
The deluge outside poured with a vengeance Nevaeh likened to the one the universe has against her and her happiness at love. It must resent her for something she must have done to treat and test her this way.

There was always an endless supply of troubles in her life and love with Engel, and it was safe to say it was becoming scary — scary to think their love was ill-fated.

Star crossed.

With arms folded across her chest, she blankly looked out the window, watching the big, heavy droplets as they struck the ground, with the aim to drown the thoughts in her heart with its howling cry, but it wasn't working.

She flinched when warm hands suddenly encircled her waist and pulled against a body she knew so well. "What are you looking at so seriously?" Engel asked, kissing the crook of her neck as his voice floated through her skin and tingled her ears.