An Amplifier.

Engel could tell Nevaeh was scared, and he couldn't blame her. She had every reason to be.

Discovering all the changes inside of her and hearing all they said about her were enough to have such an effect on her, and for that, he couldn't fault her. He'd hold no anger against her if she hated him because he deserved it, but could she not say anything about not wanting to be with him?

How could he live with her in his life? What kind of life would he have if she wasn't by his side?

Engel bored his eyes to her as those tears kept falling, and she angrily kept wiping them away with the back of her hands while her sniffling kept increasing.

Her tear-stained face broke his heart because every bead of those tears was so precious to him. He had spent three thousand years promising himself he'd never make her cry, that he would protect her and give her all his love and life if he had her back.