pouring out from the cracks. Like bats exiting a cave after getting disturb.

The humans who yet to recover from the previous disaster were helplessly getting slaughtered.

The people begun to run on their own out of fear, some are even pushing each other to used them as bait. The true nature of humans are shown in cause of this scene.

A green skin humanoid creature with sharp claws looked at the group of gathered humans, it pounces itself to a man nearby Kent.

Kent pulled out a metal rod from the ground and used it to pierce the monster's head, black blood poured out from its head. He didn't show any sympathy for such monsters.

Another monster tried to make an attack sneakily, circling Kent.

He kicked the body of the monster that had charged toward him, turning rotation himself increasing the force carried on the attack, the monster was thrown.

--Isn't these guys goblins.

Recognizing the familiar yet unfamiliar appearance of the goblin, he couldn't help but think of all; of this as a joke.

The green goblin fell on the floor screaming, Kent raised the metal rod and pierce into the goblin's head.

Plop, the head was pierced, silencing it.

--The world really is turning crazy. Kent thought, grabbing the dead corpse of the goblin.

He was the only man left on the area, as everyone didn't hesitate to run off after getting contact with the goblins.

Kieee! Kieee!

He heard a shriek, probably from another goblin, no it isn't from another, it came from the direction where the other survivors run off.

--It's a pity but there are not of my concern now, they have left me on their accord.

Kent felt something amidst the screams, he looked at the sky.

--What's that?

There he saw an ominous shadow had appeared overhead, above the skies from one of the cracks.

He saw dozens of meteors, small yet dangerous burning rocks, falling from the sky.

His eyes followed and calculate the direction the meteors would crash, there he realized where it was heading.

--Are you for real?

The meteors were headed straight onto the mountains. Other's might considered these to be a god sent, but Kent realized what these meteors purpose.

--Isn't this cheating these fellas is cutting down the only safe escape route from the cities.

Helpless about this, Kent moved.

--I don't have time to wait, it's dangerous to be on an open field, monsters are sure to spot me.

Kent thought and made up his mind. He could still hear the screams echoing from the distance, gritting his teeth, he left the area.

But, before he could leave, a group of goblins made an appearance, they are standing above a ruined building staring at Kent.

Their mouths are opened wide drooling, one can see the sharp teeth they had. These newly appeared bunched are staring at him, wanting to munch him.

--These guys are hungry, what the hell is this game? Isn't the difficulty quite high.

"Fuck this shit, come you mongrels, bring it on"

He shouted a battle cry, grabbing two metal rods from the ground, as he rushed over to the group of goblins; like a madman.

These goblins are, unlike in the games, they're using both hands and feet's to run.

--I need to finish this fast, before I attract more attention, another group might arrive.

--Getting chase by these guys are far more dangerous than confronting them.