Chapter 125 - Indigo League; Cynthia vs Paul [Part 4]


The loud roar of Magmortar was heard all over the stadium. Even Cynthia who was standing about 50 meters away Magmortar felt the heat of its body.

The atmosphere in the stadium suddenly increased and it started to become hotter.

In front of Magmortar, Spiritomb felt like a child. The pressure coming from Magmortar was too much for her.


[Paul's 4th Pokémon is a level 44 5th order Pokémon.]

[Magmortar is the evolved form of Magmar. It blasts fireballs of over 3,600 degrees F from the ends of its arms. It lives in volcanic craters. Magmortar dwell in volcanic craters. According to what is known, a single pair of male and female Magmortar lives in one volcano. Living in the crater of a volcano has caused this Pokémon's body to resemble its environment—it has an organ similar to a magma chamber.]


Magmortar looks a lot like Magmar, but with bigger, rounder and more developed cannons on the ends of its arms. Its arm appears to light on fire when using moves like Fire Punch. It has two huge flame-like shoulder pads that resemble fire. It also has a duck-like bill, except it is wider and shorter than Magmar's. Magmortar also has five black rings/streaks around its body. It has two on its legs, one below the neck, and two black rings on its arms. Magmortar has claws at the end of its hand cannons that most likely retract when it is battling. It has two claw toes on each foot.


[Pokémon: - Magmortar

__Level: - 44

_Type: - Fire

_Species: - Blast Pokémon

_Ability: - Flame Body, [Hidden ability :- Vital Spirit ]

_Gender: - Male

_Dynamic Punch | Hyper Beam | Flamethrower | Fire Punch | Smokescreen | Lava Plume ]


"It looks like Paul's Magmortar have evolved recently. Otherwise Magmortar level would have been much higher than this." Itsuki checked on Magmortar stats and wondered how Cynthia is going to overcome this challenge.

"Don't underestimate Cynthia." Everyone turned to Shizuka, Cynthia's mother. Cynthia's mother proudly looked at her daughter and continued.


"You see Cynthia has another Pokemon. A Pokémon that I gifted her when she started her journey. In just 9 months, Cynthia trained that Pokémon to 5th order."


Rui, Kagami, Cooper, and Grace the adults looked very shocked. They knew training a Pokémon to 5th order in just 9 months was almost impossible. But Cynthia had managed to achieve this feat.


Carolina, Cynthia's grandmother chuckled seeing everyone's reactions.

"Why do all of you look so shocked? Even though I am extremely proud of my granddaughter, we shouldn't forget that Itsuki here has managed to train his Pokemon to 5th order in less than 3 months. A feat which I considered impossible until I personally witnessed the miracle."


Itsuki felt a little embarrassed when everyone looked at him.

Shizuka looked at Itsuki and smiled. Shizuka is not stupid. She has seen how her daughter acts with Itsuki. Although Cynthia hasn't shown any emotions for Itsuki. The way Cynthia interacts with Itsuki, Shizuka was sure that her daughter did have something for Itsuki. It's only a matter of time before her daughter realizes those feelings.


"Before coming to Kanto, Cynthia left that Pokémon with us saying that she wanted to start from the beginning and win the Indigo League. If she had that Pokémon with her then her would journey would have been much easier. Before we left, I bought the Pokémon with me and this morning I returned Cynthia her own Pokémon. Trust me you all are going to be surprised."


While looking at Shizuka, Cynthia's mother, Itsuki couldn't help but feel drawn toward her body. Even though she was wearing loose-fitting clothes to hide her curves, there were still some places where the clothes perfectly displayed her curves.

'What I am thinking?' Itsuki bit his lips and then turned his head away.

Yesterday after meeting, Cynthia's mother, there were times when Itsuki couldn't resist the temptation of looking at her body even though he knew what he was doing was wrong. It took Itsuki his all will power to not look at Cynthia's mother.


Meanwhile Cynthia.

"Spiritomb you did a wonderful job. Now return and rest in the Pokeball."

[Cynthia has recalled her Pokemon. Could it be that she is planning on bringing out her Garchomp?]



[Cynthia next is a beginning 5th order Floatzel]


Floatzel is a plump, orange, weasel/river otter-like Pokémon. It has a cream underbelly, two tails, a yellow floatation device looping around its body, two blue fins on its arms, orange fins on its head, and short legs.

[Floatzel has the ability, Swift Swim. Swift Swim raises its speed in rain. It is known to be a very fast swimmer, and it saves the lives of drowning people by inflating its dinghy-like collar to create a surface to rescue them.]


[Pokémon: - Floatzel

__Level: - 43

_Type: - Water

_Species: - Sea Weasel Pokémon

_Ability: - Swift Swim, [Hidden ability :- Water Veil]

_Gender: - Male

_Hydro Pump | Agility | Aqua Tail | Crunch | Fury Cutter | Rain Dance ]


The appearance of another 5th order Pokémon took Paul by complete shock. He had seen what Pokémon Cynthia has during her fight with Barry. Paul thought by bringing out his Magmortar, he would be able to defeat at least 2 or 3 Pokémon Cynthia's Pokémon which get him closer to winning.

'My plan has failed.' Even if Paul manages to defeat Floatzel, his Magmortar would be exhausted to fight another Pokemon. After all, defeating a Pokémon that holds a type advantage over your Pokémon is not easy.


With a bitter look, Paul ordered Magmortar to use 'Hyper Beam'.

Magmortar opened its mouth to fire a hyper beam. Cynthia waited till the very end. Right when Magmortar was about to fire its attack, Cynthia ordered Floatzel to dodge as Floatzel didn't have anything that could counter the hyper beam.

Hyper beam is a super-strong attack. The hyper beam released by Magmortar had enough power to seriously injure even a mid-5th Pokémon.


Seeing the explosive power that Magmortar held, Cynthia her chances of winning the match was pretty low.

"Let us use atmosphere to our advantage. Rain dance."

The sky over the battlefield darkened as drops of rain began to fall down on the battlefield. Fortunately, the rain didn't fall on Cynthia and Paul as the dark cloud only stayed above the battlefield.


Itsuki as if understanding what Cynthia wanted to do couldn't help but smile. Itsuki had used this trick many times during his battles.

[A clever move played by Cynthia. I am afraid Paul will face major disadvantages if things progress like this.]

[Let me explain. Swift Swim doubles the ability-bearer's Speed during rain. Meaning the rain actually has doubled Floatzel speed. Also, rain dance, increases the power of water type attacks by 50 percent while decreasing the power of fire type attacks by 50 percent.]


[In short, Paul is in huge trouble.]

"Agility" Floatzel speed again was increased because of the Psychic-type move Agility. Now Floatzel's total speed could rival a mid-5th order Pokémon.

"Floatzel crunch."

Floatzel charged at Magmortar at a very fast speed.


Moves like Smokescreen is completely useless in the rain.

"Magmortar go for Dynamic Punch." Magmortar arms glowed in white light. Magmortar prepared to attack Floatzel while Floatzel created yellow energy shaped like a set of teeth.

Magmortar tried to punch Floatzel with his right hand but Floatzel easily dodged because of his enhanced speed.


After moving a little to the right, Floatzel attacked Magmortar with a crunch. The set of teeth made of energy bit into Magmortar's head.

The sharp teeth easily made their way through and penetrated the skin of Magmortar.


Magmortar cried out loud in pain as the teeth entered Floatzel's body.


Unable to endure the pain any longer, Magmortar angrily managed to connect a left punch on Floatzel face and sent Floatzel flying back towards Cynthia's direction.

"Good Job Magmortar." Paul was very happy with things turned out.

"Now let's not give them any time for rest. Use Hyper Beam ince again." Using Hyper beam itself takes away a large chunk of energy as the move itself is very powerful and destructive.


Floatzel fall 10 meters away from Magmortar.

Seeing the hyper beam attack,

"Floatzel dodge and then use Hydro Pump." When Magmortar fired the hyper beam, Floatzel quickly changed his position and barely managed to dodge the attack. Then he fired the hydro pump towards Magmortar.

Magmortar didn't have enhanced speed like Floatzel and couldn't avoid the attack in time.



[What an attack. Super effective. Magmortar must have taken huge damage. For a fire-type Pokémon like Magmortar who lives his life in Volcano, water itself is its natural enemy and hell for them.]

After the attack, Cynthia saw Magmortar struggling to stand up.

'Things cannot go on like this. I have to change my Pokémon. Changing my Pokémon would be the best course of action.' Paul knew at this rate his defeat was almost confirmed. Paul wasn't going to allow his 2nd strongest Pokémon to be defeated like this.


"Magmortar return."

[Paul has decided to recall his Pokemon. I think Paul is going use that Pokémon of his.]

[Michael if what you're saying is true then I can't wait to see a battle between two 5th order Pokémon.]

Cynthia narrowed her eyes and looked at the Pokeball that Paul took out.

"Come out."



written by Azure_warrior

Check out my other novel.

Blood Evolution system in Naruto. [World that explores the story of Dungeons and monsters.]