


The both of them just stared at it each other with wide eyes, surprised and shocked. They didn't expect to see each other. They were also both surprised to see each other in casual wear. They both thought the other person looked good.

"Thank... you..." Miss Sakurai finally says, surprised. She took the bag that he had gotten for her.

Kiriyu suddenly started smiling a little. He was overjoyed that he could see her. he noticed that a grin was about to be displayed and hid his smile.

"What are you doing here, Sensei?"

"Shopping, of course. I see you're also shopping..." She says looking at his full basket.

Although, She didn't show it through cold expression and cold tone- she was happy to see him. Just like Kiriyu, she had wished to see him too. While staring at Miss Sakurai's face he noticed something in the corner of his eyes.

Oh! he thought to himself, looking at the thing that peaked his interest.

Kiriyu reaches his right hand out, attempting to grab a pack of snacks. His hands go past Miss Sakurai. She stepped backwards thinking he might be trying to something again. Her back hit the the shelf making a crunch noise as she hit one of the packed snacks. He grabbed his snack and pulled his hand back. He looks at Miss Sakurai and is confused for second.

"Whats wrong?"

"Huh? Uh, Nothing" Her face turned a little red; Not so much that you can see it. She was a little embarrassed because of what she was thinking.

The snack Kiriyu had got was a pack of chocolate bamboo shoots. He put them in his basket and looked back at Miss Sakurai. She lowered her guard and backed away from the shelf.

"Ah! I forgot to say but, You look good in casual wear." He says, smiling at her.

"Wha-!" She was surprised by the compliment. It made her lightly blush but she was also happy he like it. "Ahem! Well, you look good in casual wear too." She says, looking to the side. A hint of red displaying on her cheeks.

Sigh, how can he say those kinds of things so naturally, while I'm embarrassed here...? She thought to herself, puzzled. I should really just get used to his comments and stop getting embarrassed over every little thing...

She turns back around, the shelf full of snack and starts looking at them and putting some in her basket. Kiriyu watched as she filled her basket with snacks(some of her basket.)

"Sensei, You shouldn't eat too many snacks. They're bad for you and they make you fat, you know."

"Huh?! Hmph, yeah, I know!" She was a little irritated by his 'fat' comment. "I could say the same to you, Kiriyu-kun." She says, smugly, looking once again in his basket.

"Don't worry! I exercise a lot! I wont get fat. I also eat healthy things!" He says, cheerfully. He probably thought she was actually really worried about him.

The two continued to look at the assortment of snacks. Kiriyu found something on the left and walked over to there. He touches the pack of snack but then he suddenly also feels another person hands. He turns his head to the left, looking at the boy. The boy was short and wore headphone on his neck and a white sweater. He looked like he was in middle school or something. The stared at each other for a second, then moved there hand again towards the pack of snacks. There hands once again touched each other. There stares turned into glares. The two glared at each other very intensely. It was like a fight between a tiger and snake.

"How about you give this to me?" Kiriyu says, a hint of anger in his tone.

"No no no, You should give it to me. I mean, whats a old man doing eating snacks, anyways?" The boy says smugly, shrugging.

"Old man?! Huh?! I don't want to hear that from you, little boy."

"What! Little bo-" Suddenly, another hand went over them and grabbed the snack. The two turned toward the hand, hurriedly.

It was Miss Sakurai. She took the snack. "Why are you fighting over one pack? look, there is another one right here." she points at the second pack of the snack that was being fought over. both of there faces turn red out of embarrassment. They were both distracted, fighting over it, but they didn't even bother to check if it was the last one.

"Ha...haha...ha..." They both laughed, sarcastically, embarrassed.

Kiriyu Grabs the second bag of the Chocolate Pocky's and puts it in his basket. Miss Sakurai gave the one she had in her hand to the boy with headphones. She also got one for herself afterwards. Well, 'All's well that ends well' as they say.

The boy left and the two were once again alone. They looked at each other. The air was kinda awkward. Especially with there being someone with them a couple of seconds ago. The sudden change left them both quiet, not sure what to talk about.

"Um...!" The two said in unison.

"You first..." She says

"Huh? Uh... How is your weekend going...?" He said, lightly smiling.

"Uh, Good... I guess...? Y-you?"

"Well, Uh, good." He smiled at her. His weekend was boring and really sucked, but then, he got to meet Sensei so he was happy.

After they answered each others question there was another silence. The two just walked out of the aisle and made there way to the cash register so they can buy there items. They got in line. Kiriyu stood behind Miss Sakurai, waiting for the people ahead to finish.

After a while it was her turn and she placed her groceries that were actual food and snacks on the register belt. The cashier smiled at her as she scanned her products. The female cashier gives a bag and she puts her stuff in there. She left and it was finally his turn.

When he finished, he left the store and found that Miss Sakurai was waiting for him outside the store. He smiles at her, happy. He thought she might leave him; but she stayed and waited. She turned her head to side, pouting a little, her cheeks lightly red.

"Hmph, took you long enough..." She says, somewhat softly.

"Hehe, sorry for the wait." He kept smiling at her.

The two walk together down the crowded mall. They visited different shops together, checking out they had to offer and buying some things. The two continued walk, making there way to the exit.

"This kinda feels like a date." He says, smiling, looking at Miss Sakurai.

She turns to face him, her cheeks lightly red, "A-a date?!" Her slightly yelled, her voice slightly echoed in the mall. The people who heard her voice turned toward there direction, confused.

"Shh~" He put his index finger on his lip.

"Uh..." She looks around and sees the people staring at her. Her face turned beet red "I'm sorry..." She says bowing towards the people, apologizing for the ruckus. She also apologized to him. He chuckles softly.

How cute... He thought to himself, looking at her deep red face.

The two continued to walk. Nobody cared after the next couple seconds.

A date, eh... she thought to herself, lightly laughing to herself, happy.

They finally made it to the exit which was the revolving doors. Kiriyu stood in front of it, spaced out.

"-Iryu-kun!" A voice calls, "Kiryu-kun!" He snapped out of it. When he looked at the where the voice was coming from, he saw that Miss Sakurai had already entered the revolting door. Kiriyu immediately rushed over to the door and entered.

He looks at her through the reflection of the glass door.

These doors remind him of the separate worlds we live in. No matter how much I love her... In the end, We still live in two different worlds- or rather sides. I'm a child and shes an adult... He thought to himself, looking at ground, low-spirited.

He made it through and once again, she waited for him.

"Whats wrong?" She saw his glum and was worried something might be bothering him.

He looked up at her in surprise and smiled, "Its nothing."

Heh, there is no need to worry. She will always wait for me at the end of the road... She will come back to my world, coming after me, dragging me along with her... Even if it takes me long, she will always stand over me, waiting. I know she will.

It was already mid afternoon. It was still hot outside. The afternoon, golden sun shined brightly on them. The two kept walking together, talking and laughing without a destination in mind. After walking for some time, sweat started curling, running down there chins. They saw a park in the distance and started walking towards it. The both of them walked and finally stopped. They stood waiting, patiently for the green light to come.

After a long couple of seconds of waiting, the cars came to halt and the green light finally came. They cross the street. The streets were filled cars going to work and going other places. They make it to the other side and walk through the entrance of the park. They stood there looking around at the big park. There were lots of trees' meaning, lots shade. The funny part was that there wasn't really that many people there. That fact surprised the two. though, they didn't really dislike it. In a way, its like they have more privacy and they can feel more comfortable. It also reduces the stares of the people. With less people, the higher chance no one will find out they are together. They didn't mind people finding them there because they can easily come up with a good excuse.

In the distance they see a bench and walk over to it. beside the bench was a big pool of shade that was given by the tree above it. They both felt better when they escaped the summer heat. The chill wind blew against them, swaying there hair and slightly moving there clothes. They felt refreshed and very comfortable. They both felt like they could sit there forever. A rustling sound was produced as the wind swayed the leaves of the tree. It created part of the comfortable atmosphere. Being together with the one you love in such a relaxing place was absolute bliss for the both of them. They were both overjoyed.

The rustling of the tree leaves overpowered the loud noises of the car engines in the distance. Kiriyu watched the clouds slowly move and the blue sky. He smiles, delighted he could spend this time with her.

Suddenly, they heard a loud growling noise. They look at each other. They were both hungry and the growling was coming from both of them. There cheeks turn a little red from embarrassment.

"He...he...he..." The both of them look down, embarrassed.

Kiriyu stood up. "Um... There is this one family restaurant close to here. Should we go?" He asks, looking at her.

"Huh? Uh, Sure."

Miss Sakurai gets up and follows behind Kiriyu. He walked over to the exit of the park and left, going to the right. He kept walking and she kept following.

After a couple of minutes Kiriyu stopped, standing in front of a building.

"We're here." He says, looking back at her. She looks up at the restaurant.

The outside of the building was clean and the paint felt modern. She looked up and saw a sign that said 'La Familia'. That was probably the name of the restaurant.

The both of them entered the restaurant and they were greeted by AC. She looked around. The paint looked almost new. it was like they had just put the paint on the walls. Although, there were people, it wasn't loud or anything. It was a comfortable place.

They walked over to a table not too far from the entrance. Behind on of the seats was a window that revealed the outside. They took a seat and looked over the menu. They put there bags on the side of there seats.

After a couple of seconds, the waitress finally came to take there order.

"What would you like today?" She smiles at the two

"I'll take the hamburger steak set." Kiriyu said looking at the waitress.

The waitress turns to look at Miss Sakurai, "Uh, I'll take the same thing." It looked like he had known this place a little so she thought it may be worth while to order what he did.

"Any drinks?" The waitress asked.

"Uh, I'll take a Orange juice." He says.

"I'll take water." She says.

The waitress wrote both of there orders and walked away, leaving the two alone, waiting for there meal.

After a couple of minutes the waitress came back with the food and there cold drinks. She places the food and drinks on the table and smiles at them.

"You've really changes..." She says, looking Kiriyu, smiling.

"Huh? Really?! thanks!" He smiles at her. A confused expression let up on Miss Sakurai's face.

"You guys know each other?"

"Mhm! I used to come here pretty frequently with friends. She sometimes took my order and so we kinda got to know each other, I guess." He looks at Miss Sakurai as he spoke. The waitress smiled at the two.

"Well, enjoy!" She leaves and goes over to another table and takes there order.

The two picked up there forks and knives and started eating there meals.

"Wow! Its good!"

"I know right!" Kiriyu smiles at her, Happy she liked it.

After they finished there food and they paid the bill, they left and started walking back to the relaxing park they were at before they went to the restaurant. They enter the park gates and instead of sitting down on one of the benches, they started waking, exploring the park. They just ate so they thought it would be better to let the food digest a little better by walking. The park was big, so there was lots of things to see. There was lots of nature to see.

I guess really is like a date... Miss Sakurai thought to herself, Looking at Kiriyu, then looking back at the trees.

After a while of walking they heard a siren-like sound. They looked at where it was coming from and saw a ice cream truck.

"Wanna get some ice cream?" He asks, Miss Sakurai. It was a hot day, so someone ice cream would be a good idea.


They walked up to the truck and ordered there ice creams. The both of them got vanilla. They took a seat on a bench and enjoyed the air as they licked there cold ice creams. The sun had gotten hotter and the ice cream started to drip slowly. Miss Sakurai noticed some was dripping down Kiriyu's hand and was about to drop on his pants. She moves closer to him and licks the white ice cream that ran down his hand. Kiriyu looked at her surprised, his eyes wide open. She looked at him confused for a second and then her face immediately turned bright red. She realized what she had just done. His face also turns bright red- maybe even brighter then her.

"I-im S-sorry..."

"Huh? Uh, no, i-its alright..." He was embarrassed himself. He didn't think she would do that.

The air became somewhat awkward between the two. Well, That was to be expected after Miss Sakurai's unexpectedly bold move.

"I-i didn't want your clothes to get dirty and um, you didn't look like you noticed, so, um... yeah." She said, trying to be as convincing as she could through her embarrassed voice.

"Really?! I actually didn't notice it so... t-thanks." He felt a little... embarrassed for saying 'thanks' to that: licking his hand.

After a little while They finished there ice cream and got up. Kiriyu started stretching a little, after his long sitting.

"Um, Sensei...?"


"Um, if possible... can we... go back to how we were...? I mean like when it wasn't awkward or anything! It's just... I don't really mind that you l-licked it... and, well, it feels kinda uncomfortable when its awkward and all... You know?"

"Huh?" She was surprised by that. Skill Activate: 'The Ability Of An Adult'. "Uh, Ahem! Sure. I understand!" Her serious composure came back. But she also agreed. She preferred it when it wasn't awkward.

The two continued to talk, laugh, explore and pretty much enjoy there limited time together until it was sunset. It was almost like the awkward event that had just happened hadn't happened at all.

"Well, Its getting late I should get going. You should too. Its not safe to stay out too late." She said

"Huh? Uh, right. Okay. bye bye." He said smiling at, turning around walking towards the direction of his house, A hint of disappointment in his voice.

"Yeah, bye bye." She watches as he walks away, with every step his presence disappears more into the distance.

When he was finally out of site she looked up at the golden sky.

Just like time passes, morning leaves and night comes. The sun comes and goes, never close to the moon. This relationship of ours is the same. Our paths may be connected for now, but one day... We may have to part... Heh, I wonder... Will I be ready? She said to herself, watching the clouds slowly moving, separating and leaving from where they once were.

She turned around and walked towards her house, looking straight ahead at the path ahead of her.

Even if our paths are to be cut one day... We will have to just prevent it from being cut, using any and every method we can. In the end, Its all about 'time' Even if it takes months, years- no, even decades, I'll wait for him. I'll wait till he enters our world!

After a while she made it back home. She enters and the room was dark, no light were on. She flicks the light, brightening the room and enters. She took a bath and made dinner. When she was done she sat down on the sofa and saw the bags of snacks she placed on the table earlier when she entered.

Hm? I guess I'll have some snacks. Ah! I cant eat too many though- like he said, It is bad for you, hehehe. Eh? Did I just take advice from my student...? Nah.

She chose a bag of chips out of the many snacks in the bag and opened it, eating them. As she was eating them she saw her bag that had the new clothes she had gotten today.

I can't believe I had such thoughts; 'Will he like it' Ugh~! She thought to herself, embarrassed.