The Dark Raven

Cara reads through the white piece of paper in her hand. It's an urgent call from a man named Smith. She's read it again just to be sure of the address written below the notes.

The latter says that her help is needed urgently, but the reason behind the latter is not stated. She dropped the letter on her bedside table and lay on her bed.

It passed 9:pm, and the latter just arrived from a short man in nature. Cara stares at the dark night sky as she remembers how she ended being the dark raven.

She was just ten years of age when her parents willingly sold her out to the slave house for a huge amount of money. Her parents never really loved her to begin with, because she's a girl child and an omega. Her two little brothers are alphas and they were too young back then to even understand what was happening.

It was the saddest day in Cara's life as she watched her little brothers calling out to her with tears in their eyes, and she was being pulled away by the workers in the slave house.

Cara was never the weak type of person, she's brave, strong, fearless and rebellious. She doesn't take no for an answer and she never gives up until she calls it off.

Due to her hard personality, Cara was raised amongst the male slaves and she did all the things the male slaves did. She was okay living there until most of the workers in the slave house tried to take advantage of her being a girl at the age of seventeen.

Not once, not twice and the third time they almost succeed, but she was lucky enough to deal with the gang of male workers. That day was more like a day of violence and evolution. Cara was so pissed that she created a plan to poison the big pot of food of the workers, making them all sleep like dogs.

With the help of male slaves, they broke out of the slave house and took with them the female slaves. They tried their very best to escape the hell called a slave house.

There were about thirty of them, ten girls including Cara and twenty boys. She led the way and took them to her best friend's apartment far away from town. Her best friend happens to be an elderly lady who lives outside the town.

Cara always visits the lady whenever her parents beat her and insults her. The elderly lady was more like a mother to her and they loved each other so much.

The elderly lady happily welcomed the poor slaves and that same night she called for her son Alec who lives far away. The man is a married man and he hates the mare thought of making people slaves.

The man however comes down in two days' time, and he takes all the slaves far away from his mother and takes them back to his place. He's a settled man and he happily sent the children to school and gave them all new identity.

Cara however chose to take a different path. She decides to attend the military school and Alec grants her every heart desire.

She was perfect in all aspects, better than the men in the military field. She was the best in everything. Physical skills and strength, braveness, everything. She even insisted on going on a mission which was very risky and nearly impossible, but with her help it was a successful mission.

The men in the field couldn't handle it, they seemed less important and intimidated by every little thing Cara did. They just couldn't take it and they set her up, saying that she stole a huge amount of money from the general commander's office.

She tried to clear her name, but it was totally impossible. She was finally kicked out of the military school due to lack of evidence and with anger and pain in her heart she walked away and was never seen again.

Cara trained hard on her own and became a bounty hunter with the general name, the dark raven. She hunts down evil people and gets a huge pay for it.

Cara breathes out a long sigh and shuts her eyes. Tomorrow is sure going to be a big day. She has to travel to the kingdom of Alternia for the urgent job.

To many she's known as the dark raven, but no one knows that she's an omega.