Chapter 4: Shopping

The night ended and the morning finally came, shining as bright as ever. Kiriyu wakes up yawing and stretching while still in bed. He gets up from his bed, pushing his blankets to the side and makes his way over to the curtain, pulling them up. When he pulled the curtains up, it revealed a bright shining sun and blue skies with white clouds. He stares outside the curtain.

I guess I won't be seeing Sensei today... he thought to himself, Sighing in disappointment. He was also sad he wouldn't be able to her flustered face when he teases her.

After pulling up the curtains that brightened the dark room, he moved over to making his bed. He finishes making his bed and yawns again. He was kinda bored. There wasn't really anything to do and he also missed Miss Sakurai. His day felt kinda empty.

He enters the kitchen and makes breakfast. He places his breakfast on the table and takes a seat at the 4 person table. He finds himself staring into space, blankly. He was completely bored. Normally he isn't this bored but after yesterday- when you compare today to yesterday, you have a big difference. since Kiriyu lives alone, the house and the day was silent

He started thinking of Miss Sakurai's reaction yesterday, when he teased her a smile let up on his gloomy face. He finshes eating breakfast and makes his way over to the sink in the kitchen and washes his dishes and putting then away.

Hm. now that I think about, I need to go get some things. Also, its the weekend and I'm free, so I should go for a walk.

He walks into his room and decided to change into his running gear. He wore a pair of black running pants and a sweater over his shirt. He exited his room, closing the door behind him and walks over to the front door, putting on his shoes and turning the door lever. When he opened the door, the outside world was exposed. The gust of warm wind hit him, pushing his hair up for a second and then falling back down.

He took his keys off the hook that was on the wall beside the door. He took a step out the door and then took the key and locked the door, closing it shut behind him.

He put his hands in his sweater pockets and walked towards the elevator that was at the end of the hall, on the right of his house. He pressed the elevator button and after a couple second it came. He entered and pressed "G"(ground floor) and waited as the elevator made its way down.

He exited and started to do some stretches: to prepare for running and to prevent cramps. After stretching, he started hoping on the spot he was standing on. He continued hoping for about 3 second and got into jogging position and started jogging.

He jogged down the side walk, passing many people on the way. As he jogged the wind hit his face, making his hair sway side to side. The longer he jogged the harder his breathing was.

Finally, after a couple of minutes he saw a park and came to a stop when he entered it. He spotted a vending machine and got water and sat down at nearby bench. When he sat down, he found himself staring at the blue sky. He felt better after his jog.

He stayed sitting on that bench looking at the sky and nature for a couple more minutes until he got his stamina to run back. He got up and once again did a couple of short stretches, started hoping on spot and started jogging again.

He jogged for about another 15 minutes until he made it to the mall. Once he got to the mall, he stopped and tried to get air. Sweat curled down from his forehead making its way down his cheeks and finally down his sweater. There was still more sweat but he rubbed it off with the back of his palm. He looks up, staring at the big mall.

After a couple of seconds, he enters, pushing the revolving door. When he passed them and entered the actual mall, the AC cooled down the place. It was different from he hot outside. It was cool and chill inside. It felt good. He walked down the crowded mall, looking around, trying to find where the shops hes looking for are and to see if there is any stores he may be interested in. the mall was filled with lots of people: old, young, men, women. all types of people. Well, that was to be expected. It was a Saturday after all.

He walks along the marble, clean floor and spots the clothing store he was looking for: "People Tonight". It was a store for all genders and ages. The best part about this store is that, you can get good clothes: in both looks and quality, for a good/cheap price. For Kiriyu- no, everyone- this store is like something from heaven its self.

He pushed the glass doors and enters the store. He walks over to the boys section and looks at the clothes. As he walked over to the section, he saw many people looking and stressing over which one to get. Kiriyu wondered why there were so many people. Normally, there is less, even if its a Saturday.

He makes it to the section and then above the clothes it said, "10% off". Kiriyu finally understood why there was so many people. He looks around, finding nothing too interesting. Its not that the clothes were bad, it was just that he didn't find something that he really liked. He still had hope though. After all, he had just started looking. One of the staff spotted him looking confused and stressed out about finding something and came over to him.

"Is there something you may be looking for?" The man asks, smiling gently at Kiriyu. Kiriyu looked up and saw the man.

"Oh, nothing really." He replied

"I see. Well, good luck in finding what you need." The man says smiling again and walks away.

Kiriyu watched as the man walked away and then looked back at the clothes. After looking some more, he moves over to another part of the boys section and looks around. Kiriyu pushed back one of the shirts that hung by a wooden hanger and stumbled upon something he liked. It was a black blazer. He thought it might look good over a white -v-neck t-shirt. He picked it from the poll and look at it for a second and then made his way to the changing room that was on the left of him, about 10 meters away.

When he makes it to the changing room he sees the sign say "Changing room" on it and enters, closing and locking the door behind him. The changing room was a small, square like space that could probably fit one or two people at max, three. He unzips his sweater and takes it off, placing them on the bench beside him. He picks up the blazer that was also on the bench and puts it over his white shirt. When he finished he turned around and looked in the mirror.

The contrast of black and white against his black hair, and slim body, were the perfect match. He thought he looked pretty good. It also fit well. Suddenly, he had weird thought:

'Would Sensei like this?' He was surprised by this thought. He didn't expect himself to think of something like this. 'I guess love really does change a person.' He lightly snickers at the thought. He looked at himself a little longer and then made his decision; He would get the black blazer.

He took it off and got back into the his clothes and opened the changing rooms door, holding the blazer over his arms and walks over to the cashier. He places it on the counter. The cashier takes it and puts his scanner over it, displaying the item name and price on the cash register. He looks at Kiriyu.

"That will be 1800 yen." The Male cashier says, Kiriyu reaches into his pockets, grabbing his wallet. He takes the wallet out of his pocket and takes out a 2000 yen bill. He hands the man the money, he takes it and presses a button that triggered the bottom part of the register to pop out. He puts his money in and takes out 2, 100 yen coins and hand it to him.

"Here is your change." Kiriyu holds out his hands and she dumps them on it, making a clink sound as they hit each other. She puts the blazer in a plastic bag and he smiles at him, "Have a good day."

"You too." Kiriyu replied, no sincerity in his voice. He takes the bag and walks away.

He walks towards the store entrance and pushes open the glass door. He walks down the mall and sits down on a nearby bench. He looks around at the people and the shops and spots a couple smiling with joy while clinging to each other, while enjoying shopping together. His eyes and expression suddenly saddened. He was a little envious. He watched them walking, wishing he could go shopping or go out together with Sensei, but they couldn't. If they did... there secret would be out and there relationship would end... He knew that- he knew the end result. that's why he never thought about it too much. He immediately got up in a hurry and shook his, trying to get rid of negative thoughts. He also lightly slaps his cheeks, loud enough for only him to hear and starts walking a again.

He finally stops in front of a grocery store. He enters through the automatic doors and a waft of cool air hits him. He felt kinda relaxed. He spots a pile of basket and picks one up, bringing it along with him. He walks down the aisles looking around. He looks left and right and spots the meat section and walks over to it.

The section was filled with all types of meats and sizes for them. Kiriyu didn't know what type of meat to get; there was Chicken, Beef and Pork. He looked over them for a while, and finally came to a decision; He would pick Beef.

Beef could make many things, like Gyudon or Curry. He decided he would he would make Beef Curry for dinner tonight. He goes for to the little section that has all the beef and looks at the prices and size. As he looked them over, he saw a couple of sales. He inspected the meat very closely. when shopping, you must make sure you get the best price for the best amount. You have to be careful with your decision.

He picked a couple and looked at the expiration dates and other things. He found the right one and put a couple of packs in his empty basket.

After finishing the meat part of the curry, now he needs his vegetable. He leaves the meat section and looks for the vegetable section. He looked for a bag of potatoes and onions. He also got a couple of bags carrots. Before picking them up he checked to see if they were rotten or not. He placed them in his basket.

He left that section after he finished his business. His basket was pretty much almost full but, there was one thing he still had to get...snacks. As they say, 'Desserts goes into another stomach', so why not there be another 'stomach' for the basket too(meaning, there is always room in the basket for dessert.)

He through the many people and finally entered 'the child paradise'. A.K.A, The snacks aisle. He looks at all the snacks, wondering what to get. He spots a women trying to reach something but it was a li~ttle too high. She was just a couple of centimetres away. He watched as she was struggling and thought he should help. He walks over to her and reaches for the bag of snacks. He grabs them. The women was a little surprised and flinched a little. He took them and hands them to her.

"Here." He hands the pack of chips to the women.

The women turned around, facing Kiriyu.

"Thank y-" Both the women and Kiriyu stare it each other surprised. The women was none other then... Sensei!