Chapter 61 - Itsuki vs Erika [ II ]

[Pokémon: - Victreebel

_Level: - 33

_Type: - Poison and Grass

_Species: - Flycatcher Pokémon

_Ability: - Chlorophyll and Gluttony

_Gender: -Male

_ Leaf Tornado |Razor Leaf |Poison Powder |Vine Whip | Wrap| Slam]


"Victreebel is strong but we are not weak either. Eevee I choose you." Itsuki threw Eevee's Pokeball with a grin.

Eevee! Eevee very excited for this battle. 'This gym battle should push and pressure Eevee. This battle will be very useful for her.' Pokemon battle are necessary for a Pokemon to grow stronger. Itsuki felt that these days he has been neglecting Eevee so he wanted her to fight. Also Eevee could use fire type attacks which would give Itsuki advantage against grass type.


Both Erika and Zitong was little surprised by seeing Itsuki using Eevee to start the battle.

"Victreebel, Start the battle with Razor leaf." Erika started the battle. Victreebel launched razor-sharp leaves from the two large leaves on the sides of its body.

"Eevee use flamethrower." Itsuki countered. Eevee opened her mouth and fireball burned the razor leaves to ashes.


"Victreebel use leaf tornado." Victreebel spins his body in a circle as large green tornado with glowing light-green leaves starts to form. Seeing this Itsuki quickly reacted. "Use dig." Eevee used dig to escape into the underground. Victreebel seeing that Eevee has used Dig, stopped his attack and waited for Erika's further orders.


Erika smirked and then ordered. "Victreebel spray poison power around yourself. A Purple color powder formed by Victreebel and the powder was spread on the ground and some powder was floating in the air.

'Poison types are not affected by poison so Victreebel won't be affected by the poison either. If Eevee comes out of the ground to attack Victreebel then she will affected by poison. Simple yet tricky move by Erika.' Itsuki thought.

'But I am we won't fall for that.'


"Eevee use Double team and come out from the same position you went underground." 2 seconds later, hundreds of Eevee came out of the ground, confusing Victreebel. Hundreds of Eevee surrounded Victreebel.

"Eevee use Flamethrower again." All the Eevee opened their mouth to release flame thrower.

"Victreebel make a Leaf tornado around yourself, keeping a radius of 7 meters so that you won't be affected by the leaf tornado."


Green wind began to fly around Victreebel in a circle, the tornado was made from wind and green leaves.

All the Eevee together used Flamethrower which hit the Leaf Tornado and exploded creating black smoke. The green tornado made a protective barrier around Victreebel.


The black smoke blocked Victreebel vision, Itsuki was not going to let this chance waste.

"Eevee use swift and then charge at Victreebel using Flame charge."

Eevee opens its mouth and yellow stars shoot out of it at the opponent. Erika seeing stars coming from all sides immediately ordered Victreebel to use leaf tornado around his body.



The swift hit the leaf tornado and exploded but the leaf tornado was still active.

"Eevee go ahead." Itsuki shouted as he could feel that the battle was approaching its ending.


Eevee's body becomes covered in flame and she with hundreds of other Eevee charged at Victreebel.

Erika let Victreebel keep using leaf tornado as a counter. She has been using leaf tornado as a defense armor.


All Eevee made from double team vanished when their body touched the Leaf tornado. While Eevee charged inside the leaf tornado. Itsuki could see that Eevee was getting hit with shapr leaves but she still continued to charge at Victreebel.

Itsuki clenched his fist tightly and gritted his teeth. "Goo!"


Eevee felt a surge of extra energy in her body hearing the Itsuki's voice. 'Itsuki is placing so much hope and expectations in me, I won't allow this annoying leaves to stop me.'

Suddenly Eevee's speed increased and she easily broke through the leaf tornado and was 6 meters away from Victreebel.

Seeing this Erika and Zitong was shocked but Erika was not going let Victreebel get hit.


"Use your vine whip to grab Eevee and throw her away." Erika shouted.


Victreebel extended its vine whips and grabbed approaching Eevee. Victreebel did not let Eevee go dispite feeling the pain from touching her burning body.

Victreebel enduring the burning pain and while taking damaga raised Eevee 11 meters above the ground and kept raising Eevee up.


Eevee didn't stop using flamethrower as she knew that Victreebel was taking damage from touching her body.

"Eevee use swift!" Itsuki knew that Eevee was going to take big damage if he allowed Victreebel to throw her. Eevee opens its mouth and yellow stars was about shoot at Victreebel but Erika reacted quickly.


"Quickly shake Eevee around." Victreebel moved Eevee's body back and forth at very fast speed which caused her to miss her target.

"Eevee use Flamethrower!" Eevee opened her mouth again enduring the uncomfortable feeling she was experiencing. Eevee then fired a 5 meters big flamethrower at Victreebel.


Boom! Victreebel released Eevee feeling the pain from her attack. Flamethrower had larger attack range than swift so the chances of hitting Victreebel was close to 90 percent. Victreebel fall on the ground and looked injured. Itsuki could see some burns on Victreebel's body.

"Eevee use Flamecharge again." Again flame covered Eevee's body as she charged at Victreebel.


This time Erika panicked and hurriedly ordered Victreebel. "Use Poison powder." Erika knew that Victreebel won't able to stop Eevee so she hoped to poison Eevee.

Eevee didn't care about sparkling Purple powder around Victreebel. Eevee slammed her body at Victreebel in exchange she was also affected by the poison powder.



Victreebel lost his consciousness and fall on the ground while Eevee walked back to Itsuki.

"Eevee you okay. Do you want to continue?" Itsuki didn't want to push Eevee looking at their current state. There was many small cuts made from sharp leaves when Eevee charged at the Leaf tornado.

Eevee.. Ee. Ve. Eevee! [I want to continue master.] Seeing the determined look on Eevee's face, Itsuki didn't force her to stop.


'Wow, Itsuki is good. He might even beat Sister Erika but I don't know much about his Pokémon so I am not sure how is battle is going to end.' Zitong was drinking while enjoying the battle between Itsuki and Eriak.


"Come out Tangela!" Erika took out her next Pokémon.

Tangela is a Vine Pokémon. Its body is covered with blue vines covered with tiny hairs that grow to give the impression that Tangela is circular in shape. Two big eyes are all people see inside the vines and there are no visible arms. It also has two red feet that poke out of the vines.


A Tangela's vines never stop moving. Though they are genetically closely related to seaweed, they do not require any more water than the average plant. Their vines never stop growing and can regenerate. This allows Tangela to snap off vines painlessly to distract predators and regrow them later as soon as the next day.


[Pokémon: - Tangela

__Level: -32

_Type: - Grass

_Species: - Vine Pokémon

_Ability: - Chlorophyll and Leaf Guard

_Gender: - Female

_Energy Ball| Acid Spray| Rest| Double Hit| Sleep Powder]


'Tangela level is lower than Victreebel but Tangela has more Agility than Victreebel.' Itsuki thought while looking at its stats.

"Tangela use energy ball!" A green energy ball formed in Tangela's mouth.

"Eevee use swift." Eevee jumped as multiple yellow stars came out of her tail and hit the approaching Energy ball.



"Acid spray!" Tangela opened its mouth and glops of purple acid fired at Eevee.

"Eevee use dig." Eevee used her paws to use dig and entered underground, dodging the acid spray.

Erika waited for few seconds, she was waiting for the right moment then she ordered. "Use sleeping powder around yourself."



Eevee came out the ground under Tangela and tackled Tangela but she also got affected with sleeping powder. Tangela was sent flying in the air by Eevee. Tangela landed 5 meters away from Eevee.

Eevee was already affected by poison powder and now she was affected with sleeping power, she was also exhausted from battling Victreebel so Eevee quickly fall asleep.


Erika smirked. "Use energy ball and finish Eevee."

Itsuki could helplessly watch as his Pokémon was getting attack and couldn't defend.


The green energy ball landed on Eevee and caused her to lose consciousness.


"Thank you Eevee. You have done more than enough." Itsuki recalled Eevee and then took out another Pokeball from his belt.

After double tapping the Pokeball, the size increased to fist size.

"I chose you...."


Extra chapter!

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