Chapter 64 - I like troubling you

"Sorry the gym is closed today. Come again after 3 days." Erika just fought with someone she wasn't in the mood to fight another trainer.

"Nooooo!" Itsuki and Zitong looked at each other with a wary smile. The current Cameron remains Itsuki about the small Ash who was naive, childish, stupid and passionate about Pokémon.


"Should I go to another city gym?" Cameron pondered about the options he had left. Itsuki approached Cameron, Zitong and Erika also followed Itsuki.

"Hi! My name is Kagami Itsuki. I know this might sound rude but can you tell me how many gym battle have you collected so far?" Itsuki asked with a friendly smile.

"This is my fifth gym badge." Cameron and Riolu looked very proud. In fact they the right to be proud since winning gym battle normally is very difficult.


Itsuki knows that more than thousands of trainers challenges the Kanto gyms every year. But only very few lucky and strong individuals manages to win and enter the Indigo League. But now this situation has changed a little, the new rule of trading Pokémon has allowed more talented Trainers to appear. The talents that couldn't shine because of their poverty, now has the chance to shine. Trainers can get Pokémon by selling Pokémon and spend the money on their Pokémon team, thus making their Team stronger.


"Cameron then you should hurry. Because Indigo League is going to start in one month. So within one month you must win last three badges." Itsuki knew that Cameron was kind dumb and he usually makes mistakes in common things. That's why Cameron keeps his Riolu out with him to help him.

"What! Indigo league starts in one month. I thought the league was going to start after 3 months." Cameron words are also true, because this year's Indigo League has been pushed forward by 2 months.


Itsuki feels that the elite four did this to match with the changes made by new system, Pokémon Trading. Itsuki also learned in school that a league event date can be changed if the number of registered trainer surpasses a certain number.

"The league is starting after one month. The old date has been changed. I thought every trainer was notified about this." Itsuki feels that Cameron must have forgotten or have not paid attention to the notice.


"If the league is starting at one month, then I will have to hurry up. I wonder if 3 days will enough for me to reach Saffron City." Cameron was lost in his thoughts. Itsuki saw Riolu taking out the map from Cameron's backpack and studying the map.

"It would take at least 10 days to reach Saffron city because of the rocky mountains. But you can decrease the time if use train or car to travel."


"I guess we will take the train to Saffron City. Thank you Itsuki. Now I will be going." Cameron then turned to Erika and said. "I will came back after 3 days so be ready to fight me." Erika helplessly nodded her head with a tired look. This was her job and she had no choice but to do it.

"Itsuki see you at Indigo league. Riolu let's go." Cameron and Riolu then disappeared from Itsuki, Zitong and Erika's sight within 10 seconds.


"I could have fought him but I just mentally feel tired. I could still use my two Pokémon after letting them rest for a day but Itsuki do you how tiring it is to continously fight trainers every day?" Erika looked at Itsuki. Zitong just stood behind Erika since she also felt bad for her friend.

'I can kind of understand her pain. Every day many trainers cames here just to challenge her. Whether she likes it or not, she must fight them. On average Everyday at least 2 to 3 trainers cames here to fight her.'


"Erika no offense but why don't you hand this responsibility to someone else? That person will act as your subordinate and take challenges in your place." Itsuki asked. Just like Clemont did by making his own robot.


Erika showed a bitter smile and said. "I can't. Finding a talented trainer who will be willing to work under me is very difficult. It's really hard to find someone with talent. But I am trying though but I don't think I can hold on for much longer. Every year the number of challenger is increasing."


Itsuki And Erika talked for few other minutes then Erika invited Zitong and Itsuki for tea. But Itsuki declined since he needed to take his Pokémon to Pokémon center.

"Erika I will see you again if fate allows us to. I am leaving the city in this afternoon." Itsuki was planning on taking a train directly to his next destination, and hopefully challenge Koga tomorrow.


Hearing the Itsuki was leaving Zitong looked sad. She was really hoping to spend more time with this. 'I must find some ways to stop Itsuki from leaving and keep him here for few more days. I haven't troubled this man enough.' Zitong smirked thinking about her plan.

Erika could understand that Itsuki also needed time to train his Pokémon and prepare for the Indigo League. "Goodbye Itsuki."


After saying goodbye to Erika, Itsuki went to Pokémon Center and to get his 5 Pokémon healed. Zera, Marshadow was still exhausted from their fight against Sabrina and Itsuki hadn't taken them to Pokémon center after their battle.

Only Magikarp was left. 'What should I do with Magikarp. I have to find some ways of evolving my Magikarp to Gyarados before Indigo league otherwise I will have to fight in the league only with 5 Pokémon.'


Itsuki sat in the waiting area and began to think deeply, making plans for Magikarp and his other Pokémon.

Itsuki didn't notice Zitong walking behind him the entire time. She was watching Itsuki every move. Zitong was hoping that Itsuki would pay attention to her but he was lost in his thoughts.


"Hey! Itsuki I am going to order a beverage. Do you want anything?" Itsuki snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Zitong.

"You are still following me? Woman just go home. Our playtime is over." Itsuki was planning on leaving the city today itself so he didn't wanted any trouble to came at him because of this woman and delay his plans.


Zitong giggled slightly, she ignored Itsuki then ordered."Two iced Latte please." Zitong didn't ask Itsuki's opinion and ordered for him. Itsuki glared at Zitong for a second and then said. "Bring two iced Latte along with a burger." The waiter wrote down everything and then left after bowing.


Zitong smiled and asked. "Didn't you had breakfast?" She is asking how could Itsuki be hungry even after eating breakfast about hour and half ago.

"I have to consume large quantities of food. I was going to have something since I sat here. Also after fighting with Erika, I think I need something to replenish my mental and physical energy." Zitong shrugged her shoulders and dropped the matter.


"Itsuki where are you from?" Zitong asked because she wanted to know more about this man.

"Why I should reply to you?" Itsuki asked back. Normally Itsuki would have replied but this woman had hidden something very important from him so Itsuki didn't wanted to tell her about his life. Itsuki knew that Zitong is not from a normal family, so that means she is from a rich household.


"Wow! You are so cold." Zitong was getting more attracted and curious towards Itsuki, the more he tried to push her away and ignore her. Zitong, from her childhood, countless men including her own cousin had confessed their love to her but she always rejected because she didn't found any of them interesting and likely enough. She thought Itsuki would be the same but she was wrong. Even though she approached this man, this man didn't try to make any move on her. Forget about making move, this man even tried to push her away.

That's why Zitong enjoys troubling this man so much.


______Scene change

"Boss young miss is currently with a man named Kagami Itsuki. They have just exited the Celadon city gym. That man was fought against Celadon city gym leader and won against her." The man was wearing black suit and looking at the image of Itsuki.

"What do you know about him?" Zitong father asked.


"His name is Itsuki Kagami, age 11. Itsuki's father Kagami, a scientist and mother, Rui is a housewife. Before Itsuki and his family used to live in pallet town but something happened and they left Pallet."

"Itsuki is a intelligent man who is also the youngest scientist in the world. He have worked as Oak's assistant professor for few years. Then he started his journey to enter Indigo League more than one month ago."


"Why did you stop?" Zitong father asked with a frown.

"Boss I don't if this information is accurate or not but there is a rumor in Kalos that a young man named Kagami Itsuki has bought Azure industry. I think that person is Itsuki. Because Itsuki and his parents went to Kalos from Pallet town." Zitong Father looked at the image of handsome boy with a smile.


"I want to meet Itsuki. Let's see if this man has what is takes to stand with my princess. Send someone to bring my dear daughter and that Itsuki to our Mansion." Zitong father then stood up and walked out of his office.


The Indigo League has started. If you want to read the Indigo League before anyone else. Then

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