Chapter 2: Secret And The Start

This all started about a month ago. Kiriyu started going to 'Sakura Gakuen' so he could get a new change and to prevent meeting with people he knew from his old school.

A little after he entered the school he heard rumors about a teacher given the nickname "Demon Teacher" He thought nothing of the rumors so he dismissed them... To later to find out that his homeroom teacher: Miss Kyoko Sakurai is the rumored 'demon teacher'!

This teacher of his was ruthless: Did everything according to her schedule, Giving the students homework and even more work even after already having enough. She did whatever wanted and she always was dominant: She would always make others submit to her. It was like she was the boss of the school.

He didn't believe it- He didn't believe in the rumors going around, he had a feeling his teacher was actually a good/decent person in disguise and wasn't some demon people describe her to be. He couldn't confirm it- but this feeling inside of him told him she was not what people made her to be. To test out this hypothesis of his he started to keep a close eye on her- By 'stalking her'.

Whenever he had the chance: In class or randomly in the hallway he would stare at her to see how she acts. Kiriyu always made sure that she didn't catch him staring at her. He would hide behind anything he could whether it was behind walls or even trees. Sometimes other students looked at him as if he was some kind of weirdo.

It was Monday morning. The sun was bright and clear, just like this delinquent trying to mess around, right in the morning. The boy was breaking the school dress code and walking down the halls intimidating the students. Miss Sakurai happened to notice what was happening and came to confront the young troublemaker. Kiriyu had just arrived at school and was about to go to his class. He found it weird how the students were clustered on the side of the hallways rather then the middle. As he walked down the hallway he spotted Miss Sakurai walking towards the delinquent.

"Oh! Yo, Sensei. You're looking as sexy as usual." He says ogling her from top to bottom. "Why don't we hang out after classes are over?" He continued smugly with smirk on his face.

She wasn't intimidated by him nor did she flinch. She didn't respond his comment. She knew he didn't really mean it. He was just trying to show that he has some kind of 'authority' and that he can do as he pleases.

"Violation of dress code and sexually harassing teachers." She writes in her notebook. She looks up at him. "That doesn't sound so good, does it. Also, I hate the type of people that think they can showoff there 'authority' and abuse there power. Ah, meaning... you." She says with chilly tone and a ice cold expression.

He falls to ground making a thud noise as his knees crash against the schools clean floor. Her cold expression remained unchanged.

So cruel!!! I'm so happy I'm not like that. Kiriyu thought to himself, somewhat scared and relieved.

A week has passed since he started his intense 'research', Kiriyu started to feel different inside. He felt as though they'd gotten closer even if only one sided. He started to look at his teacher differently. The feeling he had about those rumors being fake were correct. Before he looked at her as a curious and mysteries person but now he finds her to be a little different. He thought he was some kind of masochist at first, But as the days progressed the feeling got stronger.

He found out After spending so much time together he felt as though his heart had slowly open up to her more. He Found the feeling very weird. He felt kinda weak. he thought he was some kind of masochist at first, But as the days progressed the feeling got stronger and stronger.

He walked home that day confused by this feeling he had inside of him. He entered his apartment and got some water to drink. He tried to forget about the irritating feeling inside of him but he couldn't. Whenever he forgot, it came back, whenever he embraced the feeling, it hit harder. He thought of it as a 'curse'.

After getting fed up with endless loop of pain, he flopped on his bed and turned his phone on. He went on google and asked what the feeling was. What he found was shocking. He couldn't believe it was that. after that, he kept searching endlessly. to no end, though. No matter he looked it up, the results were the same. Every single time. At this point he couldn't deny it anymore. The truth is, He's fallen in love with Miss Sakurai.

He wanted to deny it but no matter what he couldn't. First the internet said so, though the internet does lie sometimes, so he used that excuse but... his heart told him another thing. No matter how much he denied it- his heart told him he was in love. He was completely baffled. He was surprised that he fell in love. He sighs, his arms over his forehead.

The next morning came. He still had the weird feeling in him. He sighs. Normally people feel happy when in love, But with Kiriyu he felt confused. She was her teacher and although, she is not really the 'demon teacher' he had a feeling he would be rejected. If- no, when he is, it will start to be awkward in class and then his 'change' would be ruined.

He left his house and made it to school reluctantly and nervously. He wasn't sure if he could keep this feeling under wrap.

Classes were still normal despite everything that happened. He didn't let that 'love' to be noticed or effect his everyday life. It didn't seem like she had taken notice of his 'stalking'. He felt relived at the thought. If she had taken notice then his poor heart wouldn't be able to take it: His first love ending before it even started. He didn't like that thought. As they say: "First love is like poison." He didn't even know how to recover from it; as it was his first time with this feeling. He may not able to love anyone ever again.

Classes finally ended, as Kiriyu was packing his belongings to leave for the day Miss Sakurai asked him to meet him in the guidance room.

He packed his things, and made his way to the guidance room not more then 1 minute away, unaware of why she might be calling him. As he pulls open the door he was greeted by the sight of his teacher whom had already made it into the medium- smaller then a classroom, space.

"You called, Sensei?" He look at his teacher confused. His teacher turned around and answered.

"Thats right. Have you been feeling well?" She says "Did something happen?" She continued, concerned something may be bothering him.

I am your teacher. If something is wrong you should tell me. She said to herself.

Kiriyu was confused at the comment she had made. Not knowing what to say, there was a silence that lasted for about almost 10 seconds.

"No...?" He says confused "Why?" He finishes with a puzzled look on his face.

"Well... Its just... Lately..." She looks down. Finally she looked up and again and continued "Lately You've been staring at me a lot, so, I thought there might be something on your bothering you."

As she uttered those words panic started to surge all throughout Kiriyu. The one thing he didn't want happening, Actually Happened!

She really found out! How! he was in complete panic mode, but he was still really embarrassed. He worked really keep his feelings hidden away while talking to her, but in the end... it was useless. He started to get nervous. A drop of cold sweat dripped down from his forehead down to his chin and finally making its way down his uniform.

"Well... There is something that been bothering me. The truth is... I love you, sensei!" He confesses with all his might, throwing away his shame.

"W-what! I'm your teacher!" She was surprised and stunned by his confession.

"I know!" I know she wont accept but... I might as well go all the way since I already started. "I still love you either way! The way you hold yourself with confidence! How you don't let anyone bother you! I love you!" He says with passion. "So, you know... Will you be my lover...? ...or something like that..." He continued, softly. He turns his head to the right as he says those last words, embarrassed. He realized what he had just said a little after and his face started to turn as red as a tomato and as hot as fire. If he had even the slightest bit of pride and shame- he had just thrown it all away with those words.

The dim afternoon sunlight seeping in through the open window, lighting the room up with its yellow, Bright light, The gust of wind pushing against the half open, Thin, white curtains, making the side of the curtain sway from side to side. the bright afternoons glittering light shine on her shocked face. The glow made her expression completely visible to Kiriyu.

"W-wha! I see... I-" Her cheeks turn peach red, blushing.

"Haha, I guess you really aren't like the rumors say." he chuckles softly. He smiles softly, looking at her, a hint of sadness coated through it.


"It's alright. You don't have to answer right now- no, you don't have to answer at all, I get it. I mean we are student and teacher." He turns to the side, his eyes full of sadness. Her red color vanished as he said those last words. He was sad his love was over. He turns his balk and walks towards the exit, discouraged. He was about to open the door and exit but then he heard a voice and came to a halt.

"... Accept" She says softly.

"Huh? Did you say something?" He turns around facing her. He tried to muster a smile, trying his best to tuck the sadness away. He only got a stiff smile though.

"I accept! D-don't make me say it again, Alright!" She says, a hint of shyness in her tone. "I don't think it really matters that we are student and teacher. I-I guess its okay if we keep it a secret, right!?" Embarrassment flooding her very existence. She tried her best to hide it but it didn't work very well.

"Huh?" he stood there frozen. there is absolutely no way he just got a "yes". he was completely sure. He thought he must have heard wrong.


"Wha-what! you didn't hear?! I-im not saying it again! Hmph" She says, turning her head to side pouting, embarrassed.

By that reaction, what he thought he misheard seemed to be exactly what he heard. There were so many emotions filling up inside him, he didn't know which to feel. He stood there frozen in place, His mouth slightly open, His eyes wide open.

After a couple of seconds of utter shock, he snapped out of it and came back to reality. He started felling euphoric at the thought that his feelings got accepted. He didn't want to sound like he overjoyed, so he took a deep breath. Meanwhile, Miss Sakurai just stood there embarrassed he was silent and puzzled by what was wrong.

"Well, I'm in your care, then. I look forward to the times to comes!" He says smiling.

"Huh? Uh, yeah. I look forward to out time together. I guess I'll be in your care too." She says lightly scratching her face. Not to hurt herself or because she was itchy, but because she was embarrassed.

And thus began the secret relationship between the 2, teacher and student; Miss Sakurai and Kiriyu. Unaware of how long they can keep there little secret or what there relationship will look like, nor form it would take. With the desire to keep as long as it could, there love began.