Chapter 3: Weekend

[A couple Weeks Later]

A couple of weeks have passed since the day Miss Sakurai proposed the 'secret love'. There relationship seemed to be going down a good path, so far. They haven't had any fights, nothing bad(making mistakes.) has happened and best of all... No one has found out about there secret!

"I know. I'm sorry." He says apologetic. He fully understood what she meant. At that moment, a smirk let up on his face. "You know, You were so mean today, Sensei" Kiriyu tried sounding as upset as he could.

"Huh? Sorry, Don't be so mad. Also its your fault. you should be listening in class." She pouts. She was surprised and shocked. She thought she might have been to mean to him for a second. She then realized, after a couple of seconds that she shouldn't be apologizing. It was his fault. and she did tell him she would treat him like the rest of the students. At that moment, she grins. she had a great idea. "Also, Kiriyu-kun, Dont call me 'Sensei' after school. Call me 'Kyoko'." She tried to be as seductive as possible. she leaned a little forward, displaying a light smile on her face. She was kinda embarrassed doing this action but she didn't care. Kiriyu just stared at her blankly. a smirk let up on his face again.

"Are you trying to temp me?" He says, the smirk on his face still there.

"W-wha-what!" She leaned back, now in the same position as before. Her face was red, blushing. She was completely embarrassed. Kiriyu gets up from his seat and walks over to the teachers desk at the front the clssroom, where Miss Sakurai is. She take one step backwards. Kiriyu still making his way slowly to the teachers desk with a grin on his face. With every step, Miss Sakurai got even more embarrassed. With every step, the thought of what he said before came back to her.

Once he made it to the desk he came to a stop and looked at her, in the eye. She started to get nervous. He steps forward, lunging in for a kiss. She suddenly became frozen in place. She couldn't move. Her eyes closed instinctively, quivering. She started to get even more nervous. Suddenly he came to a stop and the kiss didn't happen. She opens one eye looking at what happened.

"Your so cute, Kyoko...chan." He teases, smugly, winking at her. he was looking at her expression and getting a close look at her face. He was about a hands width away from her face. He was so close she could smell him and his breath, his breathing, his heart Beet and every detail of his face. She was startled by the sudden close distant and opened both her eyes and leaped backwards, hurriedly. She realized what just happened and her face immediately turned Beet red. She was so embarrassed, if you could measure it in a water glass, then the glass would be overflowing- no, flooding.

She didn't know what to say or how to react. She just stood there frozen and embarrassed, blushing and peach red. Her mind was going completely bonkers. She was finally thinking straight after a long couple of second of silence. "Ahem, A-anyways, Why were you looking outside today?" She asked. Her tone finally stern and her expression serious again.

The ability of an adult: Always stay calm and change tone and expression when needed. For example, when talking to your superior or parent. Your tone and expression become more respectful, while, when talking to a junior or friend your tone becomes more flexible and less stiff. This skill is one that every adult will acquire whether they want to or not. Of course, as an adult, Miss Sakurai also knows this skill. though... when shes with Kiriyu... it seems her ability stats go down a little.

"Hm? Oh, I was just thinking what a perfect day for a date today was." He says while looking outside at the blue sky and bright afternoon sun. The sound of rustling leaves in the far distance. He stares out the window for a while then finally looks back at Miss Sakurai.

Her mouth was wide open in surprise. Her face once again red and flushed. "Wha-! W-what are you saying?!" She didn't expect his reason to be something like that. "I-I see... You know we cant just-"

"I know. But still, Isn't it great that I didn't listen? Now we can be together, hehe. Its as good as that date."

"H-huh!" She says, surprise and embarrassed. "What are you saying?! Of course its not good! Staying after school with your teacher isn't a good thing!" She scolds. Her teacher mode reappeared. "Though, I guess its nice. Cheeky boy. Hmph." She pouts. She was happy. One because she got to spend time with and two, because he was happy too. She thinks for a second, leaving the room silent with her. "Hmm~ You say that but, You sounded like you were disappointed when I asked you to stay behind."

"Oh, That's because I wanted the others to think I was about to die. I can't have them think I'm about to have good time with the teacher or anything like that."

If Kiriyu had looked like he was happy then one, the students might really thinks hes some masochist and two, it will look suspicious. Sooner or later there secret would have been found out. To prevent that, Kiriyu pretended like he was upset.

"Ah, right! You still haven't told me why you accepted my confession." She looks at him surprised. She smiles.

"That's a secret..." she says, placing her finger on her lips winking with one eye. "For now." she continued softly. Kiriyu looked at her with a puzzled expression. He was still confused. Of course, they are real lovers and he is happy, but he would still like to know how she fell for him or why she liked or something like that. Although, he felt he wanted to know, he took her up on that offer. When the time comes he will learn of the reason.

After another couple minutes of straight lecturing, the after school stay ended. The two grab there bags and belongings and walk out of the classroom shutting it close behind them. They walked down the quiet hallways that were lit by the golden ray of light from the sun. As walked down the hall, they finally heard noises from outside the window. The two of them peek out and see the soccer team playing. They decide to look out a little longer and bathe in the cool breeze: the wind.

Kiriyu turns his head looking at Miss Sakurai. She places her arms against the windows ledge, leaing against it, staring outside. The cool wind blows, Brushing her hair back, The golden afternoon light shines upon her face, revealing her pearl smooth skin, her beautiful face, her jet black eyes and her bright smile. he finds himself staring at her, awestruck. She looked absolutely beautiful. Like a painting in museum. His cheeks turn flush red. After a couple of second she notices his stare. She turns to look at him.

"Whats wrong?" She asks, Confused.

"Nothing." He replies, still blushing. He wasn't blushing because he was embarrassed she noticed his stare, but because of another reason. She stares at him with a puzzled expression. She finally notices his flush cheeks and looks surprised for a brief second and smirks.

"Oho~ Don't tell me your blushing~? hehehe, How cute~" She teases.

Hmph, this is what you get for teasing me before. I have to make full use of this... this may last chance to tease him! She thought to herself.

Kiriyu looked even more flush as she teased him. Then, suddenly his embarrassed expression disappeared. For a second, she thought she might have gone too far and started to get nervous.


He walks up to her, his eyes looking down, his head slightly tilted downward. She started to get almost scared because of his scary expression.


He gets close to her and smashes his hand against the wall beside him, confronting her face to face. his head was over hers. His expression was what looked like dark and he was still looking down. A drop of cold sweat runs down her cheeks, making its way down her chin and stopping when it touches her clothes.

"I was blushing because I was thinking about how pretty you looked" He finally said, a big smirk his shadow was above hers. There shadows were colliding, leaving a dark mark on the wall. Her expression immediately was full of embarrassment. Her face turned tomato red and blazing hot. She didn't expect a comeback attack. Her plan of teasing him had failed completely.

"W-what!" She pushes him back embarrassed. "Stop teasing me so much!" He backs off from the wall, allowing her to move.

"Eeh~ But your so cute when you blush. It makes me want to keep doing it." He says walking with her down the quiet and empty hallway. She pretends to ignore his comment, continuing to walk... a little embarrassed.

"What would you do if someone saw us?" She says coming to stop, scolding him while looking at him.

"Well..." He thinks "I'd just come up with an excuse!" He finishes, smiling at her. She thought if he could really come up with a good excuse for that situation.

They walked down the hall and walked down the stairs, until they made it to the front door. They open the door and exit the school building exposing the golden sun and cool winds. The two look up at the sky. They walk up to the schools gates.

"Well, See you next week, Kyoko-chan." He says smiling.

"Y-yeah, see you next week, Kiriyu-kun. Start calling me 'Sensei." She says, blushing lightly, smiling at him. She thought it was kinda embarrassing being called by name by him.

Kiriyu walks away, leaving her behind. With every step, the harder it was to see him, Until finally he vanished into the distance. When hes finally out of vision, her smile vanishes, leaving a saddened look remaining on her face.

I shouldn't be feeling like this... I shouldn't be thinking like this... I'm a teacher- his teacher...! and the older one... I shouldn't be feeling this sad, just because I cant see him for a couple of days... Its immature. She told herself, sad she wont see him until after the weekend.

As she walked down the streets, making her way back home, she wonder for a brief moment if he also felt how she did; If he felt sad too. Even the slightest bit. She stops walking and takes a deep breath in and then lets it out, clearing her mind a little. She repeated this a couple more times and started walking again.

Hmph, Whats up with him, always teasing me like this. I'm the older one how am I getting tugged around like this...! its like I'm wrapped around his finger. Though... He was kinda cute when he as blushing back there... She thought to herself, slightly annoyed. She blushed a little, with those last words.

After a couple of minutes she finally made it home. She unlocks the door and enters, closing it behind her. She takes her shoes and takes a shower. After drying her self, she enters the kitchen and begins preparing dinner. She opens her fridge and takes an egg out some other ingredients and cooks them, making dinner. She brings them over to her table and places them down.

Dinner was Egg on rice, some miso soup and some salad. After finishing her dinner she makes her way over to the kitchen again to wash the dishes and then enters her room. She looks at the time and thinks its time she should go to bed. Thinking that, she finished marking the assignments and then put them away and went to bed. She turns the lights off, leaving the room dark. She pushes her blankets to the side and gets into bed. She places her blankets over her and lays down, thinking about things. She places her arms on her forehead.

Hmm... I should shopping tomorrow. I need to get somethings and I do need to get some clothes for outside.

Just like that she fell asleep and the dark night ended.